1 Rocscience Product Installation Guide for Network Licenses © Rocscience Inc.

1 Rocscience Product Installation Guide for Network Licenses © Rocscience Inc. 2014 2 Table of Contents 1. License Server Installation and Product Activation 3 2. Troubleshooting Activation 5 3. License Server Configuration 6 4. Client Installation Instructions 8 5. Detaching a Network License 11 3 1. License Server Installation and Product Activation This installation process requires 1) A valid Product key issued by Rocscience, and 2) a link to the Flexible License Server installation program. 1. Login with administrator privileges on the computer you will be using as the License Server. This is the computer to which all the clients running the Rocscience software will connect to validate the license. 2. Close all programs. Detach all hardlocks including any Rocscience hardlocks. 3. Install the Flexible License Server using the link supplied. During installation, the Sentinel Runtime and the Sentinel Local License Manager Service will be installed on the server. 4. After successful installation of the Flexible License Server, run the Enter Product Key program shortcut: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 2008 From Windows Start menu navigate to Start -> All Programs -> Rocscience -> Flexible License Server -> Enter Product Key Windows 8.0, 8.1, 2012, 2012 R2 Open Start screen and type “Enter Product Key” to let Search function find it. 5. Enter the product key sent to you by Rocscience and press Activate Product button. 7. If successful, a message stating that the product key has been successfully applied will be displayed. If the product key is not successfully applied, press the Manual Activation link in the bottom left corner and follow instructions in the Troubleshooting Activation section. 8. The licensing system used by Rocscience is the Sentinel LDK developed by Safenet. To check that it was properly installed, run Admin Control Center shortcut by navigating to http://localhost:1947 in your browser. This is your interface to the License Server. Select the Products option on the left side. You should see the Rocscience product you had just activated. In the following image, the Dips Network product is displayed. 4 5 2. Troubleshooting Activation If you do not have an active internet connection or are otherwise having trouble activating the software, you can activate it manually. 1. Open activation utility and click on Manual Activation link in the lower left corner in order to switch to manual activation. 2. Click on the Save C2V button and save the authentication file somewhere easy to find on your hard drive. 3. Attach the authentication file to an email and send it to support@rocscience.com. We will email you back a V2C file in order to activate your software. Alternatively you can use the Offline Activation button on the Customer Activation Portal to generate the V2C file. 4. Save the V2C file somewhere easy to find on your hard drive when you receive it. 5. Click on the Load V2C button and open the V2C file you received. 6. At this point software license should be activated. If your V2C fails to load or you encounter other problems, please send us screenshots and/or error description so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. 6 3. License Server Configuration You must configure the license server to allow access from remote clients. Go through the following steps to properly configure the license server. 1. Make sure port 1947 is open for communication. Client access to the license server requires this and this port is not configurable. If you are behind firewall, you might also need to setup firewall rules in order to allow TCP/IP communication on port 1947. Port 1947 is not configurable. If there’s a conflict with another program over this port, you may need to change the port in that particular software. If this is not possible you may need to choose a different machine as your license server. 2. Run the Admin Control Center by navigating to http://localhost:1947 in your browser. Choose the Configuration option in the left pane. Choose the Access from Remote Clients tab. Turn on the check box for Allowing Access from Remote Clients. By default access to the license is open to all computers that can connect to this computer on port 1947. You can set the restrictions for who can access the license in the Access Restrictions edit pane. The format is in the form allow=[item] and/or deny=[item] where item is IP address, machine name or IP range. See “Configuring Access from Remote Clients” help topic in the Sentinel Admin Control Center for details. 3. If you want users to be able to Detach licenses from the license pool, go to the Detachable Licenses tab. Turn on the Enable Detaching of Licenses option. Set the maximum duration for the detachable license. This is the time before the license is automatically returned to the license pool. Set the Reserved Licenses value to at least 1, 7 this ensures that there will always be at least one license available to the network pool. If your company has purchased a single license, your license will not allow a user to detach a license. Only multiple user licenses support detaching of licenses. 4. When a client accesses the license from a remote computer, a session is created. Select the Sessions option in the left pane to view current sessions. In this way, you can see who is currently using a license. 5. For any questions regarding the operation of the Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC) consult the Help in the left pane. This concludes the configuration of the License Server. 8 4. Client Installation Instructions This installation process requires a link to the Rocscience software installation program. Included in the download are also instructions for silent installation. See “silent installation instructions.txt” for details. 1. Login with administrator privileges on the computer you will be installing and running the Rocscience software. 2. Close all programs. Detach all hardlocks including any Rocscience hardlocks. 3. Install your Rocscience Software using the link provided. During installation, the Sentinel Runtime and local license manager service will be installed. 4. From the Start menu, run the Start/Rocscience/Licensing/Sentinel Admin Control Center option or simply navigate to http://localhost:1947 in your browser. This is your interface to the License Server and license management. 5. You must set up the connection to the remote license server. Select the Configuration option in the left pane. Choose the Access to Remote License Managers tab. 6. Check on the Allow Access to Remote Licenses option if not already turned on. If the server is on the same LAN, this should be enough to access the remote license on the server. If the server is on a WAN, then add its IP address to the Specify Search Parameters edit box. Press the Submit button. 7. Press the Products option in the left pane. If the license server has been found, you will see the license in the products list (see below). It might take a few minutes for license server to show up. If it does not show up, consult the Admin Control Center help for the parameters to use to search for the remote license server. Consult your IT specialist. 9 8. Since this is not a license server you may want to turn off access from remote clients to this machine. Switch to Access from Remote Clients tab and uncheck Allow Access from Remote Clients checkbox. Press Submit button below. 10 9. Once the client has found the remote license server, you can run your Rocscience product. If you run the Rocscience product, and you get a license not found error, check to see that the remote license has been found in the Admin Control Center. 10. If the computer will be using a Detachable license, this must be turned on in the Admin Control Center. Run the Admin Control Center. Choose the Configuration option in the left pane. Choose the Detachable License tab (see below). Turn on the Enable Detaching of License option. Press Submit. There are many options in this Configuration dialog for setting the duration of the detachment, consult the Admin Control Center Help for more information. For instructions on how to detach a license, see the section Detaching Network Licenses in this guide. Note that Detachable Licenses must be enabled on the server first in order to be able to detach a license on the client machine. Only multiple user licenses support detaching of licenses, single user licenses do NOT support detaching. 11 5. Detaching a Network License The Rocscience network license allows for computers to detach a license from the license pool and for the client computer to use this license when it is not attached to the license server. This is useful for people that require the use of the Rocscience software without being attached to their corporate license server. Only multiple user licenses support detaching of licenses, single user licenses do NOT support detaching. The following are the instructions for detaching a license from the license pool. 1. On the client machine that will use the detached license uploads/Science et Technologie/ network-installation-guide.pdf

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