Kalidasa bibliography Bibliographie zu Werken des K ?lid ?sa Die Bibliographie enth? lt Monographien einschl? gige Beitr? ge in Sammelb? nden Zeitschriften und Sonderdrucken Bearbeiter Utz Podzeit utz podzeit univie ac at TUCCI Giuseppe Note sulle fonti d

Bibliographie zu Werken des K ?lid ?sa Die Bibliographie enth? lt Monographien einschl? gige Beitr? ge in Sammelb? nden Zeitschriften und Sonderdrucken Bearbeiter Utz Podzeit utz podzeit univie ac at TUCCI Giuseppe Note sulle fonti di K ?lid ?sa In Giuseppe Tucci Opera minora Pt Università di Roma Studi Orientali pubblicati a cura della Scuola Orientale Roma Giovanni Bardi pp - I K ?lid ?sa e il S ? khya ?? II K ?lid ?sa e la scienza politica ?? III K ?lid ?sa e la Ratnapar k ? Erstver? ?entlichung in Rivista degli Studi Orientali - - BHATTACHARJI Sukumari Words Denoting Separation in K ?lid ?sa Rt am Journal of Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad - - - Though primarily a poet of love K ?lid ?sa also excels in the poetry of separation A study of three words denoting separation may reveal certain levels of emotional depth in the poet's subconscious three such words are viraha viyoga and viprayoga The M ?lavik ?gnimitra does not use any of the three words except once in a compound Agnimitra's infatuation for a young girl is considered to be an episode and his temporary separation from M ?lavik ? is not treated with any depth The fourth act of the Vikramorva ? ya uses viraha many times indicating Pururav ?'s separation from Urva ? who had temporarily been transformed into a creeper in the Kum ?ravana In the Raghuva ?a and other works the word viraha has been used at di ?erent places The next word denotative of separation is viyoga is available in all the K ?lid ?sa's dramas And the last word is viprayoga which does not occur in any of the dramas It is found in K ?lid ?sa's poem only i e Meghad ta Kum ?rasambhava etc ?? D D K From Pr ?c -Jyoti Digest of Indological Studies Yearly Publications - f Cavi GUPTA D K Kuntaka's Critique of K ?lid ?sa as a Master of Sukum ?ra Style Rt am Journal of Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad - - - Kuntaka the famous author of Vakroktij vita attempts in his own way a critical appreciation of a good number of classical writings with reference to the poetic elements propounded by him and makes a critical assessment of them in perspective Of the classical writers of note K ?lid ?sa enamours Kuntaka the most and naturally draws therefore his foremost attention He is represented in his treatise as master par excellence of the Sukum ?ra style one of the three styles critically elaborated by him in the ?rst chapter of his work He has given some verses from di ?erent works and remarked that K ?lid ?sa's poetry is enshrined in a diction which is singularly adorned by Vakrokti or artistic turn of speech and is happily fashioned in the Sukum ?ra style which has a general resemblance to the Vaidarbh style R ti long associated in literary tradition with his name ?? D D K From Pr

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