Advocacy guide Advocacy Guide for Early Childhood Special Education Instructors and Families The Ins and Outs of Learning Disabilities and Exceptionalities CEarly Detection and Intervention The bene ?ts to both you and the child ? The need for early detec
Advocacy Guide for Early Childhood Special Education Instructors and Families The Ins and Outs of Learning Disabilities and Exceptionalities CEarly Detection and Intervention The bene ?ts to both you and the child ? The need for early detection of learning disabilities all comes down to potential Although learning disabilities LD all occur due to the way the brain is structured or in the way it functions the problem emerges in di ?erent ways and at di ?erent ages from one child to the next Why Is Early Detection of a Learning Disability Important n d Therefore knowing what signs to look for and getting the child checked early can bene ?t everyone the parent teacher and the child most importantly because if diagnosed early it can be corrected in some cases and if not services can be provided to assist the child correctly depending on their individual LD Everyone has trouble with learning from time to time But when the problem persist they may signal an underlying learning disability LD or attention disorder ADHD Uneven progress or lags in the mastery of skills and behaviors even with children as young as or should not be ignored It ? s important that parents educators and other care providers are careful observers and share concerns among each other so targeted screening or evaluation can take place Then students can get the help they need as quickly as possible before experiencing self-doubt frustration or failure National Center For Learning Disabilities A child going through a LD may feel outcasted or not worthy because they can ? t do the same thing as their peers its our job as educators and parents to recognize the signs and help them achieve their true potential While each exceptionality is di ?erent from student to student some may be good and some may require additional service either way early detection and intervention is necessary and bene ?cial to all involved in the child ? s life The NCLD says that early recognition of warning signs well targeted screening and assessment e ?ective intervention and ongoing monitoring of progress are critical to helping individuals with LD to succeed in school in the workplace and in life National Center For Learning Disabilities Early diagnosis not only improves the child ? s ability to reach their academic potential but also prevents the development of low self-esteem and behavior problems that further interfere with their ability to learn Without early diagnosis the potential to develop the skills they need to have a normal successful life as an adult can be greatly reduced Why Is Early Detection of a Learning Disability Important n d CCategories Of Exceptionalities The Education Act which became IDEA Identi ?es ?ve categories of exceptionalities for exceptional students ? Behavioral - ? Communicational- Autism Deaf and Hard of Hearing Language Impairment Speech Impairment and Learning Disability ? Intellectual- Giftedness Mild Intellectual Disability Developmental Disability ? Physical- Physical Disability Blind and Low Vision ? Multiple Exceptionalities ?? combination of
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- Publié le Dec 01, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50.6kB