Procurement Policy and Supervision Division Project Development Department Japa
Procurement Policy and Supervision Division Project Development Department Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant for JBIC ODA Loan Project December 2006 Version 1.0 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 COMPOSITION AND PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF SELECTION OF CONSULTANT............................................................................. 2 CHAPTER 3 SELECTION PROCEDURE....................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 4 EVALUATION SYSTEM / ORGANIZATION ......................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA....................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 6 SCORING METHOD................................................................................................................ 18 Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant INTRODUCTION Japan Bank for International Cooperation INTRODUCTION In order to aim for further sustainable development, it is indispensable for developing countries to improve various sections of their economic and social infrastructure. With proper attention to soft components such as education, human resources development, health, poverty alleviation, social development, and environmental conservation, the greater benefits of sustainability of infrastructure development can be ensured. Although infrastructure development needs the use of various technologies and substantial funding, these technologies and funds are not available locally. In many cases, the required technology and funds are provided from outside the country through international funding agencies or bilateral financial assistance. Often, specialized consultants possessing sufficient expertise in specific fields and skills for comprehensive management are outsourced by the executing agencies to implement infrastructure development projects. Technology transfer and human resources development for the executing agencies are recently an important component especially for the international multilateral or bilateral financial assistance schemes. Consultants hired by the executing agency provide the necessary advice and specific services for the benefit for their client and for the successful completion of the project. Especially for public sector projects, a consultant needs to advise and work in a neutral mode and introduce alternate solutions without bias for the economic and efficient implementation of the project. The fields of consulting services required have recently expanded into soft areas from the original hard areas such as structural design. For successful completion of the project, appropriate and efficient operation of the facility or system, sustainability of the project and technology necessary for the project, need to be carefully considered to take into account the real needs of the project and the environment in the specific country or region. Consultants provide various services in their specialized fields in accordance with their conditions of appointment from the executing agency. In addition it is most important that the consultants exercise their functions impartially in accordance with the highest standard of ethics. For JBIC ODA Loan Projects, the executing agency employs consultants with international work experience and sufficient qualifications, experience, and competence for the project fairly and promptly in accordance with the Loan Agreement and the Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants under JBIC ODA Loans (hereinafter referred to as "the Guidelines"). Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant INTRODUCTION Japan Bank for International Cooperation The Guidelines set out the designated proper and smooth procedures. This Guide has been prepared to provide borrowers of JBIC ODA loans (hereinafter referred to as "the Borrowers") a clear understanding of the evaluation methods and procedures for the procurement of consultants. Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant CHAPTER 1 COMPOSITION AND PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE Japan Bank for International Cooperation 1 CHAPTER 1 COMPOSITION AND PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE The required procedures for the evaluation and selection of consultants are set out in Chapter 3 of the Guideline. The purpose of this Guide is to provide a supplementary explanation to assist in fully understanding the application and intent of the Guideline and the HANDBOOK for Procurement under JBIC ODA Loans (hereinafter referred to as “the Handbook”). To ensure that selection of consultants is undertaken smoothly and properly, JBIC requires that JBIC ODA loan borrowers (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) and their executing agencies refer to this Guide for employment of consultants under JBIC ODA Loans. In case an individual consultant is procured, some procedures defined in this Guide are not applicable. The content of this Guide is summarized below: Chapter 1 Composition and Purpose of this Guide Chapter 2 Basis of Selection of Consultant Chapter 3 Selection Procedure Chapter 4 Evaluation System/ Organization Chapter 5 Evaluation Criteria Chapter 6 Scoring Method Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF SELECTION OF CONSULTANT Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2 CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF SELECTION OF CONSULTANT The keys to the successful implementation of various infrastructure and social development projects are; responding to diversified public needs, attention to safety considerations and a minimized project life-cycle cost by introducing innovative methods or alternate solutions. All the stakeholders related to the project (not only the Borrower and beneficiaries in the country) must be taken into consideration for project planning and implementation. A consultant has to give appropriate advice to the Borrower at each project stage such as project preparation, studies, design, construction supervision, operation and maintenance. The fee paid to a consultant is a small fraction of the total project life-cycle cost and yet a consultant plays a most important role in the successful implementation and maximized effectiveness of any project. A consultant must provide high quality services in their areas of technical competence and focused attentiveness to the main issues. Therefore, a consultant should be selected only on the basis of the quality of the services they can render and deliver. The cost aspects of services should not be the factor in the evaluation of proposals during the selection of consultants. In all professional matters a consultant is expected to act as the faithful adviser to any Borrower. The Borrower may, however, in the case of supervision of work and/or project management, delegate to a consultant a greater or lesser degree of authority to act on the Borrower's behalf. The consultant may be given full responsibility to make decisions in the role of an independent engineer or may act only as an advisor to the Borrower with less authority to make decisions. The nature of, and the limits to, the authority delegated to the consultant, as well as the scope and the nature of the responsibilities which the consultant is to assume, shall be clearly defined in the Terms of Reference and terms of appointment contract between the Borrower and the consultant. After evaluation of a consultant's technical proposals has been completed, the Borrower should invite the highest-ranked consultant to negotiate the terms of appointment (including scope, liability and financial terms). In this connection, the selection method for consulting services should be the Quality Based Selection (hereinafter referred to as "QBS") method for all projects financed by JBIC ODA Loans. Meanwhile, the World Bank and the Asian development Bank adopt Quality and Cost Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant CHAPTER 2 BASIS OF SELECTION OF CONSULTANT Japan Bank for International Cooperation 3 Based Selection as one of methods for procurement of consultants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䋨*8,'(/,1(6(&7,21䋩 3UHSDUDWLRQRI7HUPVRI5HIHUHQFH 7KH*XLGHOLQHDQGWKH7HUPVRI5HIHUHQFH KHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUUHGWRDV³725´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¶VFRQFXUUHQFHIRUVXFKFKDQJH 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQZKLFKLVQHFHVVDU\WREHLQFOXGHGLQ725LVVXPPDUL]HGEHORZ %DFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQKLVWRU\RIWKHSURMHFW VHYROXWLRQDQGWKHUHDVRQ V ZK\LWLV QHFHVVDU\WRLPSOHPHQWWKHSURMHFW /RFDWLRQRIWKHSURMHFWDQGLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHVXUURXQGLQJDUHD 6WDJHUHDFKHGLQWKHSURMHFW VSUHSDUDWLRQDQGVXPPDU\RIWKHILQGLQJVRIVWXGLHV XQGHUWDNHQXSWRWKHGDWHRI725 ,PSOHPHQWLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQ VWDWXVLQERUURZHU¶VFRXQWU\VFRSHRIDVVLJQPHQWHWF Guide for Evaluation Procedure for Procurement of Consultant CHAPTER 3 SELECTION PROCEDURE Japan Bank for International Cooperation 6 Details of the major problem areas Technical information - availability of relevant basic data, technical standards and specifications to be used, etc. Relevant laws and regulations Nature of, and limit to, the responsibilities which the consultant is to assume Estimated time required to complete the project, the consulting work, number and qualifications of experts and the Borrower's estimate of man-months for budget purposes Scope, number, type and frequency of the reports to be presented by the consultant Other necessary provisions regarding the obligations to be undertaken by the Borrower and the consultant. These are set out in the Guidelines sections 2.02(3) and 2.07. Services and Facilities to be provided by the Borrower 3.1.2 Cost Estimate The cost estimate for any service shall be made by adding the remuneration for consultant staff and the direct expenses incurred by them during the execution uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ guide-01.pdf
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