Iop style guide Style Guide CContents Section page Spelling and sense Hyphenation En rules and minus sign Word breaks Abbreviations and contractions Dates and times Capitalization Names Numbers Units of measurement Italic and bold Spacing Accents Quote ma

Style Guide CContents Section page Spelling and sense Hyphenation En rules and minus sign Word breaks Abbreviations and contractions Dates and times Capitalization Names Numbers Units of measurement Italic and bold Spacing Accents Quote marks and quotations Apostrophes Cross-references Bibliographical references Tables Lists Headings and stand ?rsts Captions labels and credits Footnotes Miscellaneous punctuation grammar and style Style decisions exceptions Addresses etc Institute name logo variations Recommended references CSpelling and sense Follow the ?rst spelling preference given in the most up-to-date edition of Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary or Chambers English Dictionary unless this di ?ers from the style guide For US titles follow the ?rst spelling preference given in Webster ? s College Dictionary unless this di ?ers from the title-speci ?c section of the style guide London uses -ise endings Use -ize -izer -ized -izing -ization endings except for advertise advise a ?ranchise apprise arise chastise circumcise comprise compromise concise demise despise devise disenfranchise disguise emprise enfranchise enterprise excise exercise expertise franchise guise improvise incise merchandise misadvise misprise mortise practise verb precise premise prise open promise reprise revise seise legal term supervise surmise surprise televise treatise analyse dialyse hydrolyse catalyse electrolyse paralyse Spell proper names according to the country of origin e g Pearl Harbor Australian Labor Party National Tritium Labeling Facility except where this goes against common UK usage e g Munich not München The following are common misuse problems refer to Fowler ? s Modern English Usage for more detail accessary as in crime accessory attachment adaptation adaption US Afrikaans language Afrikaner person aesthetic relating to ascetic austere person sense of beauty aeroplane UK airplane US a ?ect verb ?? have an e ?ect noun ?? result e ?ect on verb ?? bring about aggravate make worse not annoy alibi being somewhere else not an excuse allusion reference illusion false image alternate verb alternative noun adjective by turns adjective other alternative one of only two options altogether completely all together in one place annex verb annexe noun anticipate get ready do expect think something something in advance is coming soon appendixes internal appendices in a book organs appraise estimate worth apprise inform Argentine noun adjective Argentinian never assure make someone see ensure and insure con ?dent of something augur predict auger make holes bicentenary noun bicentennial adjective biannual half-yearly biennial two-yearly bimonthly both half-monthly and two-monthly billion thousand million black race noun blond adjective male noun blonde female noun bogey golf bogie trolley bogy ghost born of birth borne of bear but exceptions bourgeois adjective bourgeoisie noun Britain UK Great Britain Great Britain England and Northern Ireland Wales and Scotland canvas tent painting canvass solicit votes cashmere fabric Kashmir place cast o ? verb cast-o ? noun censor vet censure blame centre center US check out verb checkout noun choice can ? t be ??the only choice ? because having a choice requires at least two options choose present chose past climb down verb climbdown noun common same mutual reciprocal common sense noun commonsense adjective complement

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