PETITE BIBLIOGRAPHIE sur LE FAIT FRANÇAIS EN LOUISIANE Barry Jean Ancelet Carolyn Dural David Barry LANGUE / LANGUAGE: [in English] ANCELET, Barry Jean. "A Perspective on Teaching the Problem Language in Louisiana," The French Review 61:3 (1988). ARCENEAUX, George. "The French Language in Southern Louisiana," Louisiana Schools 15 (October, 1937) 26- 27. BABIN, Lawrence J. "A Glossary of French spoken on Grand Isle," thesis, Louisiana State University, 1937. BABINGTON, Mina and E. Bagby Atwood. "Lexical Usage in Southern Louisiana," Publications of the American Dialect Society 36 (1961): 1-24. BARBEAU, Marius. "Louisiana French," Canadian Geographic Journal 54 (1957) 2-11. BARNHILL, Vyron L. "A Linguistic atlas type investigation in Southwestern Louisiana," thesis, Tulane University, 1950. BERNARD, Lorene Marie. "A Study of Louisiana French in Lafayette Parish," thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1933. BIENVENU, Charles Joseph. 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"Gombo, the Creole Dialect of Louisiana, together with a Bibliography," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, MA: April, 1935, 101-142. TISCH, Joseph LeSage. French in Louisiana: A Study of the Historical Development of the French Language of Louisiana. New Orleans: A.F. Laborde, 1959. TRAHAN, Lucie M. "Etymological glossary of the variants from standard French in Assumption Parish," thesis, Louisiana State University, 1936. TRAPPEY, Adams S. Holmes. "Creole folklore in phonetic transcription," thesis, Louisiana State University, 1916. TRAPPEY, Maud Marie. "The French speech of Iberia Parish," thesis, Louisiana State University, 1940. VALDMAN, Albert, ed. French and Creole in Louisiana. New York: Plenum Press, 1997. VIATOR, Audrey B. "A Glossary of neolgisms, loan-words and variants from standard French in the Parish of St. John the Baptist," thesis, Louisiana State University, 1935. WISE, Claude M. "Specimen of Louisiana French-English; or Cajun Dialect in Phonetic Transcription," American Speech 8(1973): 64-64. [en français] ANCELET, Barry Jean. "La politique socio-culturelle de la transcription: La question du français louisianais," Présence francophone 43 (1993), 47-62. BRETON, Roland J.-L. Géographie du français et de la francité en Louisiane. Québec: Centre International de Recherche sur le Bilinguisme, 1979. CLIFTON, Deborah J. "La conspiration, la variation et la stabilité linguistique; Le cas des consonnes affriquées aux parlers français de la Louisiane," thesis, Ohio State University, 1975. DITCHY, Jay. Les Acadiens louisianais et leur parler. Paris: Librairie E. Droz, 1932. FARELLA, Pierre. "Étude du dialecte acadien à partir d'enregistrements faits dans différentes paroisses du sud-oeust de la Louisiana," diss., Université d'Aix-Marseille I, 1976. GRASSIN, Maguy Lavaud. "Le lexique du parler cajun en Louisiane," diss., Université de Paris III, 1978. GUIDRY, Richard. 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Albert Valdman, Paris: Honoré Champion, 1979, 93-110. POIRIER, Pascal. Glossaire acadien. Moncton: Université de Moncton, 1964 et 1977. _____________. Le parler franco-acadien et ses origines. Québec: Imprimerie Franciscaine Missionnaire, 1928. PREUX, Philippe. "La langue des Cajuns," L'Ethnie Française 2 (April, 1981) Bruxelles: Foundation Charles Plisnier, 70-81. PREVOS, André. "Survivance saintongeaise dans le parler cajun de la Louisiane," Société d'Études Folkloriques du Centre-Ouest 15:106 (Sept./Oct., 1981) St.-Savinien: France 309-322. RATERO, Joelle F. "Étude du français cajun de la paroisse Vermilion de Louisiane (Etats-Unis)," diss., Université de Rouen, 1981. SAUCIER, Corinne. Traditions de la paroisse des Avoyelles en Louisiane. Memoirs of the American Folklore Society, vol. 47. Philadelphia: MAFS, 1956. VALDMAN, Albert. "La situation actuelle du créole en Louisiane," Présence francophone 43 (1993), 85-111. HISTOIRE ET CULTURE / HISTORY AND CULTURE: [in English] ALLAIN, Mathé. Not Worth a Straw: French Colonial Policy and the Founding of the Louisiana Colony, 1699- 1769. Lafayette: USL Center for Louisiana Studies Publications, 1988. _____________. "The French Literature of Louisiana," The University of Colorado Occasional Papers 2 (1982) 83- 113. _____________. "French Theater in Louisiana," co-authored, in Maxine Sellers, ed. Ethnic Theater in the United States (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983), 139-174. _____________. "'They Don't Even Talk Like Us:' Cajun Violence in Film and Fiction," Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 23, no. 1 (1989), 65-75. _____________, and Barry Ancelet. "Feu de Savane: A Literary Renaissance in French Louisiana," Southern Exposure 9: 2 (Summer, 1981) 4-11. _____________, and Carl Brasseaux, eds. A Franco-American Overview, vols. 5-8. Bedford, N.H.: National Bilingual Materials Development Center, 1981-88. ANCELET, Barry Jean. Cajun and Creole Folktales: The French Oral Traditionof South Louisiana. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994. _________________. Cajun Music: Origins and Development. Lafayette: USL Center uploads/Litterature/ petite-bibliographie-sur-le-fait-francais-en-louisiane-barry-jean.pdf

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