Brief writing guide 1 brainstorming

de mayo de BRIEF WRITING GUIDE - BRAINSTORMING - Understand the topic - Write down your ideas brie y in your language English - PLANNING - Group similar ideas name them - Cross out irrelevant or repetitive ideas - Order the di ?erent group of ideas - FAST WRITING - If necessary in Spanish organize the ideas within each paragraph main sentence subordinate sentences examples contrast ? - DRAFTING - Fast writing in English Overlook neatness accuracy or correction - Leave space between lines and margins for future corrections - IMPROVING - Mark the things you need to improve Lay out paragraphs ? word order accurate grammar and vocabulary Add anything missing for good understanding C de mayo de - FEEDBACK - If possible exchange with a partner Note suggestions for improvement Make clear things that he she doesn ? t understand - PRESENTING - Write it neatly with paragraphs clearly indicated indenting block style margins ? In general Go straight to the point be as brief or simple as you can Be clear in your layout Try to use an adult vocabulary and grammar Revise it at the end correction is the most important The opening paragraph brief states what you are going to talk about and from what point of view It may be expressed directly or in a way that arises the curiosity of the reader a short anecdote one or more questions an unidenti ?ed pronoun that makes you guess The body of the essay comes next and there you give reasons to support your arguments You may write di ?erent paragraphs to express di ?erent considerations The closing paragraph is a short conclusion that shows the composition comes to an end It may be a summary a logical conclusion or personal opinion or consideration C

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