0 FACILITATOR’S GUIDE (with Accompanying Video Presentations) Produced by the:
0 FACILITATOR’S GUIDE (with Accompanying Video Presentations) Produced by the: CO-OP EDUCATION FORUM Basic Co-op Education Series 1 Table of Contents Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Module 1: Origin of Co-operatives .……………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Module 2: What is a Co-operative? ...................................................................................... 10 Module 3: Co-operative Values …………………………………………………………………………………………. 19 Module 4: Co-operative Principles …………………………………………………………………………………….. 27 Module 5: Me and My Co-operative ………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 Tips in Organizing the Basic Co-op Orientation Seminar …………………………………………………….. 34 About the Co-op Education Forum …………………………………………………………………………………….. 38 2 Introduction This Facilitator’s Guide is the companion material to the five (5) videos on Basic Co-op Orientation produced by the Co-op Education Forum. The videos are part of a series of co-op education materials, entitled “Let’s Co-operate,” which aims (1) to promote a common understanding of the fundamentals of co-operatives among co-op members, officers and management staff; and (2) assist co-operatives of all types in conducting education program for members and the public. This Guide should, therefore, be used in conjunction with the videos containing five basic co-op orientation lessons – namely: Module 1: Origin of Co-operatives Module 2: What Is A Co-operative? Module 3: Co-op Values Module 4: Co-op Principles Module 5: Me & My Co-operative The five (5) modules can be used separately by the co-operative depending on its target audience. It is recommended, however, that in conducting a Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES) the five (5) modules should be used altogether to achieve maximum results. Target Group This Guide is written with prospective members in mind or for persons who have shown interest to become members of an existing co-operative, or who intend to organize and register their own. Even existing co-op members who need to undergo re-orientation on the fundamentals of co-operatives could be the target group. They would generally have reached high school education. It is also written for adult learners, who have to go through the demands of daily living and therefore may have to exert extra effort to attend learning sessions. Hence, each module is designed for a maximum duration of one hour. At the same time, it is activity- oriented in order to enhance opportunities for adult learning. The ideal group size for each learning event is 25 to 30 participants. Guide for Facilitators The facilitators/trainers are members of the co-operative themselves – either knowledgeable Board members, or articulate members of the Education and Training Committee, or both, who are supposed to conduct the training with the aid of the video presentations. Each lesson is written with clear instructions for facilitators to follow. However, it is important to point out that these instructions are merely a guide. Depending on individual experiences, facilitators can make use of this guide in different ways: 3 1. They can follow the logical structure of the lesson plan. If time is limited, they can shorten the process or eliminate some activities. On the other hand, if circumstances allow for longer duration of the session, they can lengthen the process or add more activities. 2. They can change some learning activities and use other learning methods and tools they are comfortable with. 3. Experienced facilitators may even develop their own lesson plan. What is important is to preserve the objectives of the lesson and employ adult learning methodologies at all times. Of course, the videos remain central to the learning event. 4. The structure of the lesson plan, the learning methodologies and the tools can also be changed, if the profile of the participants are different from the one described above. It has also to be noted that the video presentations are “generic” in the sense that they describe the general situation and are meant to be used by all types of co-operatives. It is the task, therefore, of the facilitator to “contextualize” the message of the video presentations to the specific situation of his or her co-operative. This means using actual examples of one’s co- op – e.g. products and services, policies, business practices, etc. – when facilitating the sessions. There is, therefore, flexibility in the use of this Guide. What should be emphasized here only is that the task of the co-op educator is to facilitate adult learning. At the end of the day, we want co-op members who do not only understand the co-operative but are also motivated to become good members. Using adult learning methodologies can best achieve this. Hence, this Guide also includes some TIPS on facilitating. As well, it has some materials for further reading to support facilitators with some content. The Writing Team Romulo M. Villamin Lucy G. Furo Bienvenido P. Nito Severino I. Medina,Jr. 4 Facilitator’s Guide Module 1: Origin Of Co-Operatives OBJECTIVES: At the end of the module, participants will be able to: a. Explain that, historically, co-operatives were formed by ordinary people to help themselves and solve basic economic and social problems; b. Express the belief that the organization (co-op) can respond to his or her family’s needs; and c. Express further the realization that the success of the co-operative would depend on his or her contribution and on all members working together. TIME: One (1) hour MATERIAL/SUPPLIES: Computer, LCD projector or big TV screen, (alternatively, acetates & OHP projector), good sound system, meta cards, black or white board, brown paper. Video – Origin of Co-operatives Time Session Guide Cue for the Facilitator Note: This is the first of 5 lessons and should be a good starting point for clarifying to prospective members their personal expectations of the co-operative and what it can do. We should remember that people come to the co-op because they have economic problems that individually they cannot solve and, initially, they may have wrong information or expectations about what the co-op can do. It is quite normal, for instance, that when a prospective member of the savings and credit co-operative decides to join a co-operative, he or she is motivated only by the need to borrow. The challenge to the co-op educator is to help him or her transcend this “selfish” motive to one of 5 “collective” consciousness – i.e. the realization that the ability of the co-op to respond to his or her family’s needs depends on members themselves, contributing individually in terms of equity share capital and pooling them to serve as operating funds and working together efficiently and effectively to make the co-op business successful. The main aim of this lesson, therefore, is to help prospective members take the first important step to a new consciousness. If this is achieved, the next modules should lead them to a better, or even deeper, understanding of co-operatives. 10 min Start the session by leading a community prayer or by asking a participant to lead the prayer. Do a quick round of introductions by asking each participant to state only his or her name and occupation. (It is important that the prospective member is engaged in gainful occupation or profession. This is because part of his/her income is going to be paid as equity contribution to the co-operative and he/she is willing to do so.) Explain to the participants that this is the first of 5 lessons that aim to help them understand the nature of a co- operative, what it can do and how members can contribute to its success. Explain also that the lessons are structured to maximize their individual participation; encourage them to participate actively in all the sessions. In this session, they should ask themselves and answer the following questions: Is the co-operative the right organization for me? Can it respond to the needs of my family? Can I perform what is expected of me as a member? It may be useful to prepare beforehand the list of 5 lessons written in a brown paper, posted where everyone can see. These questions can also be written in a brown paper and posted in front for everyone to see and to reflect on during the whole session. 6 10 min Ask the participants: Question # 1: What motivated you to join the co-op? What are your expectations? If there are only 10 participants, ask each one for their answers to the above questions. If there are more than 10, ask at least 10 participants for their answers. Post their answers, in key phrases or words, in the board or brown paper. As much as possible, group the same ideas together. Write the questions in the board. Write the answers to question # 1 legibly on one side of the board or place the brown paper on one side of the board. This will be used as reference for the next activities. 12 min Tell the participants that they will now view the video on the history of co-operatives. Show the video on Origin Of Co-Operatives. Make sure the computer, the LCD projector or big TV screen are ready for the video showing. It is important to test the sound system beforehand to make sure that the video message will be clearly understood. 15 min After the video showing, ask the participants the following questions: uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ facilitator-x27-s-guide 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Fev 11, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
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