HELGOL.~NDER MEERESUNTERSUCHUNGEN Helgol/inder Meeresunters. 48, 1-58 (1994) Id

HELGOL.~NDER MEERESUNTERSUCHUNGEN Helgol/inder Meeresunters. 48, 1-58 (1994) Identification guide to the planktonic polychaete larvae around the island of Helgoland (German Bight) S. Plate* & E. Husemann* * Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Meeresstation); D-27483 Helgoland, Federal Republic of Germany ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work is to provide the means of identifying the planktonic larvae of the polychaete species appearing in the plankton around the island of Helgoland (North Sea). During a three-year survey in this area, the larvae of 54 species out of 24 families belonging to the orders Orbiniida, Spionida, Capitelhda, Phyllodocida, Oweniida, Terebelhda, Sabelhda and the former Archiannelida have been recorded. Illustrated keys to the families, genera and species are presented. To facilitate the identification, additional descriptions and information about the seasonal appearance of the species are given. INTRODUCTION More than 13 000 species of polychaetous annelids take part in the marine benthos communities worldwide. Their distribution, species composition and population density are monitored within various benthos surveys. For the North Sea, especially the German Bight and the Wadden Sea, much information about the benthic polychaete fauna is available (Caspers, 1950; Stripp, 1969; DSrjes, 1977; Rachor & Gerlach, 1978; Gillandt, 1979; Salzwedel et al., 1985; Rachor, 1990; Bosselmann, 1991; Kr6ncke, 1991). In contrast, the holoplanktonic polychaete species and the meroplanktonic polychaete larvae, which are only part of the plankton during a more or less expanded phase of their ontogenesis, have never received much attention. Meroplanktonic polychaete larvae are seldomly recorded during studies monitoring the North Sea plankton (Smidt, 1951; Giere, 1968; Fransz, 1981; Bosselmann, 1989; Belgrano et al., 1990). Nevertheless, they occasionally play an important role in the marine zooplankton community due to their high abundance. Therefore, they may represent quite a useful source of information for ecological monitoring programmes and should be taken into account in future studies. Also, in comparative studies of marine invertebrate larvae it is often desirable to work with larvae taken directly from the plankton, since a range of stages of a number of species can be collected from plankton in far less time and with less effort than would be required to raise the same larvae in vitro. There is, however, the problem of identifying the larvae when they are collected from the plankton. The purpose of this work is to provide the means of identifying the larvae of 54 species of polychaetous annelids from 24 families recorded during a three-year survey of the plankton around Helgoland. " Address for correspondence: Im Ardeytal 1, D-58453 Witten, FRG * * Present address of second author: Waldstrafie 62, D-32105 Bad Salzuflen, FRG 9 Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Hamburg S. Plate & E. Husemann To assist the process of identification, we prepared an illustrated key as the principle source of determination, and have provided additional descriptions of the species to ensure the accuracy of the identification. As a rule, the key and the descriptions are based on the earliest or the most typical developmental stage comprising all larval features that facilitate the identification. In early developmental stages, in which parts of the larval features are not yet differentiated, a species determination may be impossible until an appropriate stage is reached. Although the aim of this strictly dichotomous key is to identify the larvae up to the species level, it was found that in some families it is impossible to determine the species on the basis of larval features - even at the last pelagic stage. In these cases, the key ends at the genera or family level. The family key is designed to enable a quick classification to this taxonomic level. It is followed by keys for the genera and species. All descriptions of the morphological features were made on live material and are therefore especially suitable for the identification of living individuals. With some limitations, they will also help in identifying preserved material. For all species, the information is given as to which season the larvae are represented in the plankton around Helgoland. This larval calendar makes the planning of seasonally restricted surveys easier, in which only special polychaete species are needed, e.g., for developmental studies. A glossary contains most of the terms used, except those in general usage in invertebrate zoology. MATERIAL AND METHODS From February 1989 to December 1991 plankton samples were collected by horizontal, near-surface sampling twice a week at Helgoland Roads (Fig. 1). For the quantitative samples a net with 75 pm mesh size was used. To prevent clogging of the net, especially with phytoplankton, the towing duration varied seasonally from 90-120 sec in autumn and winter, to 60 sec in spring and summer. Samples were transported to the laboratory and examined as quickly as possible. For the transport, samples were transferred to a large amount of seawater (5-8 1). At the laboratory the samples were again filtered through a net with 75 ,am mesh size to reduce the water volume that had to be investigated. Since the larvae are extremely mobile, it was sometimes necessary to transfer them into a small amount of water on a slide or to slightly squeeze them between slide and cover-glass for examination. The live material was examined under a LEITZ dissecting stereomicroscope at magnifications from 10 to 40 x. Some morphological features necessary for species identification, e.g. hooded hooks, can only be detected with a light microscope using magnifications from 40 to 1000 x. These observations and most drawings were made with a LEITZ Laborlux K and an OLYMPUS IMT-2 with Nomarski differential interference contrast optics. To investigate different developmental stages of the larvae, they were cultured under a natural temperature and light regime in the laboratory. One to 30 larvae, separated according to species, were placed in 5 ml Boveri dishes with natural seawater and a thin layer of substrate. The seawater was changed every five days. Planktivorous larvae were fed with suspensions of the flagellate Dunafiella tertiolecta and/or the diatom Phaeodactylum tlffcornutum. Carnivorous larvae were nourished on Artemia sp. or small Identification guide to planktonic polychaete larvae IN 6 ROADS N Fig. 1. Study area and location of sampling station (N6) polychaete larvae of different species. For further details, see Husemann (1992) and Plate (1992). GLOSSARY acicula (pl. aciculae) a stout chitinous rod embedded in one or both parapodial lobes achaetous without setae acrotroch ring of cilia in front of the prototroch antenna (pl. antennae) sensory appendages arising from the anterior or dorsal sur- face of the prostomium anal cirrus (pl. anal cirri) elongated appendage(s) arising from the pygidium apical tuft group of cilia projecting from the anterior pole of the larvae apical teeth (sing, apical smaller denticles or teeth situated above the main fang of the tooth) hooded hooks biramous parapodia two-branched; refers to the presence of setae in both rami of the parapodia; in Phyllodocidae defined as parapodia pro- vided with aciculae in both the neuro- and notopodia branchiae gills, respiratory and highly vascularized appendages of the parapodia or the dorsal surface of the segments capillary setae simple, hairlike setae; this term includes any long, slender, tapering setal type in all groups of polychaetes caruncle nuchal ridge; posterior prolongation of the prostomium as a sensory keel-shaped ridge over a variable number of seg- ments S. Plate & E. Husemann cirrus (pl. cirri) chevron chromatophore ciliated pit companion setae compound setae diserrated elytron (pl. elytra) elytrophore erpochaeta gastrotroch hood hooded hook hyaline interpodial interramal lobe lanceolate lateral prostornial horns main fang melanophore meniscotroch metatrochophore mitraria modified setae of setiger 5 nectochaeta (pl. nectochaetae) tentacle; a short, generally tapering, fingerlike fleshy projec- tion found on various parts of the body, including the post- erior part of the prostomium (occipital cirrus, also referred to as occipital tentacle or occipital antenna) v-shaped teeth laterally on the proboscis, e.g. in Goniadidae pigment cell or group of cells (see: melanophore) small ciliated cavity ventrally in segment 1, 2 or 3; posteriorly limiting the neurotroch of the Spionidae setae which alternate with modified setae in a fascicle, e.g. with the modified setae of setiger 5 in the genus Polydora setae made of two parts, a shaft and a blade; the blade may be stout and broad = falciger, or long and slender = spiniger hook with one accessory tooth on each side above the main fang or setae with serration on two sides dorsal, scalehke appendage of the neuropodium; with or without papillae; arising from transformation of some dorsal cirri; e.g. in Polynoidae and Sigalionidae cylindrical protrusion of the body carrying an elytron creeping stage, moving on or in the sediment using its setae ventral troch; transitory larval feature envelope; cowl; the hyaline cowls covering the distal ends of the hookshaped seta in most Spionidae long-shafted seta with one or more distal teeth at an angle to the main shaft, covered with a transparent envelope (hood) transparent; clear located between or connecting successive parapodia lying between the notopodial and neuropodial lobes of the parapodium lamella; a flattened, platelike or sheathlike structure shaped like a spearhead prominent digitiform lateal processes projecting from the anterior margin of the prostomium; e.g. uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ polychaeta-identification-guide.pdf

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