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Thanks! +-----------------+ _ Contact Details _ +-----------------+ If you see a fault of ANY kind or you want to contribute some data to me, then either email me at OR speak to me on MSN Messenger on, or on AIM at Crazyreyn. If you are emailing me, then please have the subject title as 'Second Sight FAQ' or something similar, otherwise it will not be opened. Full credit will be given in due course. Or feel free to ask me any questions you wish, comment on this FAQ, etc then do that same as above. If you could, rate this FAQ so I can get some feedback. Thank You. =============================================================================== ---------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------- =============================================================================== Hello and welcome to the Second Sight FAQ/Walkthrough. This text document will provide you will a full walkthrough to the game, how to use the Psi abilities, plus information on the extras. Second Sight is very good game (if a little short) that offers something a little different from standard action games. It offers a mix of pure action and stealth, with a slight sprinkle of puzzles to round it up. Although this game looks a lot like the TimeSplitters series, I think that Free Radical have done a great job of making it PLAY differently, and it certainly plays well. And if you are wondering how I got this game before the US release, I live in the UK and this came out here before it did in the States. Very rare for Europe! ;) =============================================================================== --------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Version History 2. Game Overview 2.01. Story 2.02. Characters 2.03. Basics 2.04. Controls 2.05. Psi Abilities 3. Walkthrough 4. Extras 4.01. Statistics 4.02. Hidden Games 5. FAQ's 6. Conclusion and Special Thanks =============================================================================== ---------------------- 1. VERSION HISTORY ---------------------- =============================================================================== +--------------------------+ _ Version 1.0 - 19/09/2004 _ +--------------------------+ The first complete version of this FAQ. Everything is complete. =============================================================================== -------------------- 2. GAME OVERVIEW -------------------- =============================================================================== This section provides you with an overview of Second Sight, including details on Story, Characters, Controls, Basics and those fantastic Psi abilities. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.01. Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the story of Second Sight. Note that these are lifted directly from the game's website, and is not my own words. -- John Vattic, a format MIT researcher awakens from a coma in the Osiris maximum security Medical Research Facility. He can't remember his name or his past, all he knows is that he's been branded a 'psycho-killer' blamed for crime scenes so horrific he can't even conceive of ever committing them. As he attempts to escape, he is amazed to discover that he possesses powerful psychic abilities, turning him into a human weapon, capable of manipulation people and the surrounding environment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.02. Characters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= These are the characters of Second Sight. Note that the following is lifted straight from the games manual, and so are not my own words. ----------- John Vattic ----------- Main character and Civilian Advisor to WinterICE. He is sent along to aid WinterICE's mission, but something goes wrong. He then awakens in a Medical Research Facility, where he has lost his memory and gains psychic abilities. What happened to John Vattic? ------------------ Col. Joshua Starke ------------------ The WinterICE Commanding Officer. Following several accomplished tours of duty, Stake, elected to leave mainstream service in order to head up small teams of specialists such as WinterICE. He has pioneered the use of parapsychology in counter terrorist operations. ----------- Jayne Wilde ----------- Civilian Advisor. Claiming to possess precognitive abilities, Wilde's psychic advice is taken very seriously by Command, having guided the team away from potential disaster with her predications on many previous occasions. --------------- Martha Franklin --------------- Recon / Sniper. This veteran's ice-cold demeanour may fail to stir the hears of her team-mates, but it does mean that very little is capable of spoiling her aim as she focuses in for a surgically precise shot. ---------------------------- Willian Robert Jackson 'TEX' ---------------------------- Explosives. Tex's wise-cracking attitude can often rub others up the wrong way, though the members of WinterICT have discovered that this exterior covers the excellence and expertise of a true brother in arms. ----------------------- Juan Carlos Verdes 'JC' ----------------------- Weapons. A man who plays his cards close to his chest, JC is a thorough expert in his field and can turn his hand to almost any weapon, new or old. ---------------- Anthony Cortelli ---------------- Comms. Cortelli's ability to wring a signal out of even the most outdated comms lash-up has gained the team vital intelligence on many earlier missions. It's reputed that he can take the boot camp assault course faster than anyone on his squad (Tex would, of course, argue with that). ------------------ Patrick Ballard MD ------------------ Field Medic. His dedication to his work doesn't leave much room for conversation. However Ballard's quietness and calm inspires much confidence in his patients as he patches them up efficiently, even under heavy fire. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.03. Basics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------- Game Screen ----------- +--------------------------------+ 1 - Psi Power and Health bars _ _______ _ _ (O O)1 ######## _ 2 - Ammo _ ??????? 3 _ _ _ 3 - On-screen control help - Keep an eye _ _ out for these, they will tell you _ _ when you can interact with the _ _ environment, and also the health of _ _ teammates in certain levels _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ #... 2 ######## _ +--------------------------------+ ------------------------- PVL PRZHU DQG HHDOWK BDUV ------------------------- TKHVH EDUV FDQ EH IRXQG LQ WKH WRS OHIW FRUQHU RI WKH VFUHHQ. TKH WRS UHG EDU LV IRU \RXU KHDOWK, DQG GHSOHWHV ZKHQ \RX DUH LQMXUHG. TR UHFRYHU KHDOWK, WKHQ HLWKHU XVH WKH HHDOLQJ DELOLW\, ORFDWH DQG XVH D MHGL-NLW RU WDON WR D PHGLF. TKH PVL PRZHU EDU VKRZV KRZ PXFK PVL SRZHU \RX KDYH; ZKHQ \RX XVH DELOLWLHV WKHQ WKLV ZLOO GHSOHWH. TR UHFRYHU WKLV SRZHU, MXVW ZDLW IRU D IHZ PRPHQWV DQG LW ZLOO UHFKDUJH. II \RX XVH XS DOO \RXU SRZHU WKHQ JRKQ ZLOO JHW D PHQWDO EORZ RXW DQG WKH VFUHHQ ZLOO EHFRPH IX]]\ EULHIO\, DQG WKHQ WKH SRZHU ZLOO UHFKDUJH. ---------- VLHZSRLQWV ---------- WKDW'V SUHWW\ JRRG DERXW WKLV JDPH LV WKDW WKHUH DUH WZR GLIIHUHQW YLHZSRLQWV DYDLODEOH, DV ZHOO DV D 1VW SHUVRQ YLHZ. TKH WZR 3UG SHUVRQ YLHZV DUH IL[HG DQG IUHH, DQG FDQ EH VZLWFKHG EHWZHHQ WKHP E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH TULDQJOH EXWWRQ. FL[HG LV ZKHUH WKH FDPHUD LV FLQHPDWLF DQG LV IL[HG RQ D ZDOO, ZKLFK FDQ DOVR IROORZ \RX (VRPHZKDW OLNH RHVLGHQW EYLO) DQG IUHH LV ZKHUH WKH FDPHUD LV ORRVHO\ EHKLQG JRKQ DQG FDQ EH PRYHG DURXQG E\ WKH ULJKW DQDORJXH VWLFN. TKH ILUVW SHUVRQ YLHZ FDQ EH DFFHVVHG E\ SUHVVLQJ L3 (FOLFNLQJ WKH OHIW DQDORJXH VWLFN) DQG LV XVHIXO IRU YLHZLQJ WKLQJV DQG DOVR DLPLQJ HDVLHU. HRZHYHU \RX FDQQRW PRYH DURXQG LQ ILUVW SHUVRQ (WKLV LVQ'W TLPHSSOLWWHUV \RX NQRZ). ------- SWHDOWK ------- SWHDOWK LV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW GXULQJ JDPHSOD\, DV JRLQJ DOO JXQV EOD]LQJ ZLOO UHVXOW LQ JRKQ JRLQJ LQWR DQ HDUO\ JUDYH DV JXDUGV ZLOO JDQJ XS RQ \RX FAST. TZR LPSRUWDQW PRYHV IRU VWHDOWK LV FURXFKLQJ DQG SUHVVLQJ DJDLQVW ZDOOV (\RX FDQ GR WKLV E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH STXDUH DQG R1 EXWWRQV UHVSHFWLYHO\). CURXFKLQJ ZLOO PDNH \RX VPDOOHU DQG KDUGHU WR VSRW DQG LW ZLOO DOVR PDNHV OHVV QRLVH GXULQJ PRYHPHQW, DQG SUHVVLQJ XS DJDLQVW ZDOOV DOORZV \RX WR DFW PRUH KLGGHQ, DQG \RX FDQ DOVR ORRN DURXQG FRUQHUV WRR. TR GR WKLV, ZKHQ SUHVVHG XS D ZDOO PRYH WRZDUG WKH HGJH, DQG PRYH WKH VWLFN GLUHFWO\ OHIW RU ULJKW (DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH FRUQHU) WR ORRN RXW. HRZHYHU LI \RX ZLVK WR PRYH URXQG WKH FRUQHU, WKHQ SRLQW WKH VWLFN LQ DQ XSSHU RU ORZHU GLDJRQDO GLUHFWLRQ. A JUHDW ZD\ RI PRYLQJ DURXQG ZLWKRXW EHLQJ KLGGHQ LV WR XVH WR CKDUP DELOLW\. TKLV DELOLW\ UHQGHUV \RX LQYLVLEOH WR JXDUGV (EXW NOT WR VXUYHLOODQFH FDPHUDV) VR \RX FDQ PRYH DURXQG IUHHO\. HRZHYHU \RXU PVL PRZHU ZLOO GHFUHDVH UDWKHU TXLFNO\, VR PRYH IURP KLGLQJ VSRW WR KLGLQJ VSRW VR \RX FDQ VWRS DQG UHFKDUJH QRZ DQG DJDLQ. AOWKRXJK WKLV GRHV VRXQG UDWKHU FKHDS DQG WHGLRXV LW'V D ORW IDVWHU DQG HDVLHU WKDQ GXFNLQJ DQG ORRNLQJ RXW IRU WKH HQHP\ PRYHPHQWV DOO WKH WLPH. YRX FDQ DOVR DWWDFN ZLWK VWHDOWK. WKHQ \RX VHH D JXDUG, \RX FDQ NLOO WKHP uploads/Litterature/ second-sight-walkthrough-ps2-ign-faqs.pdf

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