Ncver author guide Authors ? guide for NCVER research reports CAuthors ? guide for NCVER research reports Contents Writing style Audience Editing Data checking Templates Report structure Referencing P lease read this guide Graphics before starting your re

Authors ? guide for NCVER research reports CAuthors ? guide for NCVER research reports Contents Writing style Audience Editing Data checking Templates Report structure Referencing P lease read this guide Graphics before starting your report A to Z of NCVER ? s publications style guide Introduction ??Clarity of writing usually follows clarity of thought ? The Economist Style Guide http www economist com research styleGuide index cfm page This guide is for researchers preparing reports according to NCVER style which aims to make them informative and readable for our target audiences ??primarily policy-makers and practitioners in the vocational education and training VET sector CAuthors ? guide for NCVER research reports Writing style NCVER published reports should ? ? be written in plain English for the educated layperson ? ? be simple clear and concise ? ? contain a strong line of argument and tell a good story ? ? be based on evidence not opinion ? ? use acronyms as sparingly as possible ? ? use minimal capitalisation Audience NCVER promotes research reports to a wide audience including policy-makers education specialists teachers and trainers education and training providers and employers Reports need to be easily accessible to this range of readers Where the subject matter is highly technical it should be accompanied by a clear presentation and analysis of the research ?ndings Technical reports are produced as supporting documents see ? Support documents ? section Editing It is a contractual requirement that external researchers follow good professional practice and submit reports to NCVER after they have been given a substantial edit according to NCVER style and using NCVER templates Reports will then be subjected to NCVER ? s quality assurance procedures As part of the publication process NCVER will give the ?nal report a copy edit Should a more substantial edit be required NCVER will arrange this but at the researcher ? s expense The report will also be proofread just prior to publishing See below for de ?nitions of di ?erent types of editing Substantial edit As a guide this includes ? ? ensuring that the educated layperson can understand what is written ? ? ensuring the accuracy of what has been written and examining the text for any legal issues where necessary ? ? restructuring the document to aid natural progression of the argument if necessary ? ? making sure that the executive summary is a stand-alone document and can be easily understood Copy edit As a guide this involves ? ? looking at sense and suggesting alternative wording for clarity of meaning where necessary ? ? correcting grammar spelling and checking cross references Write clearly and concisely with a general audience in mind ? ? replacing unnecessary acronyms and ensuring that those used are explained in full ? ? checking for consistency throughout the document ? ? making sure tables and graphs are easily understood ? ? checking table and ?gure numbers run consecutively ? ? checking tables and graphs for headings and consistent presentation ? ?

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