HONEST ABE - SLAYING TRAMPIRES SINCE SHIT WORTH DOING - AUG AUSZealand ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ C C C CShit Worth Knowing grooveguide co nz NEWS Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile websit

HONEST ABE - SLAYING TRAMPIRES SINCE SHIT WORTH DOING - AUG AUSZealand ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ C C C CShit Worth Knowing grooveguide co nz NEWS Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile website for breaking news reviews interviews and more features We also do this cool social media stu ? GrooveGuide facebook com grooveguide Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler grooveguide co nz or call SO Another classic If you share our fascination for behind the scene ? s stories and production techniques standby for Classic Album Series So It will be available from Fri Sep on DVD Blu-Ray The story behind the making of his album So Peter Gabriel ? s ?fth solo album and the ?rst to have a title the others all having just been called Peter Gabriel The album spawned the hit singles and groundbreaking videos ? Sledgehammer ? ? Big Time ? ? Don ? t Give Up ? a duet with Kate Bush and ? In Your Eyes ? Get insights from Peter Gabriel co-producer Daniel Lanois engineer Kevin Killen and musicians Jerry Marotta and Laurie Anderson Scrolls Revealed APRA announce the ?ve ?nalists for our most prestigious song writing prize the APRA Silver Scroll Award ? State Houses By The River ? written by Adam McGrath - performed by The Eastern ? Girl In Stilettos ? written by Anna MacDonald - performed by Annah Mac ? Everything To Me ? written by Stephanie Brown performed by Lips ? Getaway Tonight ? written by Kody Nielson - performed by Opossom ? Hibernate ? written and performed by Lydia Cole Voted by the APRA membership and unique renditions of songs will be performed at the awards on Thu Sep under the Musical Directorship of Jon Toogood Shihad The Adults Editor Grant Hislop editor grooveguide co nz Editorial assistant Tyler Hislop tyler grooveguide co nz SUB Editor Laura Weaser laura grooveguide co nz Designer Greta Gotlieb greta grooveguide co nz Advertising sales grooveguide co nz Accounts Gail Hislop gail grooveguide co nz GEAR Bronte Taylor gear grooveguide co nz Contributors Laura Weaser Justin Fowler Liam Maguren Dene Benham print Image Print ltd Publisher Hark Entertainment LTD PO Box Wellesley Street Auckland due to space and content requirements not all gigs may be listed listings are user generated groove guide assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies errors or omissions groove guide is provided ? as is ? for your information only without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to ?tness for a particular purpose and non-infringment the guide ? s publisher assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies errors or

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