The Comeback Trumpeters Guide Version preliminary - CContent INTRODUCTION TIPS FOR THE COMEBACK PLAYER EMBOUCHURE MOUTHPIECE PLACEMENT BREATH CONTROL PRACTICE MOUTHPIECE TRUMPETS TONGUING TONE ENDURANCE RANGE WHERE'S YOUR HEAD PHILOSOPHY SONG AND WIND BILL ADAM QUOTES FROM THE INNER GAME OF MUSIC Relaxed concentration A NEW IDEA IS BORN FROM PRELUDE TO BRASS PLAYING FROM ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE PIVOT SYSTEM HOW AND WHAT TO PRACTICE OFF TO A GOOD START THE TEACHING PHILOSOPHY OF CLAUDE GORDON TEACHING COME BACK STUDENTS THE ETERNAL AIRSTREAM INNER TEACHERS COMMON PROBLEMS AMONG PLAYERS ARNOLD JACOBS THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS CLYDE HUNT MOST OFTEN OBSERVED PROBLEMS COMEBACK PLAYER ? S OWN STORIES CP'S OWN STORIES - STANTON KRAMER CP'S OWN STORIES - RUNE ALEKSANDERSEN CP'S OWN STORIES - TIM HUTSON CP'S OWN STORIES - WARREN LOPICKA CP'S OWN STORIES - ALAN ROUSE CP'S OWN STORIES - TOM MUNGALL CP'S OWN STORIES - BILL FAUST EQUIPMENT TIME FOR A NEW TRUMPET HOW TO TEST A TRUMPET MOUTHPIECES CTHE CARE OF PISTON VALVE BRASS INSTRUMENTS METRONOME FOUR WEEKS TO BETTER PLAYING FIRST WEEK DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE DAY WEEK ONE SECOND WEEK DAY WEEK TWO THIRD WEEK DAY WEEK THREE EXERCISES CIntroduction Welcome to The Comeback Trumpeters Guide This guide has been put together as a joint e ?ort Several members of TPIN The Trumpet Players International Network as well as others have contributed with information and tips here What is a Comeback Player CP A CP is a person who once started playing the trumpet then for some reasons put the trumpet away in the closet Then maybe years later he or she decided to take up playing again It can also be a person who have been playing all the time and are having troubles What he or she wants is to come back to a better and easier way of playing the instrument Editors for this guide are Rune email trpthoughts geocities com Ole email Ole J Utnes hive no Feel free to contact us for comments on spelling errors suggestions for improvement etc This guide is licensed under the OpenContent License OPL CTips for the Comeback Player By 'Pops' Clint McLaughlin I ?rmly believe that comeback players can surpass their previous level of playing in a short time A year or so This is due to several factors The player has a memory of all of his problem areas The player has matured and can concentrate better to the task at hand The player has been o ? the horn long enough to break old habits or bad embouchures The player knows more about what he wants from music and what style is his favorite The player has THIS information available to prevent forming any new bad habits With this out of the way I will address some areas that may be of interest to a comeback player Starting out The ?rst thing that concerns a CP comeback player

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