Apa uts reference guide FACULTY OF EDUCATION APA American Psychological Association Style Guide APA Style Guide Why have a style guide Preparing an article assignment Abbreviations Quick reference guide to APA format Page Reference Citations in Text Direc

FACULTY OF EDUCATION APA American Psychological Association Style Guide APA Style Guide Why have a style guide Preparing an article assignment Abbreviations Quick reference guide to APA format Page Reference Citations in Text Direct quotation of a source Long quotation indented Authors one and more Authors with multiple articles Citation of more than one source Citation as a secondary source Chapter in an edited book Anonymous works Newspaper Personal communication Electronic journals and web sites Reference List Books Edited book Book chapters Book review Journal articles Electronic journals Newspaper articles Conference paper Web sites or Web documents Example of Reference List Dr Lesley Ljungdahl Faculty of Education Kuring-gai Campus March C APA Style Guide The APA style with its ? rules ? for referencing is described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association th edition Also check these websites http www apastyle org www bell uts edu au ? Why have a style guide Editorial style refers to the guidelines used to ensure clear and consistent presentaion of material in a manuscript such as the citation of references Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism and to enable readers to follow- up and read the original citation in full There are various style guides which try to guarantee consistency in the presentation of written assignments You may think it illogical at times and di ?cult to use but it is better than an idiosyncratic attempt which will di ?er from student to student You may prefer other guides a favourite of mine is the AGPS the Australian Government Style Manual but the APA American Psychological Association is the choice of the Faculty of Education Kuring-gai Campus and it is the one you should currently use ? Preparing an article assignment Typeface e g point Times Roman or point Courier Double-spacing between all lines of the manuscript Some lecturers may ask for Margins e g of uniform size of at least cm at the top bottom left and right of every page Page numbers are arranged consecutively numbered in the top right-hand edge of the paper ? Abbreviations cf chap e g et al ed Ed Eds etc i e p pp rev viz compare chapter for example et alia Latin for 'and others' edition Editor Editors and so forth that is page pages revised namely Quick reference guide C Book Book chapter Reference citation in text She stated ??the ? placebo e ?ect ? ? disappeared when behaviours were studied in this manner ? Miele p OR Miele p claimed that ? ?? What childen crave is freedom to carry out their own experiments and draw their own conclusions ? Stern p Print journal As mentioned in Ljungdahl ? Electronic media The grammar gorillas help children learn grammatical rules Pearson - Internet article based on a Stuart emphasises the importance of ? journal print source Reference List Ljungdahl L Pre-service teachers abroad Australians in the People ? s Republic of China International Journal of Learning - Miele J The

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