Aplicacao guide 1 Application Guide for Worship Solutions CContact Us for Your Individual Needs Thank you very much for requesting this Application Guide for Worship Solutions In this guide you will ?nd all the di ?erent Worship Solutions with product spe

Application Guide for Worship Solutions CContact Us for Your Individual Needs Thank you very much for requesting this Application Guide for Worship Solutions In this guide you will ?nd all the di ?erent Worship Solutions with product speci ?cations our engineers recommend and that we list on our website We hope that it will help while you are considering your system needs Please remember Yamaha is always available to work with you to get the right system design for your speci ?c needs We invite you to take a look at some inquiry examples below and please feel free to contact us for more information Product Speci ?cation Do you need a consultant to ?nd right product speci ?cation Let Yamaha help System Design Need help in ?nding the right solution for your application Our solution providers can work with you to get the right system design for your speci ?c needs Recommended Dealer No matter where you may be located in the world Yamaha has a dealer partner that can work with you to get the product you need when you need it Price Quotation Let Yamaha help you with your quotations by making sure you have the right product speci ?ed for the project Installation Once you have purchased the gear and your team is ready to install Yamaha can be a partner to your installation team by answering any questions you may have about the product Training Yamaha conducts various clinics workshops of various products from musical instruments to audio system in all over the world Contact us more information Tour Support Yamaha products are used on several worldwide music tours today Let us help you have a great show by working with you to put together the right gear After Support Feel free to contact us to get your issue resolved CINDEX Portable Application Keyboard Only Speech Only Guitar Only Guitar Only Full Band Small Keyboard Only Full Band Medium Full Band Room Dimensions L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft L m ft W m ft H m ft Number of Microphones Microphone Speech Singing ?? Mixer ?? I O Rack ?? ?? ?? ?? STAGEPAS BT STAGEPAS BT EMX ?? ?? ?? ?? XD-V x XD-V x XD-V x ?? ?? P MG XU MG XU ?? ?? TF TF MG X x ?? ?? P for IEM ?? Tio -D x with NY -D ?? ?? P Main Speaker ?? STAGEPAS BT STAGEPAS BT CBR x DBR x DBR x DXR x DZR x ?? ?? P Monitor Speaker ?? ?? DBR DBR x DBR x DBR x DBR x DXR x ?? ?? P Sub Speaker

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