BAIL BOND GUIDE Department of Justice NATIONAL PROSECUTION SERVICE The 2000 BAIL BOND GUIDE VIOLATION OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE & SPECIAL LAWS FELONY/OFFENSE PENALTY AMOUNT OF BAIL ABANDONMENT Of person in danger and abandonment of one's own victim (Art. 275) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required Of child under seven years of age under custody of offender (Art. 276, 1st Par.) Arresto mayor and fine not exceeding P500.00 Bail Not Required When death of the minor results from such abandonment (Art. 276, 2nd Par. 1st phrase) Prision correctional medium and maximum P12,000.00 If the life of the minor shall have been in danger only (Art. 276, 2nd Par., 2nd phrase) Prision correctional minimum and medium P10,000.00 Abandonment of minor by person entrusted with his custody (Art. 277, 1st Par.) Arresto mayor and fine not exceeding P500.00 Bail Not Required Neglect by parents of their duty to give proper education to their children (Art. 277, 2nd Par.) Arresto mayor and fine not exceeding P500.00 Bail Not Required ABDUCTION Forcible (Art. 342) Reclusion temporal P40,000.00 - Frustrated Prision mayor P24,000.00 - Attempted Prision correctional P12,000.00 Forcible abduction with simple rape (Sexual Intercourse) (Art. 342 in rel. to Arts. 266-A, Par. 1 and 266-B 1st Par.) Reclusion Perpetua No Bail Forcible abduction with rape (Sexual Intercourse) qualified by any of the circumstances under Art. 266-B, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Pars. (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-B 2nd, 3rd, 4th Pars.) Death No Bail Forcible abduction with rape (Sexual Intercourse) qualified by any of the circumstances under Art. 266-B, 5th & 6th Pars. Death No Bail Forcible abduction with rape under Art. 266-A Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00 Par. 2 (committed by inserting penis into another's mouth, or anal oriface; or any instrument or object, into the genital or anal oriface of another person (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A Par. 2 and Art. 266-B, 7th Par.) Maximum Forcible abduction with rape under Art. 266-A Par. 2 with any one of the 10 qualifying circumstances in Art. 266-B, 6th Par. (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A Par. 2 and Art. 266-B, 6th and 12th Pars.) Reclusion Temporal Maximum P200,000.00 Forcible abduction with rape under Art. 266-A Par. 2 with the use of a deadly weapon or by two or more persons (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A Par. 2 and Art. 266-B, 8th Par.) Reclusion Temporal Maximum P200,000.00 Forcible abduction with rape under Art. 266-A, Par. 2, where the victim has become insane. (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A Par. 2 and Art. 266-B, 9th Par.) Reclusion Temporal Maximum P200,000.00 Forcible abduction with attempted rape with homicide under Art. 266-A, Par. 2 (Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A Par. 2 and Art. 266-B, 10th Par.) Reclusion Perpetua No Bail VIOLATION OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE DISTURBANCES OF PUBLIC ORDERS (Art. 153) - Serious disturbance or interruptions (1st Par.) Arresto mayor medium to prision correccional minimum and fine not exceeding P1,000.00 P6,000.00 - If tumultuous in character (2nd Par.) Prision correccional medium to prision mayor minimum and fine not exceeding P1,250.00 P16,000.00 - Making any outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition, or displaying placards or emblems which provoke a disturbance or public order (4th Par.) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required - Burying with pomp the body of person who has been legally executed (5th Par., Art. 153) Arresto menor and fine note exceeding P200.00 Bail Not Required DOMICILE Violation of Domicile (Art. 128) Entering any dwelling against the will of the owner, etc. (1st Par.) Prision correccional minimum P6,000.00 - If committed at nighttime or if any papers or effects not constituting evidence of a crime be not returned immediately after the search (2nd Par.) Prision correccional medium and maximum P12,000.00 - Searching domicile without witnesses (Art. 130) Arresto mayor medium and maximum Bail Not Required DUEL (Art. 260) - If accused kills his adversary in a duel (1st Par.) Reclusion temporal P40,000.00 - If accused inflicts physical injuries, he shall suffer the penalty therefor according to the nature of injuries (2nd Par.) Same as in physical injuries (Arts. 262, 263, 265, 266) See bail under physical injuries - Combatants in a duel, although no physical injuries have been inflicted (3rd Par.) Arresto Mayor Bail Not Required - Seconds in duel (4th Par.) One degree lower than the corresponding above penalties Bail corresponding to the penalty Challenges to a duel, inciting another to a duel, publicly, scoffing at or decrying another for having refused to accept the challenge (Art. 261) Prision correccional minimum P6,000.00 ESPIONAGE (Art. 117) - Entering a warship, fort, or naval or military establishment or reservation to obtain any information, plans, photographs, or other data of a confidential nature relative to the defense of the Philippines (No. 1) - If offender is a private person Prision correccional P12,000.00 - If offender is a public employee or officer Prision mayor P24,000.00 - Disclosing to a representative of a foreign nation contents of articles, data, or information of confidential nature referred to in No. 1 which he has in his possession by reason of the public office he holds (No. 2) Prision mayor P24,000.00 For other forms of espionage, see Commonwealth Act 616 ESTAFA. (Art. 315, No. 1 (a), (b), and (c); No. 2(a), (b), (c) and (e); and No. 3(a), (b) and (c) - If the amount is over P22,000.00 Maximum period of prision correccional maximum to prision mayor minimum plus one year for each additional P10,000.00 in excess of P22,000.00, but the total penalty shall not exceed 20 years See specific amount with corresponding bail below - If the amount is P142,000 or over 20 years of reclusion temporal maximum (Maximum period of prision correccional maximum to prision mayor minimum plus 12 years) P40,000.00 - Frustrated Reclusion temporal medium P36,000.00 - Attempted Reclusion temporal minimum P30,000.00 - If the amount is P132,000.00 or over but less than P142,000 19 years of reclusion temporal maximum (Maximum period of prision correccional maximum to prision mayor minimum plus 11 P34,000.00 ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS (Art. 336) When the victim is under 12 years of age (Art. 336, as amended by Sec. 5, Par. 2 (b) RA 7610) - Against the will of the victim when victim is 12 years of age or overReclusion temporal mediumP36,000.00 Prision correccional P12,000.00 - With consent of offended woman (Art. 339) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required ADULTERY (Art. 333) - If committed while being abandoned with justification by offended party (Art. 333, 3rd Par.) ALARMS AND SCANDALS (Art. 155)Arresto mayor maximum to prision correccional minimumP6,000.00 ARREST, Unlawful (Art. 269)Arresto menor or fine not exceeding P200.00Bail Not Required ARSON, Destructive (Art. 320 as amended by RA 7659)Arresto mayor and fine not exceeding P500.00Bail Not Required Resulting in death Under other qualifying circumstancesDeathNo Bail Reclusion perpetua to death No Bail - Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00 - Attempted Prision Mayor P120,000.00 ARSON, under other circumstances mentioned in PD 1613. (see PD 1613) ASSAULTS, Direct (Art. 148) - If committed with a weapon or when offender is a public officer or employee or when the offender lays hands upon a person in authority (1st sentence) If committed without the above attendant circumstances (2nd sentence)Prision correccional medium and maximum and fine not exceeding P1,000.00P12,000.00 Prision correccional minimum and fine not exceeding P500.00 P6,000.00 Direct Assault with Murder (Arts. 148 and 248 in relation to Art. 48) Death No Bail Direct Assault with Frustrated Murder Reclusion temporal maximum P200,000.00 Direct Assault with Attempted Murder Prision mayor maximum P120,000.00 Direct Assault with Homicide (Arts. 148 and 249 in relation to Art. 48) Reclusion temporal maximum P40,000.00 - Direct Assault with Frustrated Homicide Prision mayor maximum P24,000.00 - Direct Assault with Attempted Homicide Prision correctional maximum P12,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Arts. 148, 1st sentence and 263, No. 2 in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional medium and maximum and fine of P1,000.00 P12,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Arts. 148, 2nd sentence and 263, No. 2 in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional medium and maximum P12,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Art. 148, 1st sentence and Art. 263, No. 3 in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional medium and maximum and fine of P1,000.00 P12,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Art. 148, 2nd sentence and Art. 263, No. 3 in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional minimum and P10,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Art. 148, 1st sentence and Art. 263, No. 4, 1st Par. in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional medium and maximum and fine of P1,000.00 P12,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries (Art. 148, 2nd sentence and Art. 263 No. 4, 1st par. in relation to Art. 48) Maximum period of prision correccional minimum and fine of P500.00 P6,000.00 Direct Assault with serious physical injuries committed with any of the attendant circumstances of parricide or murder, and the injured person becomes insane, imbecile, impotent or blind Art. uploads/Marketing/ bail-bond-guide.pdf
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