BARE B A L A N C E D A N D R E A L I S T I C E A T I N G G U I D E OVER 50 reci

BARE B A L A N C E D A N D R E A L I S T I C E A T I N G G U I D E OVER 50 recipes WEEK MEAL PLAN 4 NUTRITIONAL + INFORMATION LEAH ITSINES DISCLAIMER ABOUT THE AUTHORS WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO EAT BARE? WHY IS GOOD NUTRITION IMPORTANT? PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATES FATS MICRONUTRIENTS WHAT IS DIETARY FIBER AND WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF IT? HEALTHY EATING HABITS BARE SPECIFICS, GUIDELINES AND SWAPS FOOD LABELS HOW TO NAVIGATE SUPERMARKETS WHAT HERBS WORK BEST WEEK 1 TO 4 MEAL PLAN WEEK 1 TO 4 SHOPPING LISTS BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER + Snacks THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BARE CONTENTS All information in this e-book including menu plans and guidance have been checked and looked over by Emily Hartley, Sports dietitian. The information is solely intended to provide you assistance in your personal healthy eating habits. This information is not intended as a substitute for your consultation, evaluation or treatment by a medical professional and/or registered nutritionist or dietitian. The services by Leah Itsines and Emily Hartley in regards to the meal planning are not intended to be, and should not be con- strued as a substitute for medical advice nor can they be represented as a guarantee of improvement of specific conditions or weight loss. We cannot, and will not give you any expert medical advice. You should seek prompt, medical care for any specific health issues and consult your GP before purchasing any products. As you have now purchased this program, before beginning week 1, we strongly recommend you consult with your local GP or doctor, or healthcare provider. You must also understand that you will indemnify, defend and hold us and our affiliates harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense includ- ing reasonable attorney fees, arising from your use of our program. The use of this program, advice and information contained in this book is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without mone- tary gain, is investigated by the AFP. Once this EBook has been opened, it has been deemed used. It is up to the discretion of The Nourishing Cook Pty Ltd, if they will entertain a refund under specific conditions. DISCLAIMER ABOUT THE authors Hi Foodies! My name is Leah Itsines, and I am a creative cook from Adelaide, Australia. I believe that you should love and enjoy every aspect of your health and fitness journey, especially when it comes to your nutrition. I have helped educate, support and inspire thousands of women in taking the initial steps towards leading a healthier, happier and unrestrictive lifestyle. When women tell me they are on a certain diet craze, more often than not, they are aiming to shed an unrealistic amount of weight during a short period of time. When we refer to the human body, anything we do for a temporary time period, achieves a temporary result. There is NO secret pill or diet that can do it all for you! I am here to help support you, and help you perpetually lead a healthier, happier, and more confident lifestyle. Using my balanced and realistic nutritional advice, experimenting in the kitchen will help you achieve this more sustainable way of life. This 4 week guide is here to help you get started and get into the kitchen to cook, learn about foods, learn about your body and become a happier and healthier version of YOU. After the four weeks, you’ll have a huge range of recipes to create and make your own and you will be more confident in taking those necessary steps in changing the way you live your life. As nutrition is no easy feat, I have worked very closely with my good friend and practicing sports dietitian Emily Hartley. She has helped me ensure that your dietary guides are being met and your body will be fueled with all the goodness that it needs! Emily Hartley (BAppSc | MNutDiet | Sports Dietitian) Emily, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Sports Dietitian and Nutritionist is passionate about health and wellbeing for everyone. She believes that good nutrition is the foundation to living a healthy and happy life. While Emily loves to eat well, she also has a sweet tooth and loves good food (that’s why Emily and I get on so well!) Emily believes that food is not just for nutrition, but also for enjoy- ment. Emily suggests a balanced diet is the best approach to creating a healthy and sustainable rela- tionship with food. She also practices as a Yoga Teacher highlighting the importance of being happy and healthy not only physically, but also through the mind. She currently works with elite sporting teams and also has her own private clients, helping them meet their own personal goals. WELCOME TO BARE! The BARE guide is a great tool in beginning your healthy lifestyle. There is SO much valuable information inside that has been written for YOU, to help you understand, take in and implement into your own life. It’s important to understand that this isn’t a diet; this is a lifestyle plan that is just the beginning of your healthier change. I have created The BARE guide to support and educate women in taking those neces- sary steps towards realizing/achieving your goals and making that healthy change. BARE is not just an eating guide, but also a support platform for women around the world to share their recipes, thoughts and most of all their struggles. BARE is an online community where we will work together to help edu- cate, motivate, support and empower one another everyday. We’re here to make sure we’re all taking those steps toward leading a healthier, more balanced and realistic lifestyle, together. BARE stands for Balanced and Realistic Eating. Eating foods that are not only balanced, but also realistic to the average cook/person is so important. Treating your body right, will always in turn, make you a happier and a healthier person. This to me, is one of the most import- ant life lessons that I have ever learnt (and I had to learn it the hard way!). We MUST treat our bodies right, which is the exact reason that I created BARE. Why should you choOse to eat BARE? In order for our bodies to function properly and re- main healthy, we must provide our bodies with the right amount of nutrients daily. Nutrients can be broken down into smaller classes; firstly the macronutrients also known as protein, carbohydrates and fats. Secondly, mi- cronutrients more commonly known as vitamins, miner- als and water. Lastly while it’s not categorized as a nutri- ent, fibre provides an essential role in the diet, which will be explored in detail later in this book. A healthy and balanced diet filled with quality nutrients provide the foundations for our bodies to work effective- ly and efficiently. Good nutrition supports our immune system, maintains muscle and bone health, prevents the risk of deficiencies and other lifestyle diseases to help support general health and wellbeing. To illustrate this example, think of your body as a race car. You need to continually provide your car with quality fuel, change the oil and replace the tyres in order for it to perform at an optimal level. If you fail to consistently do these tasks, how can you expect your race car to contin- ually perform at a high level, let alone perform at all? A good source of nutrition is essential in paving the foun- dation for fuelling you and helping you on your journey to living a healthier, happier lifestyle and living life to the fullest through a flexible guide to healthy and delicious eating. You may be wondering what type of fuel to put in your car in order to maximize your performance on the race track. It’s all about choosing quality macro- and micronu- trients in the right amounts to meet our goals. So what exactly are they? On the following page, I’ve set out ev- ery macro-nutrient that we need and given you the best possible ways of including them in your diet. WHY IS GOOD IMPORTANT? NUTRITION Through digestion the body breaks down the protein found in food into a simpler form, known as amino acids. Amino acids provide the building blocks to assist muscle and cell turnover, growth, repair and recovery from exercise and day-to-day activities. Foods that contain quality sources of protein are essential for those who are physically active and regularly exercise. Protein also has satisfying qualities and can be a usual tool if you’re looking to maintain lean muscle and cut down on excess body fat. Protein can be found in a variety of different food sources, including lean red meat, chicken (no skin), poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Did you know that the average person eats too much protein? uploads/Sante/ bare-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 21, 2021
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 8.8534MB