INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento”

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 1 GUÍA #1 ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Inglés GRADO: 11th DOCENTE: Nelson Mejia Tabares FECHA: JANUARY WELCOME: ENJOYING ENGLISH LITERATURE ESTANDAR: Reading: Identifico el punto de vista del autor Speaking: Uso lenguaje funcional para discutir alternativas, hacer recomendaciones y negociar acuerdos en debates preparados con anterioridad Listening: Identifico la idea principal de un texto oral cuando tengo conocimiento previo del tema COMPETENCIA : Lingüística- pragmática – Sociolingüística APRENDIZAJE: 1. Identifica los tiempos gramaticales en contexto y sus funciones 2. Emplea correctamente las estructuras para comunicarse de manera oral 3. Participa activamente en las conversaciones entendiendo el mensaje principal línea de investigación, proyecto, pregunta problematizadora, reto o desafío. Challenge: Master irregular verbs from A to Z Project: Spelling bee training project INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 2 Conceptualización: We invite you to explore the information in this guide # 1, where you will have the opportunity of learning about the Life of Oscar Wilde and read the book “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. In addition, you will remember the uses of simple past and present perfect in context. This guide is the support to study at home and learn in an autonomous way. It is indispensable that you check the written and virtual material to participate in the Oral activities. 1. OSCAR WILDE Where was he from?: England UK UNITED KINGDOM Is he alive?: No, he is not How does he look like?: Personal… (XLSemanal, s.f.) INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 3 Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854 to Sir William Wilde and his wife Jane. Oscar's mother, Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1820-1896), was a successful poet and journalist. She wrote patriotic Irish verse under the pseudonym "Speranza". Oscar's father, Sir William Wilde (1815 - 1876), was a leading ear and eye surgeon, a renowned philanthropist and gifted writer, who wrote books on archaeology and folklore. Oscar had an elder brother, Willie, and a younger sister, Isola Francesca, who died at the early age of 10. He was educated at Portora Royal School (1864-71), Trinity College, Dublin (1871-74), and Magdalen College, Oxford (1874-78). While at Oxford, he became involved in the aesthetic movement and became an advocate for 'Art for Art's Sake' (L'art pour l'art). Whilst at Magdalen, he won the 1878 Newdigate Prize for his poem Ravenna. After he graduated, he moved to Chelsea in London (1879) to establish a literary career. In 1881, he published his first collection of poetry - Poems that received mixed reviews by critics. He worked as an art reviewer (1881), lectured in the United States and Canada (1882), and lived in Paris (1883). He also lectured in Britain and Ireland (1883 - 1884). On May 29, 1884, Oscar married Constance Lloyd (died 1898), daughter of wealthy Queen's Counsel Horace Lloyd. They had two sons, Cyril (1885) and Vyvyan (1886). To support his family, Oscar accepted a job as the editor of Woman's World magazine, where he worked from 1887-1889. INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 4 2. THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 5 3. PRESENT PERFECT The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle. Write a sentence in past participle taking into account the image INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 6 participle. Write a sentence in past participle taking into account the image INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 7 ASK THREE QUESTIONS ABOUT COLOMBIA To complement the Information, check this web site: INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 8 4. JUST- ALREADY AND YET USE THE EXPRESSIONS (JUST, ALREADY AND SINCE) in three different sentences about the book (THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY) just-yet-grammar INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 9 5. FOR AND SINCE Write two sentences using FOR and SINCE taking into account the current situation with the COVID 19. INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 10 6. Read the book “THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY” that you will find in the following links: ACTIVIDADES GENERAL: Read the book THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by couples and answer the following questions: 1. Talk about the settings (Describe them) 2. Characters in the story (Describe them) 3. Who was Oscar Wilde? ° 4. Why did Dorian was jealous of his own portrait? * 5. Who was Dorian´s fiancée? And what was her profession? ° 6. Why did Dorian Leave Sibyl? * 7. Did Sybil die? How – why ° 8. Where did Dorian hide the portrait? ° 9. Why did Dorian decide to hide the portrait? 10. How does Dorian show his soul to Basil? * 11. What changes has suffered the picture when Dorian shows Basil in his house? 12. How did Dorian Kill Basil? ° 13. With your words, write about: Plot, Conflict, resolution 14. What is the teaching of the story? + TENSES: 1. Write 3 sentences with own information about places in Colombia you have visited and what have you done (Use already- since-for) 2. Write 3 sentences about things that you have not done (Use yet) INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 11 TIPS  Take into cosiderantion these punctuation at the time of writing: (, s.f.) INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 12  To improve your pronunciation of verbs in past take into consideration the following information INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 13  Get ready to do your oral presentation about the books, pout in orativece connectors and useful expressions. PROFUNDIZACIÓN: Study the irregular verbs in the first page (A-F) and make 10 sentences chosen different verbs (Practice spelling, pronunciation, present, past and past participle forms) VERBS.pdf INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 14 YOUR OPINION COUNT Select in the following chart the importance of the guide to reach the English Competences… RELEVANT 5___4___3___2___1___ NOT RELEVANT Autoevaluación : Aspectos a evaluar Valoración Guía #1 Guía #2 1. Respeto la opinión de mis compañeros 2. Mantengo autodisciplina en clase 3. Cumplimiento con los materiales de clase 4. Aporto de manera positiva al grupo 5. Mantengo limpio mi lugar de estudio 6. Presto atención a las indicaciones 7. Tomo nota de los aspectos importantes de la clase 8. Soy puntual en la asistencias a los encuentros y en la entrega de trabajos 9. Soy honesto en las evaluaciones y actividades , no hago fraude 10. Cumplo con las normas establecidas para los encuentros Valoración final Bibliografía Cursos Online INGLÉS . (s.f.). Obtenido de ingles/ INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA ANDRÉS BELLO “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” EJERCICIOS Y TALLERES FGCO - 007 V. 2017 “Aspirad a la Independencia de pensamiento” Página 15 English Grammar Here. (s.f.). Obtenido de tense-using-and-examples/ (s.f.). Obtenido de in-english/ LIVEWORKSHEETS. (s.f.). Obtenido de ent_perfect/Present_perfect_interrogative_tp1039172ex Wood Ward English . (s.f.). Obtenido de XLSemanal. (s.f.). Obtenido de wilde-vida-muerte-aniversario-carcel-homosexual-cartas-poeta.html uploads/Litterature/ institucion-educativa-andres-bello-linea-de-investigacion-proyecto-pregunta-problematizadora-reto-o-desafio.pdf

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