FAMILY SURVIVAL GUIDE (FSG) INTRODUCTION  Welcome to 3-13!!! Volunteers from o

FAMILY SURVIVAL GUIDE (FSG) INTRODUCTION  Welcome to 3-13!!! Volunteers from our Family Readiness Group (FRG) run this page with oversight from the Battalion Commander (BC). Our spouses are all Soldier’s that work in Basic Combat Training (BCT) in 3rd Battalion 13th Infantry Regiment (3-13). There are just a handful of volunteers that manage this whole page and we do it while juggling our regular lives! That’s right we all have spouses, kids, and work in addition to doing this! Did I mention that our spouses keep the same hours as your Soldier’s?  The Purpose of this page is to give you a glimpse into your Soldier’s BCT experience and help you integrate into the Army so that you may become empowered, well informed, and resilient Army families.  This one webpage covers all 5 companies in 3-13 (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Foxtrot). WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US  You can expect to have the opportunity to learn about the Army. We have a program called Family BCT. You can read more about this later.  You can expect to get tons of information about the Army through the Family Survival Guide (FSG), Commanders Letter (CL) and on the Facebook page.  You can expect to have an opportunity to ask questions of our FRG volunteers and connect with other BCT families.  You can expect to receive about 400 photos from each company throughout the next 10 weeks. This may vary due to training and the number of volunteers available for each company.  You can expect to receive the most current and up-to-date information that is available through this site as it is the ONLY official 3-13 Facebook page. WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU  We expect you to be responsible for learning the information that we have provided for you. Take some time and read all of it and then re-read it as many times as you need to. We also suggest printing it as well. As stated before, our goal is for you to be become empowered, well informed, and resilient Army families. This cannot happen unless you take responsibility for yourself. We will not do for you what you can and should do for yourself!  We expect you to be flexible and understanding. There is a reason for everything we do even if you don’t understand or agree with it. As a family member you are often times not entitled to have an explanation. We understand that is frustrating because we are in the same boat, but experience has taught us that Army life is much easier if you learn to go with the flow!  We expect you follow the rules of the page. Although you as a family member did not enlist in the Army you do have to follow the rules the Army has set forth. This is practice for the “real” Army that you will encounter at your first duty station or when your loved one gets to their first duty station; thus the reason we insist on strict adherence to the rules of this page. It is important to note that your Soldier is held responsible for your actions, so act accordingly. FAMILY BCT PROGRAM  3-13 is pleased to provide this program! Your willingness to participate is the only criteria. Everyone that is a part of this page is welcome to join in!  During the next few weeks you will have the opportunity to take a series of online classes called Army Family Team Building (AFTB). These classes will provide you with just about all the information a new Army family should need. In essence, you can train at the same time as your Soldier so that you will be better prepared for this new Army life. It is a great opportunity to show support to your Soldier!  There are a total of 10 online classes. The shortest classes take about 10 minutes with the longest taking about 40 minutes.  You will need to register for AFTB, but we will provide the directions right on our Facebook page with screen shots included so it will be easy to enroll. Please note that the name you use to register is the name that will appear on your completion certificate and the name that will be on your certificate from the Battalion on Family Day.  If you complete all 10 lessons of AFTB Level 1 and send your certificate to this page by Friday, June 27, 2014 you will be recognized on Family Day! As your Soldiers graduate BCT you will graduate The Family BCT Program!  In order to graduate this program you only need to complete AFTB 1 before June 27, 2014, but if you choose to do additional training (AFTB 2 and 3) you may continue on.  If you are not able to complete the training prior to Family Day please DO NOT stop working on it. This information is valuable and the true prize is gaining a better understanding of the Army life. RULES FOR THE PAGE  Read the Family Survival Guide (FSG) and the Commander’s Letter (CL). Attempting to navigate this page before you have read them will prove to be difficult. You may download and print them as well.  Questions that are not placed in the proper place will be DELETED. Place your questions under the questions tab to receive an answer from 3-13. If this becomes a problem you will be banned from the page.  Questions that are posted in the correct place, but are clearly addressed in the FSG or the CL will be answered with a simple “FSG” or “CL” response, which should prompt you to go back and read the information provided.  Any rude or derogatory comments after a volunteer has deleted a question or answered a question will result in you being banned from the page immediately. We have a zero tolerance policy for this!  If you would like to ask a question to the other BCT families and not receive a response from 3-13 just label it “To the other BCT families” or something similar so it will not get deleted and we understand you are trying to network with one another.  Statements that you “would sure like to see pictures of _________” and “Sure wish I could get a call from_________” and others like it will be DELETED. If it becomes a problem you will be banned from the page.  Requests for photos, phone calls, direct messages to your soldier, or requests for us to relay messages to your soldier will be DELETED. If it becomes a problem you will be banned from the page.  Any rude or derogatory comments anywhere on the page will result in you being immediately banned! The use of offensive language or racial slurs will result in you being immediately banned from this page. We have a zero tolerance policy in regards to this as well.  We reserve the right to add to these rules, as we deem necessary. **Note: Please help us keep this site family friendly! There are lots of grandparents and children that visit it to see their loved ones! Don’t be “that” person! Your Soldier’s Name _*_ CO, 3-13th IN Regt., __ Plt 4420 Jackson Blvd. Fort Jackson, SC 29207-5022 Your soldiers Company (See below for abbreviations) Mailing Address Info Our Battalion Your soldier’s platoon number (if you have it; only your soldier can give you this) **This is the correct address in the correct format no matter what your Soldier may have given you. They are nervous when calling home and they oftentimes give the wrong address. WHAT CAN/CAN’T I SEND MY SIT? PROHIBITED ITEMS (WHAT YOU CANNOT SEND):  Alcohol Beverage of any kind  Electronic Equipment: (i.e. Walkmans, Cameras, CD Players, iPOD’s, MP3 Players, CD’s, Cassette’s, Beepers, Hair Dryers, Curling Irons, Electric Razors, etc.). Electric razors may be used by IET with shaving profiles  Weapons of any kind: (i.e. Knives, Scissors, Nail Files, Martial Arts Items, Straight Edge Razor etc)  Contact Lenses/ Civilian Glasses  Candy  Civilian Clothing/ Underwear (i.e. Thongs, Colored Bra’s)  Make Up  Hair Dye Put your soldiers platoon NUMBER here once you get it. You do not have to have it to send mail though! Only your soldier can give you this information. * COMPANY ABBREVIATIONS ALPHA = A BRAVO = B CHARLIE = C DELTA = D FOXTROT = F  Cologne/Perfume  Food of any type in the Living Bay to include MRE accessory pack items  Cell Phones (Will be held by your Drill Sergeant and allowed as a privilege use item on designated days)  Pornographic Material  Drug Paraphernalia  Over the Counter Medication  Prescription medication may not be sold or given away to another Soldier  No Combustible, flammable items or Lighters  Aerosol Can  Tobacco Products ( i.e. Cigarettes, Snuff, Chewing uploads/Voyage/ family-survival-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Mai 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.7490MB