Conflict Resolution Career Development Training Instructor Guide Dealing with D

Conflict Resolution Career Development Training Instructor Guide Dealing with Difficult People Fully Customizable Print on Demand Unlimited Number of Users No Annual Renewal Fees Instructor Guide Customizable Training Material Conflict Resolution: Dealing With Difficult People COPYRIGHT All rights reserved world-wide under International and Pan-American copyright agreements. No part of this document can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Velsoft T raining Materials, Inc. Courseware Version: 3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface................................................................................1 Understanding Your Training Package..........................................................................1 Preparing for Training..................................................................................................2 Our Top 10 Training Tips..............................................................................................3 Materials Required.......................................................................................................4 Related Courses...........................................................................................................4 Additional Resources...................................................................................................4 Agenda................................................................................5 Icebreaker: Scrap It!....................................................................................................6 Session One: Course Overview....................................................................................7 Session Two: Conflict as Communication...................................................................10 Defining Conflict.................................................................................................10 Self-Assessment.................................................................................................13 Session Three: Benefits of Confrontation...................................................................16 Session Four: Preventing Problems............................................................................18 Overview............................................................................................................18 Group Discussion................................................................................................19 Break..................................................................................................................19 Debrief...............................................................................................................19 Session Five: Getting Focused...................................................................................21 Getting to the Heart of the Matter......................................................................21 The Three F’s......................................................................................................23 Session Six: Managing Anger.....................................................................................24 Coping Strategies...............................................................................................24 Guidelines for Assertive Anger...........................................................................26 Morning Wrap-Up.......................................................................................................28 Lunch.........................................................................................................................28 Energizer: Tri-Dents...................................................................................................28 Session Seven: Dealing with Problems......................................................................29 Dealing with Problems........................................................................................29 Debrief...............................................................................................................30 Causes of Difficult Behavior................................................................................31 Session Eight: The Three-Step Conflict Resolution Model..........................................32 The Three-Step Model.........................................................................................32 Getting the Hang of Things.................................................................................34 Break.........................................................................................................................34 Session Nine: Practice Makes Pretty Good.................................................................35 Planning.............................................................................................................35 Practice..............................................................................................................36 Session Ten: Changing Yourself..................................................................................37 Negative vs. Positive Interactions.......................................................................37 Dealing with Negative Feelings...........................................................................39 Session Eleven: Why Don’t People Do What They Are Supposed To?.........................41 Session Twelve: De-Stress Options to Use When Things Get Ugly.............................42 Workshop Wrap-Up....................................................................................................44 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People PREFACE Understanding Your Training Package Your Velsoft training package contains the following items: o Instructor Guide: Contains all textbook information plus this preface, icebreakers, activities, delivery tips, and more! o Student Manual: Contains textbook information as well as areas to take notes. Each manual also includes an evaluation form, action plan, and recommended reading list. o Handouts: Contains pre and post class answer keys as well as any additional information or activity resources. o Pre-Assignment: T ask for participants to complete before the workshop to get them thinking about the learning that will take place. o PowerPoint Slides: PowerPoint presentation highlighting talking points in the course. o Quick Reference Guide: T wo page cheat sheet of tips and facts covered in the course. o Outline: Word document that outlines the overview and objectives of the course and summarizes each session to be covered. o Advertorial: Pre-made flyer that you can customize and distribute.  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 1 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People Preparing for Training T o begin, read through this Instructor Guide. This is intended to be a guide and not a bible! Be guided by your experience, the needs of the participants, and your own common sense, as well as the information in here. Most of the suggestions and all of the information have been developed through research and hands-on, classroom experience, but you will want to customize the material for your particular audience. Practice writing on flip chart paper before the workshop. You may want to draw lines on the paper (lightly, in pencil) to help you. As well, many of the flip charts suggested in this course can be prepared ahead of time. The first page should be set up like this: o Name of Workshop o Facilitated by < Your Name> o Your Organization’s Name For an extra touch, include sheets with the words Courtesy, Participation, and Confidentiality written on them and post them around the room. You might also want to add the words Exercises, Role Play, Learning, and Fun. Have an emergency kit ready with the following items: o Extra markers o T ape and sticky putty o Adhesive bandages o An extension cord o Safety pins o Tissues o A bottle of water o A fuzzy toy (which can be used for many activities and to spice up any lecture) Arrive at least one hour before the start of the session to ensure that: o Signs are placed directing trainees to your room. o The classroom is set up as desired. o You know where washrooms, break facilities, smoking areas, and fire exits are located. o You have all necessary resources for the day. o Materials for the morning are laid out, particularly for the icebreaker. o Pens, sticky notes, and scrap paper are placed at every table. o If you are using a laptop, it should be connected to the projector and both items should be turned on.  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 2 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 3 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People Our Top 10 Training Tips Although we will provide advice throughout the workshop, there are a few tips that we think every trainer should know. 1. I always shake hands with each participant and introduce myself as they come into the classroom. I find that it breaks the ice and sets the type of friendly atmosphere that is conducive to learning. 2. I always practice before the big day, even if I have delivered the course beforehand. 3. Bring extra activities with you. I have a list of children’s games that I’ve adjusted for adults. 4. Always have a backup plan! For example, if you plan to use PowerPoint slides, make sure you have a copy of the Instructor Guide, which includes the information to be covered. 5. I like to print my instructor guide and place it in a three-ring binder. I put any customized information in here, plus during the workshop I make notes about what worked and what didn’t. This will be a resource that you can build on in the future too! 6. Things will go wrong during your workshop. If you are well prepared and confident, you should be able to resolve most situations quickly and easily. T ry not to let participants see you stressed! 7. Involve participants as much as you can. Have them help you set the agenda, guide activities (by passing out or collecting forms, for example), lead discussions, and improve the course. The more participants put into it, the more they will get out of it. 8. Be ready to learn. I have not yet taught a workshop where I didn’t learn something. Challenge yourself! 9. Tie everything back to the workplace. It’s no good knowing information unless participants know how to use it. 10. And finally… don’t be afraid to have fun! I always bring a few fuzzy toys with me. I use them as a speaking hat during discussions – whoever is speaking has the toy. Plus, it sparks creativity and keeps participants interested.  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 4 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People Materials Required o Flip chart paper o Markers o Soft ball or object o Scrap paper (Morning icebreaker) o Basket (Morning icebreaker) o Small prizes, if desired (Morning icebreaker) Related Courses o Building Your Assertiveness and Self-Esteem Skills o Communication Strategies o Conflict Resolution - Getting Along in the Workplace Additional Resources If you would like more information on training, Velsoft offers T rain-the-T rainer courses at several different levels. We also like the following books: o The Trainer’s Tool Kit, by Cy Charney and Kathy Conway o Diversity Training, by Cris Wildermuth o Games that Teach, by Steve Sugar o Sivasailam Thiagarajan’s books on games and activities If you have a favorite resource, please share it with us!  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 5 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People AGENDA 8:30-8:45 Icebreaker: Scrap It! 8:45-9:00 Session One: Course Overview 9:00-9:30 Session T wo: Conflict as Communication 9:30-9:45 Session Three: Benefits of Confrontation 9:45-10:45 Session Four: Preventing Problems 10:45-11:15 Session Five: Getting Focused 11:15-11:45 Session Six: Dealing with Anger 11:45-12:00 Morning Wrap-Up 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:15 Energizer: T ri-Dents 1:15-2:00 Session Seven: Dealing With Problems 2:00-2:30 Session Eight: The Three Step Conflict Resolution Model 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-3:15 Session Nine: Practice Makes Pretty Good 3:15-3:45 Session T en: Changing Yourself 3:45-4:00 Session Eleven: Why Don’t People Do What They Are Supposed T o? 4:00-4:15 Session T welve: De-Stress Options to Use When Things Get Ugly 4:15-4:30 Workshop Wrap-Up  2005-2011, Velsoft T raining Materials Inc. 6 Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People Icebreaker: Scrap It! (8:30-8:45) Activity At each table, stack plenty of scrap paper and provide a small basket. Once everyone is seated, explain that we’re going to be dealing with a lot of information today, and we need to have fresh minds. Ask everyone to write down at least one thing on their mind; they should take a new piece of paper for each topic. No one is going to see these, so they can be as open as they like. After writing each item, they should ball the piece of paper up and throw it in the basket. (You can provide prizes, such as small candies, for those who get their paper in the basket.) Once all the negative thoughts are gone, uploads/Voyage/ instructorguide.pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 02, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
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