All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Susten

All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Sustenance Inc. To share, point your friends to so they can download their guide. STEPS FOR SUSTENANCE GUIDEBOOK Welcome! Here’s how to use this guide: 1. Save this PDF to your computer so you can find it easily. Accessing it from your computer also allows the web links to open in a new tab so you are not directed away from your current reading. 2. For ease of download, find all items of Steps for Sustenance in this single document. Scroll down to view the various items. 3. Print out selected pages of this guide if desired, for easy reference. I’ve minimized photos in this document so it can be printed without significant ink demands. Here’s what you’ll find in this guide: Disclaimer and Copyright Introduction Reset Your Eating Rhythms Reset Your Breakfast Reset Your Pantry All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Sustenance Inc. To share, point your friends to so they can download their guide. Get a headstart for your healing journey I’m Lauren Geertsen, the author and creator of Empowered Sustenance. If you have chronic health problems, a life without symptoms or prescriptions may seem impossible. I know, because I struggled with a severe autoimmune disease before I learned the healing power of food. At Empowered Sustenance, I share the resources and recipes that freed my life of chronic disease and medications. With this headstart for your healing journey, you’ll discover that making healthy changes in your life is life changing. Disclaimer and Copyright All information provided within this ebook is for informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and wellbeing or on any opinions expressed within this ebook. The information provided in this ebook is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author. However, you as the reader must be responsible for consulting with your own health professional on matters raised within. I, the author of Steps for Sustenance, will not accept any responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any reader. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Any products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This guide contains affiliate links to products I use and recommend. That means, if you purchase a product through a link, I will get a small commission. I appreciate your support, it allows me to continue writing Empowered Sustenance! No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part. Thank you for respecting the time and energy I put into this guide. If you wish to share this guide, direct your friends to This guidebook is a headstart for three critical areas of health: your eating rhythms, your breakfast habits, and the contents of your pantry. Ready to experience the healing power of food? Start reading below! 1. Eat three square meals and transition away from snacking. Snacking between meals directs energy to the digestive system. It puts our body in a constant state of digestion, instead of allowing the body to focus energy on other reparative and regenerative processes. Additionally, for much of history, humans regarded mealtime as a ritualistic and social occasion. Snacking, a solo and mindless activity, directs energy away from the preparation and shared space of thoughtful mealtimes. 2. Practice deep breathing before meals, and eat at a table. Digestion only occurs when the body is in the parasympathetic mode of the autonomic nervous system, commonly called the “Rest and Digest” state of the nervous system. When we are eating on the go, such as in the car, the body is not in a digestion-ready, parasympathetic state. Deep breathing helps shift the body into the digestion-ready parasympathetic mode. A ritual such as blessing your food or thoughtfully setting the table can also help signal your body to make this shift. 3. Sit up straight at the table. It’s more than good table manners - sitting up at the table encourages proper digestion, because it aligns the spine and digestive tract. When we are hunched All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Sustenance Inc. To share, point your friends to so they can download their guide. RESET YOUR EATING RHYTHMS Why do your eating rhythms need a reset? We are not the food we eat, we are the nutrients our body absorbs. Nourishment encompasses both the quality of our food and the uptake of the nutrients by our body. The process of how we eat largely determines if our food is converted into nutrients that fuel our cells. over food (while eating on the couch or hunched over a phone), it contracts the intestines and impairs digestion. 4. Ideally, finish dinner by 7pm. Training your body to go 12 to 14 hours without food supports long-term blood sugar balance. If you finish dinner by 7 and eat breakfast at 8am, you’ve given your body a 13 hour period without food. 5. Enjoy carbohydrates at dinner rather than breakfast. Did you know that your body has a circadian rhythm for digestive enzyme activity? Carbohydrate-digesting enzymes increase at night. Additionally, avoiding carbohydrates until lunch triggers your gut bacteria to support a fat-burning metabolism. For optimal digestion, have a low carb breakfast. Depending on your carb intake, more carbs can be enjoyed in the evening. 6. Avoid gulping liquids during meals. Liquids dilute and thereby reduce the efficacy of the gastric juices essential for digestion, such as stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) and pancreatic enzymes. A healthy stomach is an acid tank during digestion so it can turn that steak into digestible molecules. Sip small amounts of liquids during meals. Avoid drinking large amounts of water 30 minutes before and after meals. 7. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. Did you know that digestion of carbohydrates begins with enzymes in saliva? If we gulp our food, the reduced enzymatic activity can mean bloating and indigestion. 8. Choose real food over liquid meals. Liquid meals, such as protein shakes, can move through the digestive tract without being properly digested. For example, any food containing starch should be thoroughly chewed to allow the enzyme salivary amylase to break down the carbs. The processing of most protein powders not only denatures (destroys) the protein, it removes the co-factors that your body requires to utilize those nutrients. For example, protein requires fat and fat-soluble vitamins for assimilation. All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Sustenance Inc. To share, point your friends to so they can download their guide. EGG + VEGETABLE MUFFINS 6 eggs 3 Tbs. coconut milk 1 1/2 cups diced cooked vegetables (such as sautéed bell peppers, spinach, asparagus, or mushrooms) 1/2 lb. browned sausage meat 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1 tsp. freshly chopped herbs or 2 Tbs. pesto Preheat the oven to 350 and grease 12 muffin cups. Whisk the eggs with the coconut milk, then stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into the muffin cups and bake until set, about 30-35 minutes. Enjoy immediately or reheat before serving. Makes 12 muffins All content of Steps for Sustenance is copyrighted material of Empowered Sustenance Inc. To share, point your friends to so they can download their guide. How do these recipes reset your breakfast? A paleo approach relieves the inflammatory burden of gluten, other grains, sugar, and processed dairy Colorful vegetables start your day with nutrients rather than empty calories A low glycemic approach to your morning meal encourages a healthy, fiery metabolism Protein paired with healthy fats keep you satiated until lunch, so mindless snacking loses appeal Outside-of-the-box ideas, because breakfast soup charges your day with nourishment RESET YOUR BREAKFAST SAUSAGE + CAULIFLOWER HASH 1 lb. ground sausage meat 1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets 2 carrots, cut into 1 inch pieces 1/2 onion, diced 2 Tbs. coconut oil or ghee 1/4 tsp. garlic powder Fresh herbs or seasoning salt, if desired Brown the sausage, discard the drippings, and set aside. Pulse the cauliflower and carrots in a food processor until it the grains are rice-sized. In a skillet, sauté the onion in the oil. Add the riced vegetables and cook until softened, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Partially cover the skillet while cooking. Season with garlic powder, salt, and herbs. Combine the cooked vegetables with the sausage. If desired, serve topped with over-easy eggs. Makes 3-4 servings. SPAGHETTI SQUASH BREAKFAST BAKE 2 prepared medium spaghetti squash, for 3-4 cups cooked squash (Click here for directions to cook spaghetti squash) 2 carrots 1/2 onion 1 Tbs. coconut oil or ghee 8 eggs 2 Tbs. milk of choice 1 Tbs. coconut aminos (available here) or 2 tsp. tamari sauce 1/2 tsp. dijon mustard 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp. sea uploads/Management/ steps-for-sustenance-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 17, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.1411MB