MICROSOFT CERTIFIED TRAINER PROGRAM GUIDE MARCH 1, 2013 ‒ MARCH 31, 2014 This Microsoft Certified Trainer (“MCT”) Program Guide (“Guide”) describes the MCT Program. Use this Guide for basic information about the MCT Program, including membership requirements, resources, and enrollment policies and processes. 1. OVERVIEW OF THE MCT PROGRAM Microsoft is an innovative company, and frequently releases new software and technologies into the marketplace. Many of Microsoft’s software and technologies are technically complex, and computer professionals and other end users may require training from knowledgeable trainers in aspects of their use. In order to make such training generally available, Microsoft has developed the MCT Program (the “MCT Program”), which grants certification to professional trainers and learning consultants who demonstrate and maintain technical and instructional expertise on Microsoft technologies and who have complied with all requirements detailed herein and in the MCT Program Agreement. The requirements for MCT certification reflect the skills necessary to train computer professionals and others on developing, implementing, supporting, and maintaining solutions using Microsoft software, services and technologies. The MCT certification allows students, training providers, and organizations to identify skilled professionals who can deliver training on Microsoft software, services and technologies. Trainers with a MCT certification are a vital resource in today’s information technology (“IT”) and information worker (“IW”) training communities. MCT Program members receive a number of MCT Program benefits. You can find information on the MCT Program benefits at the MCT Members website. The MCT Program is an annual program for individuals. Individuals who are not currently MCTs may elect to join at any time during the current MCT Program term. Individuals who are MCTs in good standing may renew their MCT status during the renewal period (March 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014). MCTs that do not renew their MCT status during the renewal period may still elect to re-enroll in the MCT Program, but their transcript will reflect an interruption in their MCT Certification status. 2. HOW TO BECOME AN MCT PROGRAM MEMBER 2.1. Initial Enrollment. You must complete the following steps to enroll in the MCT Program: a. Earn and currently hold an qualifying Microsoft Certified Professional (“MCP”) Certification b. Possess instructional presentation skills c. Provide Microsoft with proof of your instructional presentation skills, upon request from Microsoft d. Accept the current MCT agreement by submitting the current MCT Agreement e. Complete and submit the application form to become an MCT f. Pay all applicable fees If you have questions about the MCT Program requirements, please contact your region’s Microsoft Regional Service Center (“RSC”). 3.13-3.14 MCT Program Guide Page 2 of 5 STEP 1: EARN A QUALIFYING MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION Before you apply to become an MCT, you must acquire a qualifying Microsoft Certification for each course you deliver. For a complete list of qualifying Microsoft Certifications, see Requirements. The purpose of this requirement is to verify that you have a proven technical base of skills and competencies from which to teach. Earning a Microsoft Certification demonstrates proficiency in working with Microsoft software and technologies in the field or job role(s) associated with the Microsoft Certification. MCTs may only teach Microsoft Official Courses (“MOC”) and Microsoft Dynamics courseware (collectively “Microsoft Courses”) that map to the Microsoft Competencies they hold (see Section 3, MCT Competencies). STEP 2: POSSESS INSTRUCTIONAL PRESENTATION SKILLS It is a MCT Program requirement that members possess instructional presentation skills. Upon Microsoft’s request, you will provide Microsoft with proof of your instructional presentation skills within thirty days. STEP 3: OBTAIN OR IDENTIFY YOUR METRICS THAT MATTER (“MTM”) ID Microsoft uses the MTM tool to collect post-training evaluation data and follow-up training data on MCTs. In order to enroll in the MCT Program, you must acquire an MTM account. If you already have an MTM account, you may use your current MTM account ID number. The MCT enrollment tool requires you to enter your MTM account ID number during enrollment. See Section 4.5 for additional details on MTM. STEP 4: AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE CURRENT MCT AGREEMENT AND THIS GUIDE Please read this Guide and the current MCT Agreement carefully. You must agree to abide by the terms and conditions in the MCT Agreement and this Guide. By selecting “I Accept” and submitting the current MCT Agreement to Microsoft, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in the current MCT Agreement and this Guide. STEP 5: SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FORM AND PAY THE ANNUAL MCT PROGRAM FEE The MCT enrollment tool is available on the MCT member website. You must complete the online MCT application, pay the annual MCT Program fee, and submit all requested documentation to the address specified in the MCT enrollment tool. (Note: application process and timeline may vary by country or region.) Fees vary depending on your country/region of residence. Please refer to the online MCT Program Fees table for specific information. Please allow at least two weeks for the processing of your application. You will be notified by email when your application has been approved and you will also receive an MCT Welcome Kit and be granted access to the MCT member website. 2.2. Annual Re-Enrollment The MCT Program is an annual membership program. Each year, you must complete the following steps to re-enroll in the MCT Program: a. Complete the MCT Program application form and pay the annual MCT Program fee. b. Be an active MCP and MCT in good standing. 3.13-3.14 MCT Program Guide Page 3 of 5 c. Meet all customer satisfaction, MTM, and MCT Program requirements. d. Read and abide by the terms and conditions in the current MCT Agreement and this Guide by accepting and submitting the current MCT Agreement e. Read and abide by the terms and conditions in the current MCT Agreement, this Guide and the obligations listed on the MCT website. You will be notified by email when your re-enrollment application has been approved. If you do not renew your MCT Certification during the annual renewal period, you will lose your MCT certification. This means that you will lose your MCT Program benefits and will no longer be able to provide training using Microsoft Courses. Microsoft may choose not to renew your membership in the MCT Program and Microsoft is under no obligation to allow you to re-enroll in the MCT Program. 3. MCT COMPETENCIES The MCT Program encompasses the instruction of a wide range of Microsoft software and technologies to a wide range of audiences. To help ensure relevancy to particular audiences, MCTs are assigned to one or more Competencies based on the Microsoft Certification(s) that they hold. “Competencies” identifies the job roles and/or technologies that correspond to a particular Microsoft Certification. All Competencies are found in the Competency Document. 4. MCT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The following requirements must be met at all times to maintain your MCT Certification, and to access and use any MCT Program benefit, MCT credential or MCT logo:  Compliance with the terms and conditions contained in this Guide, the MCT Program Agreement, the MCT Program website, and the MCP Program Agreement.  Your use of the MCT logo complies with the Microsoft Certified Professional Credential and Logo Usage Guidelines.  Compliance with all MCT Program requirements.  Each year, you must deliver one or more trainings using Microsoft Courses to (a) current Microsoft Partner Network (“MPN”) program members in good standing, (b) MPN members that currently hold the Learning Competency status (“Learning Partners”), (c) Microsoft IT Academy Program (“IT Academy”) members, or (d) any other entities preapproved in writing by Microsoft (collectively “Authorized Customer”).  Participate in any audit that Microsoft and/or its designees may conduct.  Strictly comply with any end user license agreement and other terms and conditions that are applicable to, accompany, or are included with any component of the virtualized environment that consists of one or more virtual hard disk images of Microsoft software titles, supporting and configuration files, content and sample applications used for virtual labs (“Virtual Environment’), Microsoft Courses, Trainer Kits and any Microsoft materials provided under or associated with the MCT Program. Use of any component of the Microsoft Courses, Trainer Kits, Virtual Environment and Microsoft materials is subject to the applicable end user license agreement and all applicable terms and conditions, as well as the terms of the MCT Agreement;  You may teach only the Microsoft Courses titles associated with the Microsoft Certification competencies you have earned as listed in your MCT Competency Document; 3.13-3.14 MCT Program Guide Page 4 of 5  You may access and use only those Trainer Kits associated with the Microsoft Course title that is the subject of the training session you are teaching; and If you fail to meet these requirements, your MCT Certification might be removed and all rights and benefits granted to you under the MCT Program will be revoked. 4.1. Restrictions on Microsoft Course Delivery MCTs may only teach the Microsoft Courses associated with their Competencies. A list of Microsoft Courses associated with each Competency is uploads/Voyage/ mct-program-guide-2013-final.pdf

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