LEBW - PETROLEUM A I GUIDE March PETROLEUM ENGINES APPLICATION and INSTALLATION GUIDE CCATERPILLAR PETROLEUM ENGINE APPLICATION AND INSTALLATION GUIDE Table of Contents Marketing Pro ?t Center Locations Design Considerations Serviceability Installation Considerations Long Term Storage Petroleum Engine Selection Ratings and Con ?gurations Petroleum Equipment Description Engine Packaging for Electric Drives Petroleum Bases Two-Bearing Generator O ?shore Power Modules Two-Bearing Generator Land Rig Power Modules Auxiliary Service Single-Bearing Generators Without Bases Equipment Mounting Engine Packaging for Mechanical Drives Mobile and Service Rigs Clutches Belt and Chain Drives System Considerations Torque Converters Transmissions Transmission and Torque Converter Ratings and Adaptation Mud Pump Calculations Alignment and Vibration General Alignment Information De ?ning Types of Misalignment Crankshaft De ection Test Alignment of Two-Bearing Generators Alignment of Close-Coupled Driven Equipment Alignment of Mechanical Drives Vibration Isolation Noise De ?nitions TMI Data Noise Control Available electronically in the Technical Information section of https oilandgas cat com ? Caterpillar LEBW - CTable of Contents Governors Speed Droop Governors Isochronous Governors Electric Load Sharing Governors Electronic Governing and Control System Generator Set Performance Cooling Systems General Information and Cooling System Functions Coolant Considerations Watermaker Installation Requirements Interconnection of Engines Heat Exchanger Cooling Systems Expansion Tanks System Considerations Emergency Radiator Circuits Radiators Installation Criteria Radiator Performance Criteria Jacket Water Heaters Extreme Cold Weather Considerations Sizing and Installing Radiators for EPA Certi ?ed Engines Supplemental Radiator Design Criteria Lubrication Lubricating Oil Requirements Scheduled Oil Sampling Lubricating Oil Prelubrication Duplex Oil Filter System Remote Filters Tilt Angles Supplemental Bypass Filters Fuel Delivery System System Description Fuel System Attachments Fuel Speci ?cations Crude Oil Fuel System Exhaust System Air Intake Systems Engine Room Ventilation Land SCR Rig Ventilation Systems Combustion Air Intake Air Cleaners Crankcase Ventilation DC Power Systems Controls LEBW - CTable of Contents AC Power Systems Controls Oil ?eld Instruments Shuto ?s and Alarm Systems Starting Systems Electric Starting Air Starting Starting Aids Electrolytic and Galvanic Activity Protection Fuel Conservation on Petroleum Engines Daily Engine Report Engine Support Systems Layouts Design Review Sheets LEBW - CMARKETING PROFIT CENTER LOCATIONS CAT POWER SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA PSNA NORTH CENTRAL REGION NORTHWEST REGION S W Adams St LD-LL Peoria IL Ph - Fax - NORTHEAST REGION SE th St Suite Bellevue WA Ph - Fax - Speed No - Powder Forest Dr Weatogue CT Ph - Fax - Speed No - SOUTH CENTRAL REGION FM West Suite Houston TX Ph - Fax - Speed No - SOUTHEAST REGION Little Avenue Suite Charlotte NC Ph - Fax - Speed No - SOUTHWEST REGION N Tustin Avenue Suite Santa Ana CA Ph - Fax - Speed No - CANADIAN REGION Steeles Ave West Suite Woodbridge ON L L K Ph - Fax - Speed No - CATERPILLAR AMERICAS CO CACo Waterford Way Suite Miami FL - Ph - Fax - CATERPILLAR OF AUSTRALIA LTD CofA Caterpillar Drive Private Mail Bag Tullamarine Victoria Australia CATERPILLAR ASIA PACIFIC LTD CAPL Singapore Branch Tractor Road Jurong Singapore Republic of Singapore P O Box Jurong Town Post O

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