CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services Marking Guide As

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services Marking Guide Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 2 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 Assessor’s Marking Guide This Assessor’s Marking Guide is copyright as per Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments. No part of this Assessor’s Marking Guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of FRONTIER TRAINING AND TECHNOLOGY. MARKING GUIDE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSESSORS Before Conducting As the assessment is summative, the assessor must ensure the student has sufficient practice and understanding of the unit before commencing with the assessment. The assessor must also perform the following before commencing with the assessment: ❖ Read details of all assessment tasks ❖ Familiarise with assessment instructions and checklists for all tasks ❖ Conduct assessment appropriate to assessment requirements ❖ Ensure students have relevant facilities to demonstrate their skills ❖ Choose an assessment venue apt for observing/evaluating student’s performance ❖ Provide suitable time for assessment completion ❖ Provide all the resources required by students: ♦ Computers ♦ Printer ♦ Internet access etc. ❖ Define for students: ♦ What is expected throughout the assessment ♦ Start and end dates of assessment tasks ♦ Level of competency anticipated While conducting It is crucial that the assessor meets the following standards while conducting this assessment: ❖ Establish and direct evidence gathering process ❖ Evidence gathering process is: ♦ Valid ♦ Reliable ♦ Fair ♦ Flexible ❖ Defined date for assessment commencement ❖ Students undertake all assessment tasks ❖ Record all answers during oral questioning ❖ Record observations in the assessor’s checklist ❖ Collect supporting documents as evidence, where applicable ❖ Ensure that any changes made to the assessment procedure are: ♦ Reasonable ♦ Allowable ♦ Maintain integrity of assessment Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 3 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 ❖ Interfere with assessment only when students’ actions inflict risk to self or others ❖ If a student executes a task incorrectly, mark it as incorrect ❖ Record observations/comments only based on competence ❖ End the assessment definite to the end date/time. ❖ Address cases of plagiarism or cheating to FRONTIER TRAINING AND TECHNOLOGY Plagiarism and Cheating Policy and Procedures and Complaints & Appeals Policy & Procedures. (refer to Frontier Training and Technology policy) ❖ Students must NOT BE LED BY THE ASSESSOR. ❖ Assessments are participatory: only help students re-word questions ❖ Students are assessed. Not assessors. ❖ Final outcome must be determined based on: ♦ Assessor’s knowledge and judgement ♦ Observation checklists Reasonable adjustments are made: ❖ To meet needs of all students ❖ To the assessment process ❖ NOT TO THE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ❖ To enhance: ♦ Flexibility ♦ Fairness ♦ Meet specific needs of students ❖ Some examples of reasonable adjustments: ♦ Educational support ♦ Providing extra time for course/assessment completion ♦ Presenting questions: ▪ Orally for students with literacy difficulty ▪ Diagrammatically/pictorially ❖ Frontier Training and Technology can take meaningful, transparent and reasonable steps to consult, consider and implement reasonable adjustments for students with disability and learning difficulties. The students will be assessed based on their performance in class. The assessor will utilize the checklist and their professional expertise to decide the final outcome Each assessment task will be reviewed and graded as: ❖ Satisfactory ❖ Not satisfactory The student will be granted 3 attempts of submission. ❖ If more than one attempt required, the student can approach the trainer for further assistance. There are two outcomes to the unit ❖ On successful completion of every assessment, student will be deemed Competent (C) ❖ If found unsuccessful the student will be deemed Not yet competent (NYC) Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 4 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 ♦ Valid evidence should be produced to support the reason behind deeming the student Not Yet Competent (NYC). ♦ Provide advice to the student on improving their skills/knowledge before reassessment. In case of uncertainty about the final outcome, collect more information. Provide the student with: ❖ Assessment based feedback ❖ Advice on knowledge and skill improvement ❖ Opportunity for discussion on assessment outcome and reassessment information ❖ The education organization’s appeal process ❖ Comments/feedback copy to the student whose performance was deemed Not Satisfactory (NS). Avoid checklist in the feedback to ensure the assessment remains valid. ❖ Information to the students, who do not meet the competency requirements on the issues reflected in their assessment. ❖ Reassessment procedures and date. ❖ Assessment outcome report as per (Frontier Training and Technology policies and procedures) Office use: Hand all completed assessment checklist/evidence; along with the Assessment Competency Record sheet to the Director of Studies or a delegate. Assessor’s The assessors need to ensure the student is ready for the assessment. If the student is found to have issues with the assessment: ❖ The assessor can change the assessment. ❖ The assessor need to explain the task in detail. During assessment the trainer will observe the students and no lectures will be conducted. Appropriate feedback will be provided to the student after assessment. The student record should reflect your knowledge and skill in performing the task. The assessor will take up the role of a supervisor and not interfere during the assessment. In case of safety concerns the assessment should be stopped immediately. Assessor’s ❖ The target students enrolled in the course could be of different caliber and have English as a second language leading to miss interpretation in some cases. ❖ The assessor will utilize his expertise and value judgment to interpret the meaning of the student’s response. ❖ In case of doubt The assessor can ask the student to explain the answer verbally for better insight about the student’s response. Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 5 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 6 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 RECORDING AN ASSESSMENT COMPETENCY DECISION ❖ On satisfactory completion of all tasks, the students will be marked Competent (C) ❖ On unsatisfactory completion, they will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) ❖ When deeming a student Competent, the assessor must ensure that: ♦ There is evidence of the student meeting requirement of Dimensions of Competency ♦ The student will for certain be able to apply the knowledge and skills of the unit into the workplace ♦ Before entering student’s results in Assessment of Competency Record sheet in the assessment booklet, the assessor must ensure the assessment evidence is: ▪ Valid ▪ Sufficient ▪ Current ▪ Authentic ❖ The following codes are used to enter the relevant results of each participant in the Assessment of Competency Record: C Competent NYC Not Yet Competent S Satisfactory NS Not Satisfactory CT Credit Transfer RPL Recognition of Prior Learning WD Withdrawn WDNS Withdrawn not ❖ Once the result has been entered using the codes above, the Assessors will provide the following; ♦ Assessor Feedback ♦ Assessor’s Signature ♦ Assessor’s Name (please print clearly) ♦ Assessment date ASSESSOR’S FEEDBACK Good training practice requires the Assessor to provide feedback on the assessment. This will identify strengths and weakness or be an overall comment on each participant’s outcomes. The assessor should therefore provide feedback for each student practice with every assessment. COVER SHEET FOR ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION ❖ A cover sheet must be included with each assessment submission. ❖ Work submitted without a signed cover sheet will be returned unmarked. Assessment Marking Guide: CHCCOM005 Frontier Training and Technology Marking Guide CHCCOM005 Version: 1.0 Page 7 of 26 Responsibility: Curriculum Manager Created: 06/17 Last Reviewed: 06/17 Frontier Training and Technology Pty Ltd.| 735 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, Victoria-3046, Australia | RTO code: 21244 ASSESSMENT TASKS: OVERVIEW This section provides a brief description of the assessment tasks included in this unit of competency. All the tasks must be completed by the end of the final face-to-face session of this course. Through these tasks, students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the elements of competency provided below. Elements of Competency • Communicate effectively with people • Collaborate with colleagues • Address constraints to communication uploads/Voyage/ chccom005-marking-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 11, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
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