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qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl EXPERIENCIA RECEPCIONAL GUIA DE ESTUDIANTE (4 hours a week, 12 credits) Bárbara Scholes G. Barbara Scholes G. Página 2 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Entry Requirements ............................................................................................................. 4 2. General Procedure ................................................................................................................ 4 3. Rules .................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Plagiarism ......................................................................................................................... 7 What is a ‘Trabajo Recepcional’? .............................................................................................. 9 What kind of Trabajo Recepcional? ......................................................................................... 10 1. Reporte de investigación de campo .................................................................................. 11 2. Reporte por Actividad Profesional: Servicio Social, Práctica Docente o Práctica Profesional Independiente ..................................................................................................... 12 3. Traducción comentada ...................................................................................................... 13 4. Monografía ........................................................................................................................ 13 5. Tesina ................................................................................................................................ 13 General Steps for Writing a Trabajo Recepcional ................................................................ 14 Step One: Discover and Define your Topic .............................................................................. 15 Identify a topic that interests you!! ....................................................................................... 15 General Examples of T.R. Topics ......................................................................................... 16 Identify what you want to do ................................................................................................ 18 Step Two: Read as much as you can about your topic ............................................................. 20 Understanding important points: reading critically .............................................................. 22 Make notes ............................................................................................................................ 23 Step Three: Writing the Paper................................................................................................... 24 Title Page .............................................................................................................................. 24 Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 25 Table of Contents / Proposed outline .................................................................................... 26 Introduction (Suggested length: 2-5 pages) .......................................................................... 27 Chapter One: Literature Review (suggested length 7-10 pages) .......................................... 32 Chapter Two: Methodology (suggested length 7-10 pages) ................................................. 35 Chapter Three: Findings (Suggested length: 7-10 pages) ..................................................... 37 Conclusion (Suggested length: 2-5 pages) ............................................................................ 38 Step Four: Edit your writing .................................................................................................... 41 The Presentation of the T.R ..................................................................................................... 42 Appendix One: Agreement format ‘la solictud para la Prórroga’ ........................................ 43 Appendix Two: Cartas de Compromiso .................................................................................. 44 Barbara Scholes G. Página 3 Appendix Three: Ficha de Registro de los Trabajos Recepcionales ................................. 47 Appendix Four: Confirmation of readiness to present .......................................................... 48 Appendix Five: Writing Conclusions ........................................................................................ 49 Restatement of aims (research) ............................................................................................. 49 Summarising the findings (research) .................................................................................... 49 Suggesting implications ........................................................................................................ 49 Significance of the findings (research contribution) ............................................................. 50 Implications/recommendations for practice or policy .......................................................... 50 Limitations of the current study (research) ........................................................................... 51 Recommendations for further work (research) ..................................................................... 51 Appendix 6: Insight for Writing a Qualitative Research Paper. ........................................... 52 Young-A Lee (2014). ................................................................................................................. 52 Barbara Scholes G. Página 4 Introduction This ‘Experiencia Educativa’ (EE) is a very important course during the last stage of your studies. The main aim of this ‘experiencia’ is to guide you to select a topic of interest and value, as well as organize and structure your ‘Trabajo Recepcional’ (T.R.); in other words, your final written paper, in order to accredit the BA in English Language. During this ‘experiencia’, you need to use everything that you have learnt during your studies; that is, the abilities, competencies and knowledge you have acquired during the course of your studies. In addition, throughout this EE, you will be expected to learn how to carry out serious research. This involves getting to know about: research approaches and methods, field work, data analysis, as well as other basic, but necessary research characteristics. A summary of the contents included in this EE is provided for you in this guide. 1. Entry Requirements  In order to enrol on the course Experiencia Recepcional (ER), you need to have completed 70% of the BA credits including the ‘experiencias’ (EEs): Introducción a la Investigación; y Lectura y Redacción de Textos Académicos en Inglés.  You have the option of choosing with which teacher you enrol according to either or all: the teacher’s lines of investigation and/or investigation projects, and the course schedule.  It is highly recommended that you also enrol on the course Seminario de Redacción para el Trabajo Recepcional with the same teacher; and at the same time you are enrolled on the ER course. 2. General Procedure  You may either carry out a project with the teacher in charge of this course or another teacher who has a line of investigation or a project that has been registered and validated by the Consejo Tecnico;  You may write your final paper (trabajo recepcional) either individually or with a peer; Barbara Scholes G. Página 5  The final paper should be between 25 to 40 pages long, and written in Arial 12: spacing 1.5; References in APA format;  All ‘trabajos recepcionales’ must be written in academic English with a minimal number of grammar, language and syntactic errors;  The ‘trabajo recepcional’, depending on its focus, may either: Employ one of two research approaches: Qualitative or Quantitative. However, it is recommended that you adopt a qualitative approach given that there are a larger number of teachers at the School of Languages who can guide you in your work. OR Employ other different methodologies if focused on a literary topic, a translation, or your internship (Servicio Social). In the case of choosing one of these options, you must ask for guidance from the teachers who give courses in these areas. 3. Rules  In your first ‘inscripción’ you have the option of completing your T.R. in one or two periods (2nd period is called an ‘extensión’), however, this depends on the ER teacher’s decision based on whether or not, and to what extent, you have made progress (usually at least two chapters); and any difficulties you may have faced during the period. If no progress has been made then the teacher will inform you that you will have to register in ER in second ‘inscripción. If you do not finish your T.R. after one or two periods, but you have 75% of the final paper finished (that is, the literature review, methodology and the analysis of the findings), you may ask Consejo Técnico for a ‘prórroga’ (you, your ER teacher, and ‘director(a)’ must sign this in agreement, see Appendix 1). If accepted, this means you would have an extra 40 days (weekends & holidays are not included) from the date of the exam of that period. However, this is not as long as it may seem, remember that the 40 days include:  15 days for your reader(s) to read your work and decide whether or not it is ready to be presented; Barbara Scholes G. Página 6  7 days after this for you to correct your work (minor corrections may be completed after the presentation, when necessary);  7 days notice for the Co-ordinator of the ER & SS academy to schedule the presentations. Total: 29 days  Once you have decided on your focus and have a written summary of what you want to do, you need to request a teacher to be your ‘director(a)’ *. If this person accepts then you should submit, his/her written agreement (See Appendix: 2) to your ER teacher. Your ‘director(a)’ will decide whether or not s/he would like you to work also with a ‘co-director(a)’, if this is the case, the ‘director(a)’ has the right to suggest who this may be. When you have finished writing your T.R. a final ‘reader’ will be chosen by both these teachers. If the ‘director(a) does not wish to work with a ‘co-director(a)’ then s/he needs to name two readers. * Your ‘director(a)’ may be the teacher in charge of an ER course, another teacher at the U.V. who has a line of investigation or a project that has been registered and validated by the Consejo Tecnico or a teacher from another educational institution. In the case of a teacher from another higher education institution, this teacher needs to have at least a BA degree certificate and have a line of investigation or a project directly related to your area of study. Proof of this will be requested in order to register your work with the ‘Consejo Tecnico’. N.B Your E.R. teacher needs to have written confirmation signed by the people involved (See Appendix 2) by the middle of the period in order to register your work with the ‘Consejo Tecnico’. In order to register your work, please fill in the form in Appendix 3 and send it to your ER teacher.  When you have finished writing up your T.R. you need to present and defend your work orally. In order to arrive at this stage, you must: Barbara Scholes G. Página 7  Send your work electronically (or some teachers may request you to print it out for them) a week before the end of the first or second period at the latest, to all the teachers involved (ER teacher, director(a), co-director(a) reader(s)). These teachers have 10 working days to send you and the ER teacher, their feedback. You then have 5 days to send them back the corrections. Please highlight these in your work!  If the teachers involved agree that your work is ready for presentation then you should submit to your E.R. teacher and the ER&SS academy co- ordinator, their written agreement (See Appendix: 4).The ER&SS academy co-ordinator will then schedule your presentation. N.B After the presentation, you need to take into consideration any final feedback to improve your work before giving in two uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ experienciarecepcional-guide.pdf

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