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Log In Log In Sign Up Sign Up Q&A Q&A BOARDS BOARDS   PlayStation Eternal Eyes – Guide and Walkthrough Eternal Eyes – Guide and Walkthrough Guides Guides Q&A Q&A Board Board More More Guide and Walkthrough by MTincher Version: 1.3 | Updated: 07/19/2008 &%&& #!& ###% ##& ###% ##@#!! @@@ @@#&# @####@ ##& &###!#@ @#&###@# ##@#@@@@@ #&&%&##&&#&%@ @&&####&& ### &%%%%%%& %###!&# #&##&&%&%& #&&&#%%###! #####%######%@ ###&&####& &## &######### #####&&& &&@########@ ##&####&%%## #& ###&&%%###%@ @## ###&% &## #%%%%%%&## %###!# ###%&&%%%%%#& ##%%@ ##%## @@%&#%@ #%###& &##& &## %!## &&%% &#&&% %##%@%! !&&& @#%@ @#&# &### @%##% @#&#&&%##& &### %%& &% ###% &##% &# @#%@ #&&&# &### ###%@#%&####%##& %### %&##&##&### ###% %############ @#%@##&### &##@ @##%&##&&@@%###% &### %&######&&# ###% &###&&&&&&&# @#%@&#%## &##@ &##%#&&!@ @###& &&## %&!&%%&&# #&#% &### #%%#&#%%## &##@ @%&&%#&&! @%##% &### %&#&! ## #&#% @%####%&##### ###@#@#%%#### &#&@ &#%@###&&&@@&###%@&#&# #&##&!%%&# ###!@ @%####&%&&## ##&@ @@@%%&&# &##@ #### &&&&&%&#&&#%#&#&# %&##&###&# #&&%&& &##&###&#@ #&&@ #@@##&# @&& @&&& @&##&##%%######## &&###&%# &&#### &&&&&&#@ ###@ #@### #@ #&& #&&&&&##&%&@@&&& ####@ @&%&@ @@ @@ @@ @ @ @@ @@#%%@@# # #% @% %&%%%%% #&%%%%&# #&&%%&&&## #&&%%# %%%% %@###&&&%%& #%#@#@@### #&&#@#####&%& #&@#@@# ###@#@ !!!&########@# %&@######@# &%#@@#######@# ###&##& &#%%!## %#@@&&&&&&####& ##!! &@& &@@&%@&%%%%%##% ##!!##& &&%%%## &@#!! &%&#& ###! #%##! #%# #%##% @&%%#@ %##!! && ###@#& #&#@!&&&&& && #@#%& @&%%## &#%!%%%%%%&&&# @######&# &###&&###&&#&#@ %##!& @%%%## &##@@######## %%#######% #&###@#######&# &###!# %%%%## &###!%%&&&&& # &%&###### #%###% !####%&# @%%%## &###@ &&!#### #####@%%% %####&%&@&%%## %###@ &&####&## %!&#& @&%#&&##&%%###@ !#####&%%%#&# &#&##@#&############@&&# #%########&# #% @#&#@@%%## #%######&## #&######%& #%%&###&%# &### &!%%## #%%%%%&# #&%%%%&# @#&%%&# #######&%!!%%# ###### #%%### #%&##&&&&##@% ##%%&####& #&%%%&! The above ASCII art was created by Atom Edge. Thanks a lot Atom Edge!!! O-----------------------------------O | | |Title: Eternal Eyes |        Menu |Genre: Role-Playing (RPG) | |Platform: Playstation (PSX) | |Developer: Sunsoft | |Publisher: Crave Entertainment | |ESRB Rating: Everyone | | | O-----------------------------------O +----------------------------------------------------+ | | |Written by: MTincher (Michael Tincher) | |Type of FAQ: FAQ/Walkthrough | |E-mail address: mtincher69@yahoo.com | |Yahoo! IM: mtincher69 | |AIM: mtincher43 | |MSN Messenger: mtincher69@yahoo.com | |Version: 1.3 | |Last Update: July 18, 2008 | |Began FAQ: April 17, 2003 | | | +----------------------------------------------------+ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Copyright -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ/Walkthrough is (c) 2003 to Michael Tincher. It may not be used for your own profit or on any other site without my permission. If you see this FAQ/Walkthrough on any site that is NOT on my Site Permission List, please contact me immediately. If you would like to use this FAQ/Walkthrough on another site, contact me and ask me if you can use it. If I let you use it, please don’t change anything about the guide and give me proper credit. You may print this guide out for YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE. Do not print this guide out, then go and sell it. If you do not want to kill a tree by printing this guide out, you can save it to your hard drive for your personal use. ___________ ___________ \_ _____/--------------------------------------------------------\_ _____/ | __)_ Table of | __)_ | \ Contents | \ /_______ /--------------------------------------------------------/_______ / \/ \/ 1. Introduction a. What's New b. Author's Note c. Site Permission List 2. Controls a. Controller b. Analog Controller 3. Storyline a. Prologue b. Present 4. Characters 5. Basics a. Preparing for Battle b. Battles c. Key Terms 6. Speed Guide 7. Walkthrough a. Opening Scene b. Chapter 1 - Setting Out c. Chapter 2 - The Call of the Wind d. Chapter 3 - Baptism of Fire e. Chapter 4 - The Inscribed Promise f. Chapter 5 - Fairy of the Wind g. Chapter 6 - The Land of Light h. Chapter 7 - The Mysterious Round Dance i. Chapter 8 - Forgetter of Time j. Chapter 9 - Dark Cloud k. Chapter 10 - The Beginning of the End 8. Boss Strategies 9. General Stores 10. Town Maps a. Gross Kingdom b. Goondocks 11. Luke's Leveling Chart 12. Items Appendix 13. Weapons Appendix 14. Protective Gear Appendix 15. Accessories Appendix 16. Magic a. Magic Effects b. Magic Appendix 17. Mappemon List 18. Mappemon Evolutions 19. Jewel Leving Up Chart 20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 21. Added Bonuses 22. Credits ___________ ___________ \_ _____/--------------------------------------------------------\_ _____/ | __)_ Section 1: | __)_ | \ Introduction | \ /_______ /--------------------------------------------------------/_______ / \/ \/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- 1-a: What's New -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.3 - Siggy pointed out that Shadow Move transforms into Alicia using the jewel sequence White, Blue, Yellow, and then Green. The size of this file didn't change any. - July 18, 2008 Version 1.2 - Darkside721 submitted a Jewel Leveling Up Chart and gave how to get the R. B. Pappet and the G. B. Pappet. The current size is 404kb. - July 10, 2003 Version 1.1 - Nothing much. I just added a few questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section, since I have been asked a few in the past day or so. The KB total didn't rise much. It is currently at 398kb. - June 18, 2003 Version 1.0 - I finished the walkthrough section, and added the Bosses Strategies section. The guide is finally complete!!! Although, I might add a section that gives a description to every Mappemon. Give me feedback on if I should do it or not. The size is currently at 397kb. - June 17, 2003 Version 0.9 - I have up through the opening scene of Chapter 9 complete. I hope to finish this guide by tomorrow morning. Yes I plan to even stay up all night to just finish it. Current size is 343kb. - June 14, 2003 Version 0.8 - I finshed the Speed Guide. I also done two more chapters in the walkthrough section. Along with that, I finished the General Stores section. Current size is 330. - June 13, 2003 Version 0.7 - I finished the Accessories Appendix. Now all I must do is complete the walkthrough, which is half way completed. Currently at 291kb. - May 31, 2003 Version 0.6 - I added the Frequently Asked Questions, Items Appendix, Weapons Appendix, Protective Gear Appendix, and the Magic sections. Currently at 246kb. - May 21, 2003 Version 0.5 - I have the walkthrough section half done. Sections completed so far: Introduction; Controls; Storyline; Characters; Basics; Town Maps; Luke's Leveling Chart; Mappemon List; Mappemon Evolutions; Credits. Currently at 193kb. - May 10, 2003 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- 1-b: Author's Note -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hey!!! I hope this FAQ/Walkthrough will help anyone who reads it. Hopefully, this will turn out to be my best FAQ/Walkthrough so far. I would like to give a BIG THANKS to Darren NG (ngkleong@hotmail.com) for letting me use his Mappemon Evolution guide. Thanks a lot man!!! Your contribution is extremely appreciated!!! This game isn't very good, which kind of causes my guide to not be the best at displaying my writing skills. Anyways, enjoy the FAQ/Walkthrough. If you like my Eternal Eyes guide or if you dislike my guide, then you should rate this guide or you could e-mail me and tell me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- 1-c: Site Permission List -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com/ IGN http://faqs.ign.com/ Neoseeker http://www.neoseeker.com/ My Site http://www.angelfire.com/games5/mtincher/ ___________ ___________ \_ _____/--------------------------------------------------------\_ _____/ | __)_ Section 2: | __)_ | \ Controls | \ /_______ /--------------------------------------------------------/_______ / \/ \/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- 2-a: Controller -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Button | Function | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | X button | Confirms, scrolss messages, reads, talks to | | | or opens. | | | | | O button | Cancels, skips messages, displays movement | | | range or runs (when used together with | | | directional button). | | | | | /_\ button | Shows a Submenu for the end-of-turn command, | | | the settings command, and the overview | | | command. | | | | | [] button | NOT USED | | | | | L1 button | Turns the map conterclockwise. | | | | | L2 button | NOT USED | | | | | R1 button | Turns the map clockwise. | | | | | R2 button | Moves the cursor during battle. | | | | | START button | Starts the game. | | | | | SELECT button | NOT USED | | | | | Directional buttons | Use the directional buttons to move a | | | character and move cursor. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- 2-b: Analog Controller -=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Button | Function | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | X button | Confirms, scrolss messages, reads, talks to | | | or opens. | | | | | O button | Cancels, skips messages, displays movement | | | range or runs (when used together with | | | directional button). | | | | | /_\ button | Shows a Submenu for the end-of-turn command, | | | the settings command, and the overview | | | command. | | | | | [] button | NOT USED | | | | | L1 button | Turns the map conterclockwise. | | | | | L2 uploads/Litterature/ eternal-eyes-walktrough.pdf

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