Privacy Checklist A Privacy & Security Goys™ Checklist By: OpsecGoy TABLE OF CO

Privacy Checklist A Privacy & Security Goys™ Checklist By: OpsecGoy TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction……………….……………………….……………………… 03 Normie OS…....……………………………………….……….……………… 05 VPN……………………..………….……………………….……………………… 08 avoid Tracking…….. .…………….……………………….………………11 Secure Comms Email.……………………….……………………………………………….…… 16 SMS ….……………………….…………………………………………….……… 21 Verification ………….. ….……………………….……………………… 24 Delete Your Dox ………….. ….……………..….……………………… 26 Delete Your Dox – Old Accounts……….……………………… 28 Embedded Data – EXIF Data ……….……….……………………… 29 VeraCrypt Encrypting Files ……….………………………………………………... 30 Setup ………………………….…………………………………………………. 31 Mounting The Drive…….………………………………………………...41 Dismounting The Drive….……………………………………………...49 Password Management .……………………………………………...50 MAC Spoofing...………………………………………………………………..51 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..52 Checklist... ……………………………………………………………………..53 INTRODUCTION WHAT IS THIS? Welcome! This brief guide is going to be your starting point from normie shit-tier privacy to real dissident far-right opsec. The focus here is going to be on your digital aspect and not so much on real life scenarios. Who should be reading this? Anyone that does not know where to start with the fundamentals of privacy and security. This guide is going to be basic so if you’re a level 9000 autistic system admin reading this, kindly f**k off. This guide is not for you. This is a starting point for the less technically inclined and those that are curious about how to navigate the web with privacy in mind. The format of this guide will be as follows… First an explanation of each section of the guide going into different levels of detail based on the subject covered. Then at the end will be a checklist you can print off and mark off as you have completed each task. Once complete you will have a very good foundation for your opsec online. Let us begin! NORMIE OS Time to Break Free If you are like most people you are most likely using some form of terrible normie tier operating system (OS). The most popular of these being Windows and Mac. Both are great for normie life and gaming and they’re likely what you are used to using, but they are not the greatest at keeping your data safe and secure. These companies are hostile towards whites and you should not expect them to be a safe haven. I recommend switching to some form of Linux. The easiest one for beginners to learn is likely Ubuntu, which you can download for free and burn to a removable usb drive using a tool by Balena called Etcher. Ubuntu is really not geared towards privacy though and you will find yourself eventually wanting to move to a better OS. Fedora is another worthwhile OS. If you truly want to be a digital ninja installing a live amnesiatic OS like Tails is your ticket. Tails will load entirely in the RAM of your computer and will not touch the internal storage on the machine. The benefit to this is that once you shut the computer down there is no trace that you were ever on the machine. Also, all of your traffic is routed through the Tor network which keeps your connection reasonably private. If you want something a little more permanent and you are on the paranoid side of things and comfortable operating a computer using the terminal then I would recommend installing Artix. One big benefit to Artix is that it does not use systemd which is an issue that we do not have time to cover in this guide. Once you burn the image file to a removable USB stick you will need to reboot your computer and choose to boot from the USB drive itself. The methods for this will vary so consult the internet for your particular scenario and try until you find what works for you. If you need help come to the chat and someone will be glad to help you. One important thing to note here: if you’re opting to install an OS like Ubuntu, make sure you encrypt your drive! There will be a checkbox during installation that says something to the effect of “enable encrypted LVM”, DO THIS! And create a strong password that you don’t forget. Moving on. VPN Hide The Connection Now that you have your fancy new OS installed it is time to hide your internet traffic from your ISP and conceal your true location. Assuming you installed a Linux distro like Ubuntu, or preferrably Artix, it is time to purchase and setup a proper VPN. This section only applies if you did NOT opt to install Tails. Oy vey OpSecGoy! I’m going to have to spend my hard earned shekels?! Yes. Relax, AzireVPN and Mullvad are great VPN providers that sell their service for around $5/mo. Mullvad is great because of how transparent they are and how little information they collect about their users. They do not require any information about you at all really and when you sign up you are give a unique 16-digit account number so that not even an email address is needed. When you pay there are two acceptable methods, Cash and Bitcoin via That is to say, you pay with Monero and they receive Bitcoin via the service mentioned. Mullvad offers both OpenVPN and Wireguard servers. Use the Wireguard servers. AzireVPN is a little more expensive and requires an email address. The tradeoff here is that they allow you to pay with a variety of cryptocurrencies and they also have wireguard servers. Regardless, get one of these VPN’s setup on your device(s) and stop browsing the web with your raw internet. Important note: If you are trying to not be suspicious make sure you have some normie traffic coming out of your home network. If everything is running through a VPN it is encrypted from your ISP and so you may be scrutinized more if they have reason to start watching your behavior. For the sake of your security always use your VPN on public wifi connections or networks that you do not reasonably trust. AVOID TRACKING Hardening Your Browser When you browse the internet you may notice that ads tend to track you around everywhere you go and they seem to know what you are interested in regardless of how many times you clear your browser cache. The reason they can track you so thoroughly is due to a technique called browser fingerprinting. This involves scripts that detect key characteristics about your browser and even your system itself. Things as benign as what fonts you have installed contribute to your fingerprint. So how do we minimize this threat? By hardening your browser! For this we will use Firefox and Firefox only! If you have installed Tails you are running the Tor Browser which is a modified version of Firefox and so you can also skip this section. So install Firefox on your machine. For the basic config follow these steps… 1. Open the Menu then go to Preferences. 2. On the left side click the Privacy & Security tab. 3. Change the Enhanced Tracking Protection setting to Custom. a.Check all boxes, Cookies, Tracking- content, Cryptominers, and Fingerprinters. b. Next to Cookies change the dropdown menu to “All third-party cookies” c. Set the dropdown menu to “Tracking- content” to “All windows” 4. Set Send websites a “Do Not Track” signal that you don’t want to be tracked to whatever you want. Nobody cares. 5. Under Logins and Passwords uncheck “Ask to save logins and passwords for websites” and never ever let your browser save your passwords. 6. Under History only check the box that says, “Clear history when Firefox closes” 7. Check the following… Block pop up windows, Warn you when websites try to install add- ons, Prevent accessibility services from accessing your browser 8. In the “Firefox Data Collection and Use” section uncheck everything. 9. Under “Security” check everything. 10. Back on the left side menu click the “General” tab. 11. Scroll down to the bottom and click the “Settings…” button under the Network Settings section. 12. Check the box “Enable DNS over HTTPS” This will encrypt your DNS queries. Make sure you use a Custom Provider like - or - - or - ***For a more advanced setup, download and follow the steps on the ghacks user.js repo.*** Finally, start using a privacy conscious search engine like and install these add-ons… uBlock Origin - Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory. HTTPS Everywhere - Protect your communications by enabling HTTPS encryption automatically CyDec Platform AntiFingerprint – Protects you from fingerprinting by deception and obfuscation Secure Comms Encrypt Your Email If you find yourself composing an email for your frens through Gmail, Stop. Right now. Purge the anti-white mainstream from your life. Gmail is going to spy on you as much as possible and when the time comes they will help your government lock you away indefinitely for thought crime. Do not be lazy here. You have to get rid of this crap and start fresh. I always recommend Protonmail and I still stand behind that decision at the time of writing (Early 2020). The thing is you will want to encrypt your email yourself with PGP before sending. Remember to connect uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ opsec-guide.pdf

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