TheOnes Build Server Official Staff Guide v1.0 1 | P a g e 2 | P a g e A Forewo

TheOnes Build Server Official Staff Guide v1.0 1 | P a g e 2 | P a g e A Foreword It should be noted before reading anything within the guide that staffing is not something you can just do by the book and only the book 100% of the time. This guide will outline the do’s and the don’ts as well as give a few helpful pointers however it will not directly teach you how to operate upon a server. Every staffing style is unique and as such it is your choice of how you choose to staff, this guide only covers what you need to know and what may help. Contents Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Basics to being a Staff Member ............................................................................................................... 3 Congratulations! ......................................................................................................................... 3 Main Commands ........................................................................................................................ 3 Your Duties ................................................................................................................................. 4 The Compulsory ............................................................................................................ 4 The Optional .................................................................................................................. 4 Teamspeak & IRC ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Forum threads that are Relevant to you ................................................................................................. 6 A few notes from higher-ups................................................................................................................... 6 A final note .............................................................................................................................................. 7 3 | P a g e Basics to being a Staff Member Congratulations! So, you managed to become an operator, or have been an operator+ for some time. Either way, Congratulations! You made it into the big-league on build, sadly however there is more to it than banter and crucifying other users. Even staff members have restrictions and codes of conduct, and staff members who choose to go rogue or inactive will generally find themselves on the curvy side of a noose sometime soon. Main Commands /Whois – Shows the IP address, blocks changed, rank, logins, kicks and other information of a user. Example: /Whois Player1 /Whoip – Shows all users who connected using that IP. Example: /WhoIP /Tempban – temporarily bans a user for a maximum of 1 hour. Example: /Tempban player 40 /About – Shows all changes to a block, type and then place a block/delete a block, good for finding griefers. Example: /About (followed by placing/clicking a block) /Ban – Relatively Straight Forward, Adds the users name to a banned list. Example : /ban player1 /Banip – Adds the users ip to the bannedip.txt file Example: /BanIP /Kick – Kicks the user from the game. A Custom Message can be added to show upon kick. Example: /Kick Player1 Stop swearing please /Unban – Removes the users username from the ban list. Example: /Unban Player1 /Unbanip – Removes the users ip from the banlist. Example: /Unbanip /Restore – Restores a map back to specified backup number. Example: /Restore Guest_Build 1 /Load – Loads a map up making it so users can go to said map. The Map will take up memory. Example: /Load Guest_Build /Unload – Unloads a map making it so users cannot go to said map. No longer uses memory. Example: /Unload Guest_Build /Lowlag – Turns on lowlag mode. This should be used before any large cuboids/copies. /Promote – Promotes a user to the next rank, only use this to promote guests to builder. Example: /Promote Player1 /Jail – Puts a user into jail (or sets a jail point). Jailed users cannot edit blocks or user commands. Example: /Jail (to set jail point) /Jail player1 (To send player to jail) /Mute – Mutes the user, leaving him unable to speak. Example: /Mute Player1 /Hide – Hides you, making you invisible and removes you from the playerlist. Example: /Hide /ClearBlockChanges – Clears all the information seen in /about, should be used with /restore. Example: /ClearBlockChanges 4 | P a g e Your Duties Duties are split into two simple categories: Compulsory, and Optional. To put as basically as I can, Compulsory Duties are ones that if you do not participate in you will eventually lose your rank, Optional are duties that will not have any negative effect if you do not participate, however, may help you get promoted in future. The Compulsory Compulsory Duties include the following - Actively patrolling the server for grief – There is a recommended minimum of one hour a day - Participate in the staff Vote each week – The staff vote can be found here . - Register your name On IRC (See below) and leave IRC running where possible. - To look through the build server ban appeals and staff applications and give opinions. - Helping users when requested and following architect+ orders. The Optional Optional Duties include the following - Being active on teamspeak (see below) - Restoring maps when they are full/no one else can build using the /restore command. - Attending the weekly teamspeak meetings. - Being active on the build forum/commenting on suggestions and staff announcements. - Relaying back Bugs and issues on the server. This is the bare minimum, within the community their exists hundreds of ways to prove yourself as a good staff member, and generally the most active and mature users are looked to when it comes to filling in higher ranks. Inactivity Leave It should be noted however, if you are unable to carry out your duties due to something happening in real, either a holiday, stress, education reasons or an internet outage then post an away notice in this forum . This will cover you against demotions for the near future – however, users who randomly stay away for longer than a month may find themselves coming under review from staff, depending on the reason. Once you have posted an Inactivity leave you are excused from your duties/not required to be absent on the server for that period of time, and any changes to your rank due to the staff vote will not take effect. 5 | P a g e Teamspeak & IRC IRC (internet relay chat) IRC is a must-have for any staff, it is compulsory that they have a registered account upon IRC. Simply follow the below steps and you’ll be on IRC in no time. (1) Download Icechat here . IceChat is an external IRC client, however there is many other IRC Clients that you may change to in future, the following steps are generally the same for all clients. You can however use direct links to the IRC chat from the forum, however external clients are advised (in the event the forum is down, or such). (2) When you first load the client you will be asked for the Server name, port and username. Here are the details a. Server name – Irc.Esper.Net b. Server Port – 6667 c. Nickname – (Use your Ingame Username) (3) Now you must register your name, this allows us to voice you in the official staff channels, and protects your username to non-staff users using your username, the command for this is a. /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL i. (Do not forget this password!) (4) Once you have done this, when you return to IRC at later times you must identify yourself (essentially login) to do this, type the following a. /nickserv identify PASSWORD (5) And voila, you are now registered on IRC. As a build operator here are the three channels you will be using. a. #TheOneMCFT - The Central Community Channel. b. #TheOneBuildChat - The Build Server Channel IRC – Do not distribute this. c. #TheOneBuildOPChat - The Build Server Operator Channel IRC – Do not Distribute this. (6) to join these channels, type /Join (ChannelName) – I.e, /Join #TheOneMcft Teamspeak While not Compulsory, Teamspeak is where the meetings are held and where some of the more social community events happen, you don’t have to have a Microphone to use teamspeak but it can help. To join TheOnes Teamspeak serer, simply follow these steps. (1) Download Teamspeak at this link – Most people will use the Windows Client-32 Bit (or 64 Bit if you are running 64bit windows). (2) Install it and run it, Once you it has started – Click Connections in the menu bar, then connect. Here are the details for the Teamspeak. a. Address: b. Port: 9987 c. Nickname: (Use your ingame username) d. Server Password: (Leave blank) (3) And voila, you are set up. The weekly meetings are Friday at 10PM GMT+0 and generally last half an hour or upwards, depending on what has to be announced. 6 | P a g e Forum threads that are Relevant to you By now you should be registered upon the forums, If you aren’t then do it now! Below is a list of threads that are relevant to you and your staff position, read them and reference to them where necessary. Build Server - Comprehensive Staff Rules Build Server - Player Rules Build Server - Physics Rules Build Server - Weekly Staff Vote Build Server - Staff list (All Inactivity warnings and such will be noted on the staff list) TheOnes Away Notices Build Server - Staff Applications Build Server - Ban Appeals A few notes from higher-ups “Don't trust anyone too much. Form all the friendships you want, but don't let your guard down”. - San00b, Head Admin “Get to know your server. uploads/Politique/ theones-build-server-official-staff-guide-v1-0.pdf

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