Pokemon BrickBronze Breeding Guide! Hello, Welcome to VoxelLimit’s Breeding Gui

Pokemon BrickBronze Breeding Guide! Hello, Welcome to VoxelLimit’s Breeding Guide for the ROBLOX’s game, BrickBronze. by Lando64000 and tbradrm. Click Ctrl. F or fn F for easier access, type in a word you want to see. Same on any website. Here will be everything you need to know about breeding. Items to use, Pokemons to breed with, Egg moves, everything. 1. Basics 2. Items 3. Egg Groups 4. Egg Moves 5. Complex - IV’s. 1. Basics : Pokemon breeding is very simple, but at times it can be complex. Pokemon breeding is breeding 2 pokemons to make one egg, the egg will hatch with a pokemon. This is used mainly by competitive battlers, by breeding they can “Modify” the pokemon with a few hours worth of time. With breeding you can make a pokemon have a certain nature of your preference, teach it moves it will only learn through breeding, modify the iv’s and the ability. Something you should know before you start breeding is that, whatever the female pokemon is, is what the egg will be. You can not breed a male Chimchar and a female Charmander and expect the egg to be a Chimchar. The pokemon egg will always be a Charmander. ​-- UNLESS YOU HAVE A DITTO -- ​But ditto is not yet available. Female pokemons are usually harder to find for this reason. Most starters have a 12.5% chance of being Female when hatched or picked from the start. Some pokemons do have a 50/50 chance. Females are worth more than male while ditto is not yet in the game. The daycare center is the only place you can breed pokemons. Located right in between the 2nd and 3rd gym in Lagoona Lake, the house to the left of the city. It should have a fence around it to keep your pokemons in. Going into the house, talk to the old lady in the counter. She will ask if you’d like to leave any pokemons. -- REMEMBER, Pokemons left in the daycare doesn’t only breed but levels up and learn moves. -- After leaving your pokemon go outside, walk around. When you feel like you have an egg because you have taken enough steps talk to the old guy next to the fence. He will either tell you he found an egg, or if your pokemons like/dislike each other. If you say you don’t want the egg he will keep it, and you will have to walk again. Pokemons breed better if they like each other. Even if they dislike each other, if they are opposite sex and is on the same Egg Group (Chapter3 on guide.) they will breed, it might take you two or more times the wait, eggs are rare when they don’t get along well. Breeding is a very good feature in pokemon games you can use to your own advantage, no matter if you like battling, trading or training up pokemons, breeding works for all. -- Next chapter is Items. These will help you with breeding and will do some cool secretive things to help you out. -- 2. Items : There’s only a few items for breeding in the game at the moment. These are all the ones you could use for breeding, with pictures. 1. Everstone: Where to find it : Underwater Mining. Description / Why it’s used : Everstone is used to keep a nature, if you have two Pokemons breeding the pokemon in the egg will have a random nature. This can only change if either the male or the female is holding a Everstone, The pokemon holding the Everstone will be the nature the egg pokemon will have. 2. Destiny Knot: Where to find it : N/A Description / Why it’s used : Destiny Knot is used to pass down iv’s (Chapter5) if you have a good iv pokemon, and it holds this while breeding it will pass down ivs. 3. Egg Groups : Egg Groups are probably the most important thing to know about breeding if you don't have a ditto. Egg groups are two Pokemons who can breed because they are similar in some way (most of the time species.) Egg Groups do the job just as well as using a male and female of the same Pokemon. Egg group also has a major part into Egg Moves (Chapter4) Using Pokemons of the same egg group can benefit you in MANY ways. Here are the groups and what Pokemon. Currently in the game fits into what category. Any of the Pokemon. In the same list will be able to breed as long as they like each other and are of different sex. Here are the groups : --- Monster - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/mosnter Water 1 - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/water-1 Water 2 - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/water-2 Water 3 - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/water-3 Bug - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/bug Flying - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/flying Field - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/field Fairy - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/fairy Grass - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/grass Dragon - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/dragon Mineral - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/mineral Human-Like - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/human-like Amorphous​ - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/amorphous Undiscovered - ​http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/undiscovered Ditto - Just ditto. --- There are multiple groups and only a few Pokemons that can't be breeded, other than legendaries ditto is a big example of this. If you put two dittos in the breeding center nothing will happen other than the ditto’s getting EXP. Although there are some legendaries that can give you an egg, most are not able to, either because they are genderless or doesn't have a partner. Ditto is not yet available. 4. Egg Moves : Egg moves are another very important key in Pokemon breeding. Egg moves allows you to get moves as soon as you breed with a move that the pokemon would not learn by leveling up OR it would learn late in it’s “life”, Like Charizard’s Outrage. Charizard can't learn Outrage by leveling up, so for you to get Outrage you would have to breed it with a pokemon that could. This is very simple, but complex. Egg moves are very helpful for battling, and trading. You can get a lot for a pokemon with egg moves. ​​ This is probably the most important other than ivs for those who want to be a competitive battler. These endless moves can help you with winning a lot of battles, some pokemons have better egg moves than any other move it could get. I’d check Pokemon Database with the name of the pokemon you want, scroll down and there will be all the egg moves, click on the move and see what pokemons can be breeded so your wanted pokemon can have that. Due to the amount of egg moves I could not add all of them. It would be more than 20 pages and the endless possibility of breeding for a move is really ENDLESS. I apologize for that. 5. Complex There are multiple complex things about Pokemon Breeding, ev’s obviously doesn’t pass down, but iv’s can. What are ivs? ivs stand for : Individual Value. Ivs are a major part of pokemon competitive battling. You’d like your pokemons with 6iv or 5iv depending on the nature. If you have a Modest pokemon, obviously it doesn’t need any ATK ivs. So 5 ivs of 31 stat each on every other but ATK would be just as well as 6iv. A pokemon randomly gets it’s ivs and some doesn’t get too many great ones. The possibility of getting a 4iv pokemon is INSANE, 5 even rarer, 6 near impossible. Some pokemons are actually 0ivs. This is why players breed for ivs, with destiny knot you can get a pokemon with high ivs simply by spending a couple of hours breeding for the perfect pokemon in your eyes. like evs, ivs are also read by stat changes, ivs are from 0-31 stat changes. 31 stat changes on that stat = 1iv. Stat changes do what they sound like they do. A Arceus with 0 ivs will have 31 less than a 1iv on that stat at level 100. So in the worst case scenario the 0 iv one had 350, the 1iv would be 381, this makes a HUGE Difference if you're planning on battling competitively in ANY Pokemon game. The 0-31 stat changes are randomly given when obtained. Your pokemon doesn’t exactly have 0 or 31, it can be any number in between. 1, 2, 3, ext. A 6iv pokemon has a +31 on every stat ​[ HP, ATK, DEF, SP. ATK, SP. DEF, SPEED ] A 5iv pokemon has a +31 on every stat besides 1 stat. and so on. A 0iv pokemon does not mean the pokemon has 0 on every stat change, 0iv pokemons could have +30 on every stat, it would still be considered a 0iv pokemon though. ivs will probably not be needed if you’re planning on just doing the adventure mode and not get in to battling. If you have a good strategy and you know your team well, you can beat the Elite 4 members with a team of 0-3iv pokemons without a problem. ______________________________________________________________ Thank you uploads/Litterature/ pokemon-brick-bronze-official-breeding-guide.pdf

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