1 MARGINALIA Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le fil
1 MARGINALIA Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le film populaires n° 84 SCIENCE-FICTION - FANTASTIQUE - FANTASY - ROMAN POLICIER WESTERN - RÉCIT DE GUERRE - ROMAN HISTORIQUE - BD - ÉROTICA LITTÉRATURE DE JEUNESSE Mars 2015 Marginalia est publié 4 fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Québec/Canada) nspehner@sympatico.ca 2 généralités Rappel : la rubrique intitulée « Géné- ralités » présente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mélange les genres, les inclassables, les études sur le roman et le film d’aventures, l’humour et le comique, la culture populaire en général, ainsi que certaines « curiosités » éditoriales... LITTÉRATURE AZIZA, Claude (dossier + préface), L e s Aventures d’Allan Quatermain (Henry Rider Haggard), Paris, Omnibus, 2014, xiv-899 pages. Au sommaire : L’Épouse d’Allan – Les Mines du roi Salomon – Allan Quatermain. BACHLEITNER, Norbert, Fiktive Nachrich- ten : die Anfänge des europäische Feuille- tonromans, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2012, 134 pages. Von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts an war der Feuilletonroman ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil fast aller europäischen Tageszeitungen. Durch den berühmten Feuilletonstrich wurde er vom 'seriösen' faktischen Teil der Zeitung abgetrennt oder in Beilagen verbannt. Er stellte so etwas wie einen anrüchigen Freiraum der Phantasie und des Karnevalesken dar, der Leser und insbesondere auch Leserinnen anlocken sollte. BENSON, Josef, Hypermasculinities in the Contemporary Novel : Cormac McCarthy, Toni Morrison and James Baldwin, Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2014, 133 pages. BERBERIC, Christine, The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction, London, Bloomsbury, 2015, 304 pages Charting the rise of commercial fiction from the 19th century to today, The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction includes introductory surveys, written by leading scholars, to a wide range of popular genres, including: Science Fiction Crime Writing Romance and Chick Lit Adventure Stories and Lad Lit Horror Graphic Novels Children's Literature Part II of the book also includes case- study readings of key writers and texts, from the work of HG Wells, Ian Fleming and Raymond Chandler to more recent books such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. CAMPBELL, BRUCE B., GÜNTHER-PAL, Allison & Viebe Rützou, PETERSON (eds.), Detectives, Dystopias, and Poplit : Studies in Modern German Genre Fiction, Rochester (NY), Camden House, 2014, vi, 292 pages. 1 Introduction: Closing a Bildungslücke - Genre Fiction and Why It Is Important - 2 German Science Fiction: Its Formative Works and Its Postwar Uses of the Holocaust 3 A Future History Out of Time: The Historical Context of Döblin's Expressionist Dystopian Experiment, Berge Meere und Giganten - 4 Eco-Eschbach: Sustainability in the Science Fiction of Andreas Eschbach - 5 Murder in the Weimar Republic: Prejudice, Politics, and the Popular in the Socialist Crime Fiction of Hermynia Zur Mühlen 6 The Imaginary FBI: Jerry Cotton, the Nazi Roots of the Bundeskriminalamt, and the Cultural Politics of Detective Fiction in West Germany - 7 Justice and Genre: The Krimi as a Site of Memory in Contemporary Germany 8 Detecting Identity: Reading the Clues in German- Language Crime Fiction by Klüpfel and Kobr and Seinfest 9 The Pedagogy of Pulp: Liberated Sexuality and Its Consequences Through the Eyes of Vicki Baum's stud. chem. Helene Willfüer - 10 The Kränzchen Library and the Creation of Teenage Identity - 11 Close the Border, Mind the Gap: Pop Misogyny and Social Critique in Christian Kracht's Faserland - 12 Bibliography COMPÈRE, Daniel & Robert SOUBRET (dir.), Hetzel. éditeur populaire, dans Le Rocambole, no 68-69, automne-hiver 2014, 352 pages. Bien des travaux ont déjà été consacrés à l’éditeur Hetzel, mais il restait à prendre l’angle de l’éditeur populaire et l’on verra que notre dossier est riche en éclairages nouveaux sur cet éditeur. Hetzel éditeur fut aussi un auteur sous le pseudonyme de Stahl, aussi ce dossier est-il accompagné d’un conte paru sous cette signature. C’est même un double conte avec un premier récit et un second qui vient le compléter. Ce numéro double 68-69 célèbre aussi un autre anniversaire: les trente ans de la création de la revue Encrage. C’est pour nous l’occasion d’établir un historique précis de cette revue qui est la sœur aînée du Rocambole, d’en donner le dépouillement complet des vingt-cinq numéros parus de 1984 à 1990, et de rééditer quelques-uns de ses articles dans la «Malle aux docs» à titre de témoins d’une démarche qui précède la nôtre. Même si certains articles datent un peu, nous sommes sûrs que, pour certains lecteurs, ils apporteront du nouveau ! COSTANTINI, Mariaconcetta, Sensation and Professionalism in the Victorian Novel, New York, Oxford, etc., Peter Lang, 2015, 364 pages. This book explores the extent to which four sensation novelists responded to the Victorian theorizing of professionalism. - Victorian professionalism – The sensation novel – Wilkie Collins – Mary Elizabeth Braddon – Charles Reade – Ellen Wood – British fiction 1850s-70s – Victorian professionals in the arts – Nineteenth-century law and medicine – Victorian detectives. DUNN, Jane, Daphne du Maurier and her Sisters : The Hidden Lives of Piffy, Bird and Bing, London, Harper Press, 2013, xix, 423 pages. 3 GAVIN, Adrienne E. & Andrew F. HUMPHRIES (eds.), Transport in British Fiction : Technologies of Movement, 1840-1940, New York, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2015, 248 p. Exploring transport in contexts including gender, class, sexuality, colonialism, war, urbanism, modernity, travel, crime, and science fiction, the volume offers innovative perspectives on the fictional portrayal of new transport technologies that were as democratizing and progressive as they were threatening and destabilizing. GUILLAUD, Lauric & Jean-Paul DEBENAT, L’Imaginaire face au nazisme : le cauchemar de fer, Agnières, Éditions Le Temps Présent, (Démons et merveilles), 2014, 205 pages. L’Imaginaire face au nazisme traite des sources occultes du national-socialisme. _Ses auteurs ont voulu se démarquer des ouvrages à sensation qui exploitent le filon de la « crypto-histoire », l’histoire que l’on nous cache ! Nombre d’auteurs dans le domaine de l’anticipation et/ou du fantastique, eux-mêmes membres ou proches des sociétés secrètes, contribuèrent à mettre en valeur la notion de « Surhomme ». L. Guillaud propose à cet égard un tableau comparatif entre les concepts énoncés par le romancier E. Bulwer-Lytton dans La Race à venir et les propos d’Adolf Hitler. HAKOLA, Outi (ed.), Death in Literature, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, xix, 294 pages. Death is very useful to literature, as it creates plot twists, suspense, mysteries, and emotional effects in narrations. This volume, entitled Death in Literature, approaches death by examining the narratives and spectacles of death, dying and mortality in different literary genres. The articles consider literary representations of death from ancient Rome to the Netherlands today, and explore ways of dealing with death and dying. NASH, Andrew, William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel : Gender, Genre and the Marketplace, London, Pickering & Chatto, (Literary Texts and the Popular Marketplace, 6), 2014, xi, 231 pages. William Clark Russell wrote more than forty nautical novels. Immensely popular in their time, his works were admired by many contemporary writers including Conan Doyle, Stevenson, Meredith and Swinburne. His most famous novel The Wreck of the Grosvenor has rarely been out of print since its first publication in 1877. Nash places Russell's work at the centre of current debates on late Victorian literature and book history. QI, Shouhua (ed.), The Brontë Sisters in Other Wor(l)ds, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 215 pages. This collection of essays looks at the works of the Brontë sisters through a translingual, transnational, and transcultural lens, viewing them as examples of heteroglossia, hybridity, and postcolonial reworkings. SHIN, Yamashiro, American Sea Literature : Seascapes, Beach Narratives, and Underwater Explorations, Palgrave, Mac- millan, 2014, viii, 125 pages. Differentiating between the 'terrestrial' and 'oceanic' as concepts, Shin Yamashiro divides sea literature into three categories: literature on the sea, by the sea, and beneath the sea. Discussing both canonical works and new books on scuba diving, deep-sea explorations, and surfing, this fascinating study recognizes sea literature's unique influence on American history. SIMMONS, David, The Anti-Hero in the American Novel : from Joseph Heller to Kurt Vonnegut, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 220 pages. The Anti-Hero in the American Novel rereads major texts of the 1960s such as Catch-22, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and Slaughterhouse-Five to offer an innovative re- evaluation of a set of canonical novels that moves beyond entrenched post-modern and post-structural interpretations towards an appraisal which emphasizes the specifically humanist and idealist elements of these works, and in the process reasserts the important social impetus that lies behind them. YOUKINS, Edward W., Exploring Capitalist Fiction : Business Through Literature and Film, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2014, 329 pages. Exploring Capitalist Fiction: Business through Literature and Film analyzes 25 films, novels, and plays that engage the theories, concepts, and issues most relevant to the business world. Through critical examinations of works such as Atlas Shrugged and Wall Street, Younkins shows how fiction is a powerful teaching tool to sensitize business students without business experience and to educate and train managers in real businesses. CINÉMA & TÉLÉVISION ACKROYD, Peter, Charlie Chaplin : A Brief Life, New York, Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2014, viii, 289 pages. uploads/Litterature/ marginalia-84.pdf
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- Publié le Jul 29, 2021
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