Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Eff ective August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015 F
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Eff ective August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015 Follow us on: Includes 2015 Spring Turkey Season »New Bear Management Zones and Hunts: see page 30 »Hunter/Landowner Permission Card: see page 63 »Free Hunting Day for Tennessee Residents: see page 20 www.tnwildlife.org T E N N E S S E E HUNTING HUNTING HUNTING HUNTING & TRAPPING GUIDE TRAPPING GUIDE & & TRAPPING GUIDE TRAPPING GUIDE 2014-2015 Celebrating over years! 65 1 TO BE USED ON YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE!* TO BE USED ON YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE!* WITH NEW HOME PURCHASE ClaytonTN.com 800-344-1732 Enjoy Life In Y our New Home! Enjoy Life In Y our New Home! 7 8 0 6 7 2 3 1 8 8 6 3 BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR *$1000 gift card offer available only at participating Clayton Homes retailers and only available with the purchase of a new home. Retail purchase agreement for a new home must be signed, during July, 21 2014 through July, 21 2015 to be eligible for offer. Offer not available with USDA/FHA/VA financing. Promotion only available at the Clayton Homes retailer where the new home was purchased. Allow 4-6 weeks after the home purchase has been completed and all conditions of the sale are satisfied to receive the gift card. Gift card will be a VISA® prepaid debit card, will be delivered to recipient either in person or by mail and will be issued in the name of the primary buyer listed on the home purchase agreement. Offer cannot be transferred and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one (1) gift card per new home purchase. VISA debit card is subject to all terms and conditions sets forth on the card, including the expiration date, and also to all terms and conditions set forth in the issuer’s Cardholder Agreement. VISA debit cards are issued by MetaBank® pursuant to a license from VISA U.S.A. Void where prohibited by law. Celebrating over years 65 65 of Tennessee Wildlife! Th e mission of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is to preserve, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance the fi sh and wildlife of the state and their habitats for the use, benefi t, and enjoyment of the citizens of Tennessee and its visitors. Th e Agency will foster the safe use of the state’s waters through a program of law enforcement, public education, and access. 4 2014-2015 Hunting & Trapping Guide CONTENTS 6 | What’s New Changes to Hunting and Trapping 7 | Agency Contact Information Regional Offi ces Hunting/Fishing Violation Numbers Commissioner Information 8 | License Fees Resident Licenses Nonresident Licenses Apprentice Hunting License WMA Permits Federal Duck Stamp Migratory Bird Permit No License Needed Farmland Owner License Exemption Misplaced Licenses 12 | General Hunting Regulations Possession of Live Animals Roadkill Law Hunting Hours Hunting and Trapping on Private Land Hunter Education Hunting From Stationary Vehicle Permanent Opening Dates Application Deadlines (Tentative Dates) 14 | Manner and Means Prohibited Acts Legal Trapping Devices and Defi nitions Legal Hunting Hours Big Game Check-In 18 | Small Game Hunting Season Dates Bag Limits Bullfrog Hunting Raccoon and Opossum Hunting Trapping Seasons Dog Training Dove Hunting 22 | Big Game Hunting General Information Blaze Orange Requirements Big Game Check-In Procedures 24 | Deer Hunting Units and Bag Limits Antlerless Deer Hunts Non-Quota Hunt Chart Quota Hunt Guide 30 | Bear Hunting 32 | Elk Hunting 33 | Wild Hog Regulations 34 | Fall Turkey Hunting 35 | Spring Turkey Hunting Bag Limits Statewide Young Sportsman Hunt WMAs Hunting Hours Legal Hunting Equipment Prohibited Acts WMA Spring Turkey Quota Hunts 36 | TWRA Firing Ranges 37 | Public Hunting Areas Other Hunting Lands Federal Refuges 38 | Wildlife Management Area Regulations General Regulations Big Game Hunting on WMAs Small Game Hunting on WMAs Waterfowl Hunting on WMAs Trapping on WMAs 42 | Wildlife Management Areas West Tennessee - Region I Middle Tennessee - Region II Cumberland Plateau - Region III East Tennessee - Region IV 55 | Farmland Owner License Exemption Statement 63 | Hunter/Landowner Permission Card 70 | Sunrise and Sunset Schedule T E N N E S S E E HUNTING & TRAPPING GUIDE 2014-2015 Please scan with your mobile device to visit our website. The Hiwassee College Forestry Technology program is designed for those who have a love for the outdoors and a commitment to conservation. Graduates of the Associate of Applied Science degree can enter the workforce in a number of different careers related to public and private forestry industries. For more information, please visit our website at Hiwassee.edu. 225 HIWASSEE COLLEGE DRIVE | MADISONVILLE, TENNESSEE 37354 | (423) 442-2001 | enroll@hiwassee.edu Real Life. Community. Adventure. Hiwassee College is located in Monroe County, home of the beautiful, Cherokee National Forest and one of the nations top scenic byways, The Cherohala Skyway. 6 2014-2015 Hunting & Trapping Guide WHAT’S NEW FOR 2014-2015 Several important changes were made to the hunting and trapping regulations for the 2014-2015 seasons. Among the primary changes are: 1. New bear hunting opportunities and hunt zones. 2. Increased number of dove hunting days. 3. Fall turkey season closed in Wayne, Lawrence, and Giles counties, and Laurel Hill WMA. 4. Antlerless deer hunting opportunities increased in Marion, Putnam, Tipton, and Washington counties and a reduction in Blount County. 5. Pen-raised quail cannot be released on WMAs with the exception of fi eld trial areas at Percy Priest WMA and Tellico Lake WMA. 6. New waterfowl quota hunts on C.M Gooch, Meeman-Shelby, and White Oak WMAs. 7. New turkey quota hunts on West Tennessee WMAs. Th is includes a quota hunt on the “Upper Obion River Complex” made up of Bean Switch, Hop-In, Maness Swamp, C.M. Gooch, Obion River, and Th ree Rivers WMAs, as well as a quota hunt on the “Bogota Complex” made up of Bogota and Tumbleweed WMAs, and a quota hunt on the “Ernest Rice, Sr. Complex” made up Ernest Rice, Sr. and Th orny Cypress WMAs. Turkey quota hunts were added to John Tully, Moss Island, and White Lake WMAs as well. 8. Quail seasons closed on Bridgestone-Firestone (Big Bottom Unit), Catoosa, Chickamauga, Cordell Hull, Cordell Hull Refuge, Headwaters, Keyes-Harrison and Wolf River WMAs. 9. Chuck Swan WMA has new shooting range operation hours and new coyote hunting opportunities. 10. North Cumberland WMA has new deer and turkey season adjustments and the chasing of foxes, coyotes, and bobcats with dogs is no longer permitted. 11. New spring youth turkey hunt on Yuchi WMA. 12. Added Headwaters WMA, located in Cannon County within Region II. 13. Increased small game opportunities on Hiwassee WMA. 14. Blaze orange now required for small game hunters during big game muzzleloader and gun seasons on Foothills, Henderson Island, Kyker Bottoms, Kyles Ford, and Lick Creek Bottoms WMAs. 15. Sandhill Crane drawing and season information will be posted on the TWRA website and printed in the Waterfowl Hunting Guide in late September. 16. Th e Tackett Creek property (43,000 acres) has been added to the North Cumberland WMA, so now all WMA regulations will apply to this area (see page 66). 17. Possible teal bag limit increase and additional teal only days, see TWRA website in late August. This Guide is designed and produced by The Bingham Group: 11921 Kingston Pike, Suite 201, Knoxville, TN 37934, www.binghamgroup.com For inquiries regarding advertisement in this publication, call (865) 523-5999. Cover image: 1960 Natchez Trace State Forest Turkey Restoration Project Hunting and fi shing license sales and federal excise taxes comprise over 90 percent of the TWRA’s hunting and fi shing operating revenues. Thank you for buying a hunting and fi shing license. Without your support, Tennessee would not have fi sh and wildlife management programs. The publication is not a legal document. It is a summary of Tennessee’s hunting and trapping regulations. More detailed information on hunting and trapping is available from all TWRA offi ces. Equal opportunity to participate in and benefi t from programs of the Tennessee WIldlife Resources Agency is available to all persons without regard to their race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or military service. TWRA is also an equal opportunity/equal access employer. Questions should be directed to TWRA, Human Resources Offi ce, P.O. Box 4747, Nashville, TN 37204, (615) 781-6594 (TDD 781-6691), or to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Offi ce for Human Resources, 4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Authorization No. 328686, 360,000 copies, July 2014. This public document was promulgated at a cost of $.02 per copy. Printing of the Fall Hunting Guide provided by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation in partnership with TWRA. About this Guide This high-quality regulation guide is off ered to you by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency through its unique partnership with The Bingham Group. The revenue generated through ad sales signifi cantly lowers production costs and generates savings. These savings translate into additional funds for other important fi sheries and habitat programs. Promotional advertisement does not constitute endorsement by uploads/Management/ hunt-guide.pdf
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