Aib style guide v10jul13 THE AIB STYLE GUIDE ?Australian Institute of Business V Mar ?? CD ed CContents HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT SECTION - REFERENCING Importance of Citing and Referencing AIB ? s Preferred Referencing System What is Plagiarism METHODS OF

THE AIB STYLE GUIDE ?Australian Institute of Business V Mar ?? CD ed CContents HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT SECTION - REFERENCING Importance of Citing and Referencing AIB ? s Preferred Referencing System What is Plagiarism METHODS OF CITATION AND REFERENCING In Text Citation Direct Quotation v Paraphrasing REFERENCE LISTS V BIBLIOGRAPHIES SECTION ?? STYLE Capital Letters Textual Contrast Shortened Forms Numbers Measurements Tables Figures APPENDIX A - QUICK GUIDE REFERENCING EXAMPLES Books Hardback Paperback E-book Journal Newspaper Articles Internet Legal Government Documents Miscellaneous Creating New Citation Styles APPENDIX B - ENDNOTE ?Australian Institute of Business V Jul CSection HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT This document is broken into two sections Section provides you with an in-depth analysis of referencing and how to ensure you reference appropriately for your AIB assessments Section outlines how to style and present any documents you are submitting during your AIB course AIB ? s Referencing and Style Guide is based on the following text Style Manual for Authors Editors and Printers th edn revised by Snooks Co Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra SECTION - REFERENCING Referencing is a way to acknowledge any authors whose work you mention in your document This identi ?cation of the original authors is important to avoid accusations of plagiarism You need to include a reference whenever you use someone else ? s theories opinions or data You need to reference regardless of whether you are quoting copying e g tables paraphrasing or summarising Referencing other writers ? work will demonstrate the breadth of your research by showing the reader the source of any information you are quoting allowing veri ?cation of your data and strengthening you academic argument Please note that the terms citing and referencing are used synonymously throughout this guide Importance of Citing and Referencing Assignments projects and theses must contain proper citations and referencing using the Harvard style referred to in this Style Guide that is a citations or in-text references of quoted and paraphrased materials to support your arguments comments and b a reference list at the end of your paper relating speci ?cally to your in-text references Your grade will be adversely a ?ected if there are no poor citations and or reference list as referred to above Assignments projects normally contain the following number of relevant references from di ?erent sources in the reference list a BBA assignments ?? b MBA assignments ?? c Projects BBA MBA - ?Australian Institute of Business V Jul CSection The number of references needed for a Research Degree Thesis will vary depending on the length of the Thesis Your Principal Supervisor will advise you if you have too many or two few references All references must be from credible sources such as books industry related journals magazines company documents and latest articles AIB ? s Preferred Referencing System AIB has chosen to use the Harvard author ??date referencing system In this system brief citations are included in the body of your work giving the author ? s

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  • Publié le Apv 18, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 82.7kB