Bimbofication guide Bimbo ?cation Guide How to be the best version of yourself By Alex Smith Kik Snapchat - ModernRomeo v CTable of Contents Below are links to speci ?c sections of the guide Chapters What is a Bimbo The Bimbo Look Bimbo Style The Bimbo Mi

Bimbo ?cation Guide How to be the best version of yourself By Alex Smith Kik Snapchat - ModernRomeo v CTable of Contents Below are links to speci ?c sections of the guide Chapters What is a Bimbo The Bimbo Look Bimbo Style The Bimbo Mind Your Bimbo Mantra Bimbo Fitness Your Bimbo Finances Appendix Bimbo Task List Day Bimbo Guide - A guide with steps on how to become a bimbo in days CChapter What is a Bimbo I ? m sure you ? ve seen them before - dumb self- con ?dent slutty women walking around with heels that show o ? their barely covered legs and asses Shirts stretched so tightly on their breasts that their nipples are visible beneath But what makes someone a bimbo I de ?ne a bimbo as someone who embodies four to six of the below ? Bimbo Qualities ? and who does her best to ful ?ll them on a daily basis Bimbo Qualities Physical Appearance Slutty - a bimbo proudly displays her best qualities e g tits and ass Made Up - a bimbo exists to be pleasing to men and her makeup must re ect that Fit - a bimbo should be physically healthy Mental Appearance Sexual Obsession - a bimbo is a purely sexual being with no other thoughts Desire to Please - a bimbo should get pleasure from sexually pleasing men Obedient - a bimbo obeys men and enjoys sexualy serving them CDon ? t bimbos need to be dumb No Being a bimbo isn ? t about being dumb As the ? Sexual Obsession ? quality states - the bimbo instead focuses all her energy and all her thoughts on being a purely sexual being As you follow your bimbo journey you will begin to replace all other thoughts in your head with sexual ones How big is that guy ? s cock I wonder if I give him a little tease will he push me up against the table and fuck me like a whore You will ultimately have a diminished mental capacity Not from being dumb but by focusing on sex and man ? s pleasure above everything else Why would I want to be a bimbo Being a bimbo is not just changing how you dress and act It is a frame of mind - one that will lead to your sexualization and ultimate happiness It will not be easy There will be times that you feel like you would be better o ? quitting and having a more traditional life But as you continue those will be fewer and far between The only truly happy people - those completely content with their lives - have been bimbos Can I become a bimbo Anyone can become a bimbo Being a bimbo is hard work It will require a strict diet and exercise routine It will require listening to and repeating your bimbo mantras for hours on end It will require you to leave behind

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