Complete cleansing guide for wellness

Complete Cleansing Guide for Wellness The Herbalist ? s Welcome Welcome to this very complete guide on internal cleansing It contains helpful information and tips on how to safely and e ?ectively cleanse the body I wish a guide like this had existed when I ?rst started cleansing in the s Since experiencing the di ?erence cleansing has played in my health and the health of my customers an emphasis of my work as a medical herbalist has been espousing the bene ?ts of internal cleansing as a means to a healthy lifestyle My ?rst cleanse was inspired by the writings of Professor Arnold Ehret in his Mucusless Diet Healing System written in He recommended a drink of fresh lemons maple syrup and cayenne pepper I experienced many things from his -day cleanse My chronic congestion from asthma was dramatically improved as was my energy and motivation On the other hand my skin broke out and I became constipated As my study into natural healing progressed I became aware of the primary roles the lungs skin and intestines play as eliminative channels for the body When one area is weak as with my asthma challenged lungs toxins are transferred to other eliminative channels such as the skin and intestines thus the congested state of my intestines and skin This is one of the many reasons why a successful cleanse includes natural supportive therapies for all the major channels of elimination as well as support for the glandular system I have created two detoxi ?cation kits The Fresh Start Kit has been successfully helping people cleanse and lose weight for over twenty years A new addition to this kit is our ? Lower Bowel Tonic ? in capsule form promoting healthy elimination The new Detox-It Kit is intended to support people who have a more sensitive digestive system and are often constipated or su ?er from irregularity The Detox-It Kit also addresses a popular group of symptoms that plague many people These include blood sugar issues poor fat metabolism high cortisol levels or excess belly fat and irritable and irregular bowels I hope this guide inspires you to incorporate healthy foods and practices into your everyday life Enjoy your own cleanse - try not to think about what you are giving up but rather what you are receiving ?? health and a greater sense of well-being And remember when you take any of The Herbalist products you know that you are using only the highest quality certi ?ed organic and ethically wild harvested herbs Thank you for your interest Your cleansing a ?cionado Tierney P Salter Medical Herbalist President and Owner of The Herbalist Table of Contents ??Every disease no matter what name it is known by Medical Science is ? Constipation ? a clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body Any special symptom is therefore merely an extraordinary local constipation by more accumulated mucus at this particular place Special accumulation points are the tongue the stomach

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