Cloud identification guide
Droplets The Kiwi Kids Cloud Identi ?cation Guide Written by Paula McKean Droplets The Kiwi Kids Cloud Identi ?cation Guide ISBN - - -X Paula McKean MEd Hons Science Ed BEd DipTchg ? Crown Copyright Contents Cloud Classi ?cation How Clouds are formed The Water Cycle Cumulus Altitudes Stratus Altitudes Precipitating Cloud Altitudes Cirrus Cloud Altitudes Cumulus Altocumulus Cirrocumulus Stratus Stratocumulus Altostratus Cirrostratus Nimbostratus Cumulus Congestus Cumulonimbus Cirrus Contrails References Acknowledgements Cloud Classi ?cation Since Luke Howard developed the ?rst cloud classi ?cation system in clouds have been classi ?ed according to the altitude of the cloud base and the shape of the cloud There are three main categories Low level- Clouds that form below m Cumulus Stratocumulus Stratus including Fog Haze and Mist Nimbostratus and Cumulonimbus Mid level - Clouds that form between m and m Altocumulus and Altostratus High level - Clouds that form above m Cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus and Contrails In this guide cloud types have been organised by their characteristics so it is easier to distinguish between clouds that appear to be similar and to help determine the cloud type when the altitude can ? t be determined Clouds have been grouped into four categories ? Cumulus heaped pu ?y appearing clouds ? Stratus at clouds that extend over large sections of sky ? Precipitating clouds that can produce rain hail or snow ? Cirrus wispy high altitude clouds By using a combination of the altitude system and characteristic based system used in this guide cloud identi ?cation will be easier and more accurate Happy cloud spotting How Clouds are formed Clouds are an important part of the water cycle The heat from the sun evaporates water or moisture at ground level The evaporated water called water vapour rises into the atmosphere The water vapour will continue to rise cooling as it goes until it reaches a point in the atmosphere where the temperature is low enough for condensation this is called dew point The water vapour condenses around particulates in the atmosphere and turns into water droplets or at high altitudes ice crystals These tiny droplets may become larger as two drops collide a large collection of droplets forms a visible cloud Precipitation in the form of rain hail or snow occurs when the droplets or crystals become large enough to fall to the ground Water falls to Earth as rain hail or snow and the cycle continues again The Water Cycle Precipitation in the form of rain hail or snow occurs when the drops or crystals become large enough to fall to the ground Water vapour condenses into water droplets or ice crystals Heat from the sun causes water or moisture at ground level to evaporate Water falls to Earth as rain hail or snow and the cycle continues again The Cumulus Family High level Cumulus Altitudes Cirrocumulus m m Altocumulus m Cumulus Mid level Low level The Stratus Family High level Stratus Altitudes Cirrostratus m m Altostratus m Stratus Stratocumulus Mid level Low
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- Publié le Nov 28, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 46.7kB