Installation instructions fuel oil control valve kbsd upgrade 1

Installation Instructions Fuel Oil Control Valve ?? KBSD Upgrade Introductory comment The purpose of this installation guide is to enable the engine crew to install the ARI Premio retro ?t solution for KBSD Burners This instruction will describe the installation step by step Delivery Scope This installation kit provides you with all the parts needed to successfully complete the installation General consumable parts might be needed such as cable ties and heat shrinkable tubing for proper wiring Kit check list Fuel Oil Control Valve Spool Piece Bolts Nuts Gaskets Cables glands Terminals for electrical termination Documentation PI D Electrical drawings Data Sheet Instruction manual Preparation Before starting the installation be sure to have all materials lined up and ready for the installation Alfa Laval Aalborg recommends overhauling the ow meter while changing the oil regulating valve just for convenience Alfa laval Aalborg estimates that hours is required for the job Follow below steps for preparation Step A Switch over the system to DO or MGO if converted to avoid cooling down the system on HFO Once changed over shut down the boiler system Step B Check that the content in the kit is complete in accordance to the order Step C Find a suitable cable-route for both cables going from the valve to the control cabinet Dependent on production year there might be available space in the bottom of the cabinet otherwise recommendation is to gain access from the back of the cabinet Alternatively the original signal cable to the IP Converter can be reused Language UK Page CInstallation Instructions Fuel Oil Control Valve ?? KBSD Upgrade Disassembling Caution Before replacing the parts be sure that the system is powered o ? Step A Shut o ? the air supply to Masoneilan Fuel Oil Valve F and Fairchild IP Converter F Step B Disconnect all air-piping to Fuel Oil Valve IP Converter and Filter Regulators Block the air pipes using included ?tting Step C Loosen the nuts on the threaded bars that hold the Fuel Oil Valve in position and remove it Step D Remove the spool piece between the three-way valve F and the Fuel Oil Valve Step E Remove the oil ow meter It ? s highly recommended to overhaul the ow meter with new bearings and O -rings in the same process For burners equipped with OMG DN ow meters The temperature pocket must be removed With above steps completed everything within the red box should be removed Language UK Page CInstallation Instructions Fuel Oil Control Valve ?? KBSD Upgrade Installation Installation is divided into a mechanical part and an electrical part Mechanical Installation Procedure Step A Mount the new Spool piece to the -way wall F using a new gasket from the kit Step B Bolt the Flow meter and the oil valve together using the studs included in the set Depending on the system it might be necessary to shorten all four studs with approximately - cm Remove the studs which are holding the ??temperature

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