Bibliography 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY CWhat is a Bibliography ? A bibliography is an orderly list of resources on a particular subject ? A bibliography provides the full reference information for all the sources which you may have consulted in preparing a particul

BIBLIOGRAPHY CWhat is a Bibliography ? A bibliography is an orderly list of resources on a particular subject ? A bibliography provides the full reference information for all the sources which you may have consulted in preparing a particular project ? The purpose of a bibliography is to allow the reader to trace the sources used CBibliography should include ? the authors' names ? the titles of the works ? the names and locations of the companies that published your copies of the sources ? the dates your copies were published ? the page numbers of your sources if they are part of multi-source volumes CDistinguishing traits of a Bibliography The author ? s name is listed in reverse order-surname ?rst-for the purpose of alphabetizing The entry is generally presented in hanging-indention form That is the second and subsequent lines of an entry begin at a uniform distance to the right of the beginning point of the ?rst line The entry gives the inclusive pages of articles but not for books and does not refer to any one page or passage Second and subsequent references to publications of the same author are indicated by a uniform line CStandard Citation Styles Used in a Bibliography ? There are various formats used in the creation of a bibliography such as the American Psychological Association APA Modern Language Association of America MLA and Chicago Manual of Style and Council of Biology Editors CBE ? The APA style of referencing is common in the papers written on topics of social sciences MLA style is used in ?eld of humanities and CBE is a popular citation style in the natural sciences ? Examples MLA For books o Author Title of book Subtitle City of Publication Publisher Year o Arnold Francis Greece Texas Steck-Vaughn APA o Author's last name ?rst initial Publication date Book title Additional information City of publication Publishing company o Allen T Vanishing wildlife of North America Washington D C National Geographic Society CMaking a Bibliography ? For a Book Author last name ?rst Title of the book City Publisher Date of publication Example Godin Seth Purple cow Transform your business by being Remarkable New York Upper Saddle River ? For an Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Title Edition Date Volume Number Article Title page numbers Example The Encyclopedia Britannica Volume ??Gorillas ? pp - C ? For a magazine Author last name ?rst Article Title Name of magazine Volume number Date page numbers Example Jordan Jennifer ??Filming on top of the world ? Museum of Science Magazine Volume winter pp- ? For a Newspaper Author last name ?rst Article Title Name of newspaper city state of publication date edition if available section page number s Example Powers Ann ??New Trends ? The New York Times New York NY Atlantic Region Section p- C ? World Wide Web URL Uniform Resource Locator or WWW address author or item's name if mentioned date Example http www TheHindu com Today ? s news August ? Government Publications U

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