Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Study Guide Questions – Answer Key Chapter 1 “Story of

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Study Guide Questions – Answer Key Chapter 1 “Story of the Door” 1. Who is Mr. Utterson? The main protagonist, a lawyer 2. What is he like? He is cold and never smiled. He is tall and lean. He tolerates others and is more inclined to help than to reprove. 3. Notice the statement about him that begins, “In this character…” How is this sentence foreshadowing? There will be another character within a character. 4. Who are his friends? “His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest.” One of these friends is Richard Enfield. 5. What activity do he and Enfield share? They share a weekly Sunday afternoon walk through the town. 6. In what city does the story take place? London 7. What does Black Mail House look like? “A certain sinister block of building.” It is two stories high, has no windows, but a door that is “blistered and distainted.” 8. What strange occurrence does Enfield associate with Black Mail House? A man and a little girl (8-10 years old) run into each other. The man tramples the little girl and leaves her screaming on the ground. Enfield goes after the man and urges him to come back. 9. What is a Juggernaut? A large, overpowering destructive force or object. 10. Why was the child out at 3 a.m.? She was running across the street. 11. The man’s face reminds Enfield of whom? The man’s face reminds him of the devil. 12. How does the man refer to himself? He refers to himself as a gentleman. 13. How much money does the crowd demand for damages from the man? 100 pounds 14. How is this money paid? 90 pounds is paid by check; 10 pounds is paid with gold coins 15. Why does the stranger spend the rest of the night with Enfield? The stranger says he will stay with the group and cash the check in the morning to prove that it is not a forgery. 16. Who signed the check? A very well-known and often printed name (Dr. Jekyll) 17. Why does Enfield think this person has signed the check? The door is connected to the home of Dr. Jekyll. 18. Why doesn’t Enfield like to ask questions? He doesn’t like to ask questions about strange things. 19. According to Enfield, what does Hyde look like? Something is wrong with his appearance. He was displeasing and detestable. He gave a feeling of deformity. 20. Utterson and Enfield shake hands and agree to never do what again? They agree to never refer to this incident again. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Study Guide Questions – Answer Key Chapter 2 “Search for Mr. Hyde” 1. What does Dr. Jekyll’s will stipulate? After the death or prolonged absence (exceeding three months) of Dr. Jekyll, all of his assets will be given to Mr. Hyde. 2. What are the full names of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde 3. Did Utterson know before that Sunday who the man named in the will was? Yes. 4. Who lives at Cavendish Square? Dr. Lanyon 5. What does Lanyon look like? Lanyon is a “hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, with a shock of hair prematurely white, and a boisterous and decided manner.” 6. How does Utterson know Lanyon? They were old friends from school and college. 7. What interrupted the friendship between Lanyon and Jekyll? Something went “wrong in mind” with Jekyll, and he Lanyon saw little of each other. 8. What question prompts Utterson to go to Lanyon’s house at midnight? Utterson asks if Lanyon has ever met Mr. Hyde. 9. Why does Utterson wish to meet Hyde? Utterson imagines the worst about Hyde and decides he needs to meet Hyde in order to clear up the mystery. 10. How does Utterson plan to accomplish this? Utterson hangs around the street to catch Mr. Hyde coming or going from the house. 11. Does his plan succeed? Yes, his patience pays off. 12. What does Utterson daringly do? Utterson approached Hyde, touches him on the shoulder, saying, “Mr. Hyde, I think?” After some conversation, Utterson asks if he can see Hyde’s face. 13. What address does Hyde give Utterson? He gives Utterson “a number of a street in Soho.” 14. Why does Hyde become angry with Utterson? Utterson tells Hyde that they have a mutual friend – Dr. Jekyll – but Hyde does not believe Utterson and accuses him of lying. 15. What are some further details to describe Hyde’s physical appearance? Mr. Hyde is pale and dwarfish, giving an impression of deformity without any nameable malformation. He also has a displeasing smile, and speaks to Utterson with a mixture of timidity and boldness, speaking with a husky, whispering, and somewhat broken voice. 16. Where does Utterson go following his encounter with Hyde? He tries to visit Dr. Jekyll. 17. Who is Poole? Dr. Jekyll’s servant (butler). 18. What significant question does Utterson ask Poole? He doesn’t like to ask questions about strange things. 19. What is Jekyll’s “pet fancy”? The hall in which Utterson waits, while Poole is looking to see if Jekyll is at home. 20. What orders does Poole have concerning Hyde? The servants have orders to obey Hyde. 21. What kind of person was Jekyll when he was young? Jekyll was wild when he was young. Utterson wonders if Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll for something that Jekyll did in the past. 22. What does Utterson fear Hyde might do? Why? Utterson is afraid that Hyde might kill Jekyll because “if this Hyde suspects the existence of the will, he may grow impatient to inherit.” Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Study Guide Questions – Answer Key Chapter 3 “Dr. Jekyll Was Quite At Ease” 1. What significance could the title of the chapter have? Jekyll is doing well and is confident in what he has put in his will. 2. How long is a fortnight? Two weeks 3. What provides an excuse for Utterson to talk to Jekyll about the will? Utterson is at a dinner that Jekyll is hosting. 4. How is Dr. Jekyll described? Dr. Jekyll is described as, “a large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness.” 5. What does Jekyll say about Lanyon? Jekyll says that Lanyon is, “a hide-bound pedant for all that; an ignorant, blatant pedant,” and that he has never been “more disappointed in any man than Lanyon.” Lanyon is limited, old-fashioned and conservative. Dr. Lanyon expressed distaste for Jekyll’s scientific interests and called Jekyll’s interests “scientific heresies.” 6. How does Jekyll react to the mention of Hyde? When Utterson mentions Hyde, Jekyll becomes, “pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyes.” Jekyll does not wish to hear any more about the matter. 7. Why is it interesting that Jekyll tells Utterson, “I would trust you before any man alive ay, before myself”? It is hinting at the fact that there is something about himself that Jekyll doesn’t quite trust. 8. Why does Jekyll tell Utterson to put “his heart at rest”? Jekyll assures Utterson that he can get rid of Hyde when he so chooses. 9. What promise does Utterson make to Jekyll? Utterson promises to help Hyde when Jekyll is no longer there. 10. From the description of Jekyll in this chapter and the descriptions of Hyde from the previous two chapters, make a chart listing their character descriptions. Answers will vary. Jekyll Hyde 50 years old Slyish Smooth-faced Kind Large Well-made Feeling of deformity Displeasing smile Timidity Boldness Gives off a sense of evil and dread Dwarfish Pale Husky, broken voice Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Study Guide Questions Chapter 4 “The Carew Murder Case” 1. How much time has elapsed between the incident with the child and the murder? Also, what month is it? Nearly a year later, in October. 2. What items are found on the body? A purse and a gold watch, as well as a sealed and stamped envelope, bearing the name and address of Mr. Utterson. 3. Who witnesses the murder? “A maid servant living alone in a house not far from the river.” 4. Between what hours does the murder occur? Around 11 pm. She is able to come to herself again at 2 am. 5. Who is murdered? How is his identity revealed? Sir Danvers Carew is murdered. Utterson identifies him. 6. What is the murder weapon? A cane 7. Who does the weapon belong to? Hyde 8. Who gave it to the owner? Jekyll 9. How does Utterson know where to take the police? Utterson knows Hyde’s address in Soho street. 10. Who is the policeman investigating the murder? Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard 11. What is significant about the setting as Utterson and the investigator go to Hyde’s apartment? It seems “like a district of some city uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ hyde-guide.pdf

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