Advanced Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites Master Thesis HERITAGE I

Advanced Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites Master Thesis HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR Promoters: Dr. Minja Yang Co-promoters: Prof. Luc Verpoest Dr. Shikha Jain Assessor: Prof. Dominique Vanneste Leuven, September 2012 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING RAYMOND LEMAIRE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CONSERVATION KASTEELPARK ARENBERG 1 – BUS 02431 B-3001 LEUVEN (HEVERLEE) KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Toelating tot bruikleen De auteur geeft de toelating deze eindverhandeling voor consultatie beschikbaar te stellen en delen ervan te kopiëren voor eigen gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de strikte beperkingen van het auteursrecht; in het bijzonder wordt er gewezen op de verplichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit deze eindverhandeling. Leuven, 2012 Permission for Use of Content The author herewith permits that the present dissertation be made available for consultation; parts of it may be copied, strictly for personal use. Every other use is subject to strict copyright reservations. Particular reference is made to the obligation of explicitly mentioning the source when quoting the present dissertation‘s results. Leuven, 2012 Autorisation d’utilisation L' auteur autorise la mise à disposition du présent mémoire pour consultation; il est permis de copier des parties, strictement pour usage personnel. Toute autre utilisation est strictement soumise aux restrictions prévues par le droit d’auteur; tout particulièrement, il doit être tenu compte de l’obligation de citer explicitement la source lorsqu’il est fait référence aux résultats de ce mémoire. Leuven, 2012 HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1 Overview on tourism scenario: issues, data and theoretical framework 1.1 Introduction 7 1.2 Global Tourism 8 1.3 Sustainability 10 1.3.1 Social Impact 14 1.4 Heritage tourism 16 1.5 Heritage Tourism Management 19 CHAPTER 2 Heritage Interpretation 2.1 Theoretical issues 23 2.1.1 Why interpreting? 23 2.1.2 Interpretation features 24 2.1.3 Threats 25 2.1.4 Challenges 26 2.2 Methodology planning 27 2.3 Media 29 CHAPTER 3 International and Indian legal and policy framework for heritage interpretation 3.1 International legal provisions 34 3.1.1 Tourism field 34 3.1.2 Heritage field 36 3.2 Indian tourism/heritage authority structure and legal provisions 38 3.2.1 Asia and Pacific Regional Level 38 3.2.2 National Level 39 3.2.3 State Level 42 HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR 2 CHAPTER 4 Interpretation of a WH site: Jantar Mantar, Jaipur 4.1 What is Jantar Mantar? 48 4.1.1 History 51 4.1.2 Restoration and interventions 52 4.2 The interpretation of Jantar Mantar 53 4.3 The Plan: structure and strategies 56 4.4 Challenges: integration with the urban context 61 CHAPTER 5 The Walled City of Jaipur 5.1 Introduction 64 5.2 Historical development 66 5.2.1 Theories about the urban layout 68 5.3 Urban description 75 5.4 The Built Heritage of Jaipur 78 5.5 Intangible Heritage 83 5.6 Jaipur today 85 5.7 Authorities, Legal Framework And Urban Planning Tools 89 CHAPTER 6 Proposals for the Interpretation Plan for the Walled city of Jaipur 6.1 Why: vision and objectives of the plan 97 6.1.1 Strategic approach and methodology 99 6.2 What: selected features and messages 100 6.3 Who is it for: audience typology 104 6.4 How: Message Media Matrix and media 105 6.5 Interpretation Centre 114 6.6 Community participation and Previous initiatives: the role of NGOs 120 6.7 Additional recommendations 122 6.8 Preconditions for effective Interpretation plan 124 CONCLUSION 127 SOURCES 129 BIBLIOGRAPHY 130 INTERNET SOURCES 134 HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to the many people for their support, guidance and patience, which helped me throughout the study and preparation of my master thesis. First of all I would like to thank my promoter dr. Minja Yang, dr. Shikha Jain and prof. arch. Luc Verpoest. Furthermore I would like to thank architects working at DRONAH office, for their generosity, support and help. Gratitude also goes to other people who made time for me to share their knowledge and experience: Prof. Noel Salazar – member of the Faculty of Anthropology, at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for his intellectual contribution; I especially would like to thank Davide Leone for his comments, suggestions, patience and love. Finally I would like to thank my family, my friends and my flat mates for their understanding and patience during this busy and stressed year. HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR 4 INTRODUCTION The present study reflects on the important role that heritage interpretation plays for heritage preservation within a sustainable urban development. The study is based on the conviction that awareness of both tourists and local communities, about values and significance of cultural and natural heritage, is an essential support to address planned actions aiming to integrate heritage conservation and management with developing issues, through inclusiveness initiatives. For this reason interpretation is seen as one of the most adapt tool to carry out those purposes. The study looks at the case of the Interpretation Plan of Jantar Mantar World Heritage site in Jaipur, India, and at the Walled city of Jaipur. The case of a World Heritage site - Jantar Mantar - located in the core of a historical site (the walled city) provides an example in which the interpretation plan concerning the latest can works in a mechanism of mutual support and enhancement for the whole city heritage management and interpretation. The relationship between the two sites - Jantar Mantar and the walled city - is analyzed within both spatial and interpretive levels. The choice of the case study has been motivated by the three months internship experience in DRONAH office in Jaipur. The work carried out during the internship period focused on the draft of the Interpretation, Use and Visitors Management Plan of Jantar Mantar in Jaipur. This provided a first practical approach with subjects such as heritage management, tourism and the combination of the two of them. From those observations, proposals and recommendations for an interpretation plan concerning the Walled City of Jaipur will be developed as final part of the present study. The ideal interpretation plan should give an input in achieving a holistic vision of integration of the three major issues related to city management: heritage conservation, tourism management and urban development. In order to get closer to the case study, information and figures about India or South Asia are showed since the first chapter. As heritage interpretation it is inevitably linked to tourism, and more specifically to sustainable tourism, chapter 1 introduces the subject of tourism in those declinations (global, sustainable, heritage, management tourism), that are pertinent to the topic of heritage interpretation. It gives an integrative approach that reflects on the fields of research about heritage tourism and, through the gathered general data and information about tourism scenario, provides the fundamental notions for a background and a general framework about tourism field to better approach the topic of interpretation. For the academic year 2011-2012, the Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation of Monuments and Sites within the first year of the Master in Conservation of Monuments and Sites collaborate HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: PROPOSALS FOR THE WALLED CITY OF JAIPUR 5 with the organization of the Master in Tourism to create the first seminar about Heritage and sustainable tourism development. Students on tourism and students on heritage conservation confronted their own background and attended specific lessons that showed them their own subject (tourism and heritage) from new perspectives. The opportunity to attend the seminar provided a first time insight to heritage tourism as academic topic, disclosing it in some of the most important issues that characterize the actual debate. It seems here remarkable that within the schedule of lectures, those about heritage interpretation opened the seminar almost highlighting how strong the connection between heritage, interpretation and tourism is. Chapter 2 specifically addresses towards the interpretation topic, briefly summarizing the main references, its origins and definitions such as the debate around it and the possible methodologies and strategies applicable for effective interpretation plans. Chapter 3 will provide an overview over the international legal framework and over the Indian tourism authority structure and legal provisions underlining, for both cases, existing policies related to sustainable tourism development and interpretation as an opportunity, where they are already existing, to develop and make strategic actions legally supported and motivated and as a point of weakness where they are missing. Chapter 4 is partially borrowed from the Nomination Dossier, the Management Plan and from the Interpretation, Use and Visitors management Plan of the site of Jantar Mantar, Jaipur. The statement of the Universal Outstanding Value of the World Heritage site through the criteria defined by UNESCO are followed from a brief revue of the history of the site and from the interpretation given within the draft of the report for the Interpretation, Use and Visitors management Plan. The plan’s structure is explained and analyzed finally pointing up the connections between the Jantar Mantar and the rest of the Walled City of Jaipur. The following chapter 5 zooms out from the World Heritage property of Jantar Mantar to focus on the Walled city of uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ heritage-interpretation-proposals-for-th-pdf.pdf

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