FIRST DAY (GIVE THE FOLLOWING FORMS) Data gathering for Trainees characteristic
FIRST DAY (GIVE THE FOLLOWING FORMS) Data gathering for Trainees characteristic the purpose of this is for me to know your leaning styles, because maybe some of you are kinesthetic, visual auditory., so for this, I will plan the training session which good suit on your learning styles , so please get one and pass. Here in the instructions, (Just read) I will give 40 minutes to accomplished in this forms. If you have some questions just raise your hand and I will come to you…you may now begin Time is up! Kindly submit your papers. Thank you SELF ASSESSMENT CHECK This instruments will give the necessary data information which is essential in planning your training session so, consist of the basis, common and core competencies under our course , so I need you to check each unit of competencies, if you have already possess these competencies. Here in the instructions, do you have any question? Ok good. Please get one and pass I wll give you 4o minutes, you may now begin. Ok time is up kindly pass your paper thank you. PRE TEST so the purpose of this test is to make sure your baseline knowledge about this qualification, may be some of you are already familiar in the different materials, tools, and equipment’s, in Animal Production , so we will be recognizing your prior learning, so this pretest is a multiple choice type of test, I have seen your profile which was submitted by registrar, and some of you are industry workers, so you have already background about Animal Production. So that I will be giving you an institutional assessment, so this will be the basis for the recognition of prior learning, INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT THIS THE TASK So the objective of this institutional assessment is giving you necessary materials, tools and equipment’s. You should be able to determine and identify the use and what use of these following instruments desirable animal raiser, following the safety procedure base on industry standards. our materials, tools and equipment are readily available , all you have to do is perform this task sheet, I will give you 40 minutes to do this ok, do you have any question or clarification, ok you may now begin… Ok , I think that’s all for today, but before you go I will distribute now the trainees record book, so this TRB is consist of necessary or required unit of competencies, as you can see, here are the basic, common and core competencies , you should ALWAYS bring HERE this TRB, Because I will be checking this, TRB. I will be signing this after each activity that you will be performing is done. , so just write your name, put your signature here ….take care with this ok…. PLEASE ALL STAND FOR THE CLOSING PRAYER BEFORE YOU LEAVE JUST ARRANGE YOUR CHAIRS AND TABLE PROPERLY AND CLEANLY 2nd Day OK good morning please ALL STAND FOR THE OPENING PRAYER, OK PLEASE be SIITED, LET ME CHECK YOUR attendance . WE HAVE ORIENATTION, I gave you the data gathering characteristics, self-assessment check , pretest , from these forms I have your results, and I’m glad that some of you are Already equipped some skills needed for this unit of competency. So wi will allow you to group in to 4 for four core competency. This is your TRAINING ACTIVITY MATRIX, this already posted there…WHICH WILL AS YOUR GUIDE FOR YOUR TRAINING ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE DAY, the activity is only for this day, as group 1 we have, cydrick , khian, roland, Michael baning. You will be training in information sheet, 1.1-3 and you will be assigned in workstation 1 and after that you perform the task 1.1-3, and group 234 will be assigning to their different areas in the workshop. FLASH THE PRESESNTATION Group 1, you will be assigning your here …. But before you go I will discuss to you the Safety Procedure. (Flash Presentation) ok , now you are aknow your safety I assumed that you will follow those procedure. Ok you may now proceed to your respective areas. Group, 1, since your unit of competency is Raise poultry and you will be perform, SELECTION AND CULLING POULTRY CHICKEN Just watch this video for you to have some information, and for you to perform very well later , later ok. Group 2, since you are here in Learning Resource area which available our CBLM please read Information sheet 2.1-1, and after that, answer the self-check, once you done just proceed to the next information sheet, ok Ok Group 3, how are you, since you are here in our practical work area workstation 3, after you read the information sheet 3.1-1, you perform the task you only need to do is observe the good selection breeder. Ok group 4, oh yes just read that, and if you once done , answer the self-check and proceed to the next information sheet ok, Ok group 1 I’m back, since you are already to perform the task and you already wear your PPe, just follow me the two, MR CYDRICK AND KYLIE JOY ok come with me in practical work area. Now we are here into the practical work area and as you can see we are here in chicken house. And may chicken around as, Here the instruction, You u are going to select a good layer and you explain it to me clearly, ok I will give you 1, hr. to perform ok,. Ok Since you are done please remove your PPE and I follow me first Mr. cydrick in institutional assessment area. CYDRICK, based on my observation and to your performance criteria checklist , you select a good with carefully and you explain it to me clearly, ok congratulation you passed the , now you may proceed to the next learning out comes, please give me your TRB and I will be checking your Achievement chart. KYLIE JOY, based on my observation you prescribed the given time, and you handle properly the chicken, and aside from that you will answer my question as long as you can but, you did not select a good layer , so I advise that go to learning resource area for to read some books about SELECTION AND CULLING and if you want you can go also to our computer laboratory, to search or watch some video, ok, once you are ready to perform the same task just just approach me any time,ok you may now go. Ok Mr. CYDRICK please come to me to the institutional Area, please sit-down. so since you complete the task and job sheets for your unit of competency assigned to you, I will give you institution assessment, this is 40 items and the passing score is 70% which 30, I will give you 40 minutes to answer that and once you done just call me, ok, ok time is up, please passed your paper because I will check and evaluate your answer please wait me outside. ok please come inside , please sit-down Ok Mr. CYDRICK, congratulation, you passed the institutional assessment because you got 35 scores since our passing scores is 3O, you may now proceed to the next unit of competency, give me your TRB and I will check you progress chart . and tomorrow I will give your, Certificate of Achievement, you may now joined the others, CHECK THE PROGRESS CHART Ok I think that’s all for today please stand up for the Closing prayer, Amen.. arrange all yhe chairs and Tables. 3d day Ok good morning please stand up for the opening prayer, ok please sit down I will be check your attendance. CYDRICK, KYLIE, and yesterday I gave you different task according to your given unit of competency, so before we proceed may I call Mr., CYDRICK to come into front. Congratualtion You passed the Institutional assessment, and the rest will continue their competencies. Ok you may now go to your respective areas. Ok Mrs. Kylie joy please come with me to the institutional area. Please sit down So Ms. Kylie since you are done the different task under your unit of competency, like mr, cydrick, I will give you institutional assessment. this is a multiple type of test, and it is 40m items, the passing scores 70 % do you have any questions so if none you may now proceed. Ok ms kylie please submit and I will check you paper please wear me outside ok MS KYLIE please come inside please sit down FEEDBACK, MS, kylie like I said a while ago, our passing score is 30 but you got only 25, so I advise you to review again the CBLM ok, you may now go, Ok since this our last day today, and you already complete the unit of competencies, within 108 days of this qualification, Now I will give you now the POST TEST, I will give you this test to compare the result of uploads/Voyage/ guide-script.pdf
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- Publié le Mar 26, 2022
- Catégorie Travel / Voayage
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 0.2130MB