Guide hvgb Insulated Hand Tools S e ct io n Warranty - Material Hubbell Power Systems Inc warrants all products sold by it to be merchantable as such term is de ?ned in the Uniform Commercial Code and to be free from defects in material and workmanship Bu
Insulated Hand Tools S e ct io n Warranty - Material Hubbell Power Systems Inc warrants all products sold by it to be merchantable as such term is de ?ned in the Uniform Commercial Code and to be free from defects in material and workmanship Buyer must notify the Company promptly of any claim under this warranty The Buyer's exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be the repair or replacement F O B factory at the Company's option of any product defective under the warranty which is returned to the Company within one year from the date of shipment NO OTHER WARRANTY WHETHER EXPRESS OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW COURSE OF DEALING USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE IMPLIED SHALL EXIST IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPANY'S PRODUCTS OR ANY SALE OR USE THEREOF The Company shall in no event be liable for any loss of pro ?ts or any consequential or special damages incurred by Buyer The Company's warranty shall run only to the ?rst Buyer of a product from the Company from the Company's distributor or from an original equipment manufacturer reselling the Company's product and is non-assignable and non-transferable and shall be of no force and e ?ect if asserted by any person other than such ?rst Buyer This warranty applies only to the use of the product as intended by Seller and does not cover any misapplication or misuse of said product Warranty - Application Hubbell Power Systems Inc does not warrant the accuracy of and results from product or system performance recommendations resulting from any engineering analysis or study This applies regardless of whether a charge is made for the recommendation or if it is provided free of charge Responsibility for selection of the proper product or application rests solely with the purchaser In the event of errors or inaccuracies determined to be caused by Hubbell Power Systems Inc its liability will be limited to the re-performance of any such analysis or study Live-Line Work Minimum Approach Distances Nominal Voltage in Kilovolts Phase-to-Phase Distance Phase-to-ground Phase-to-phase exposure exposure ft -in m ft -in m to to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - to - - ? ? Distances agree with OSHA guidelines in Table R- of the Federal Register published These distances take into consideration the highest switching surge an employee will be exposed to on any system with air as the insulating medium and the maximum voltages shown ? ? The clear live-line tool distance shall equal or exceed the values for the indicated voltage ranges Avoid contact WWW CABLEJOINTS CO UK THORNE DERRICK UK NOTICE For latest revision of our Catalog and Literature please visit our web site www hubbellpowersystems com TEL FAX NOTE Because Hubbell has a policy of continuous product improvement we reserve the right to change design and speci ?cations without notice ?Copyright Hubbell IncorpToEratLed ?
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- Publié le Fev 27, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
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