Installation guide 25 ETAP Install Guide Quick Installation Guide This Quick Installation Guide provides a step-by-step installation procedure for ETAP Software including libraries example projects and help ?les ETAP User Guide ETAP License Manager requir

ETAP Install Guide Quick Installation Guide This Quick Installation Guide provides a step-by-step installation procedure for ETAP Software including libraries example projects and help ?les ETAP User Guide ETAP License Manager required for all Stand-Alone and Network licenses Installation Options Internet Download the new ETAP Release via ETAP Help Desk Log into your ETAP Help Desk account support etap com Navigate to FAQ tab Click on Download ETAP and continue as prompted to save the installation package to your computer Once the download is complete extract the ?les and run ETAPINSTALLER exe Software Prerequisites ETAP automatically installs prerequisites as needed For a complete list of prerequisites refer to the System Requirements ETAP Installation Manager DVD Insert ETAP DVD and run ETAPINSTALLER exe Installing ETAP User Guide Select the ETAP User Guide option from the ETAP Installation Manager Click Next on the Welcome screen Select Installation Path Follow the steps to complete installation Preparing to Install ETAP You must have Administrator Privileges to your computer Close all other applications Note ETAP installation automatically includes engineering device library lib and main program executable etaps exe into Windows Defender Exclusion List This prevents Windows Defender from scanning the engineering library when linked to a project ?le and improve overall performance Review System Requirements https etap com system-requirements Activation Code ETAP will require a Software Activation Code The code may be located on the ETAP DVD sleeve or provided via email to the designated ETAP Contact for your company Stand-Alone License ETAP and ETAP License Manager will be automatically be installed on the same computer ETAP Security Key must also be located on this computer Network License Install the ETAP License Manager on a computer designated as the ? ETAP License Manager Server ? The ETAP Security Key must be located on the designated ETAP License Manager Server License Agreement C Welcome Installation Complete System Requirements Previous Version Reports Restart Computer Launching ETAP Use the ETAP shortcut on the Desktop to Launch the program ETAP License Wizard displays the ETAP License Path Selection Editor If a Stand-Alone or Network Security Key is located on your computer click OK to continue If a Network Security Key is located on a di ?erent computer select another path to enter the Name or IP address of the computer where the key is located License Path Selection Installation Path Selection Activation Code Please enter the ETAP Activation Code to Start using ETAP Main Support support etap com etap com whats-new ? ETAP All rights reserved Certain names and or logos used in this document may constitute trademarks service marks or trade names of ETAP Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders F -IG-EN-JUN C

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