Stair installation guide Stair Tread Riser Installation Guide Artistic Finishes Inc Terminal Road Roseville MN - - www artistic ?nishes com Page CWood ?? A Natural Product We at Artistic Finishes accept and appreciate the natural beauty that comes from re

Stair Tread Riser Installation Guide Artistic Finishes Inc Terminal Road Roseville MN - - www artistic ?nishes com Page CWood ?? A Natural Product We at Artistic Finishes accept and appreciate the natural beauty that comes from real wood Because no two trees produce the same color or grain pattern the hardwood accessories that you receive will exhibit this same variety In addition exotic woods inherently display a very wide range of color which deepens with time and light exposure arti ?cial and natural Within a single Artistic tread or riser you may see both light and dark color variability This contrast is not a defect rather an assurance you ? re receiving true exotic species Carpets runners or mats placed on Artistic Finishes ? treads and risers after installation may cause a variation in the color of the exposed area versus the covered area This is due to the natural aging process of the wood material and exposure or non-exposure to arti ?cial or natural lighting Artistic Finishes is not responsible for this color change and it is not covered under the Residential Warranty Recommended Installation Tool Artistic Finishes recommends the use of Wheaton Tools ? STAIR WIZARD as the tool of choice for the most e ?cient installation of Artistic Finishes ? stair treads and risers According to the manufacturer the STAIR WIZARD is the ?nest stair tread and riser gauge available for the installation of wall-to-wall type treads in ??half the time of traditional methods ? The STAIR WIZARD is referenced throughout Artistic Finishes ? Tread and Riser Installation Guidelines documentation This tool can be purchased at www amazon com or other online stores The STAIR WIZARD works by creating an exact template of each tread or riser including length end angles and depth Scribe the tread blank along the template outline or use The STAIR WIZARD itself as a cutting guide It automatically allows for the desired tread overhang and accommodates stairs up to inches deep and inches wide Extensions are available Other Tools Required ? Nail gun and air compressor ? Table saw with a new blade ? Sliding power miter saw ? Carpet knife ? Drill and drill bits ? Quality construction adhesive we recommend using Wakol ? s MS sold on our website ? Hammer ? Wood Putty ? Measuring tape ? Level ? Crow bar ? Broom and dust pan Artistic Finishes Inc Terminal Road Roseville MN - - www artistic ?nishes com Page CStandard Tread Standard treads are well suited for a boxed stair system that is enclosed by walls on both sides No returns are included ? ? ? and ? nominal lengths Bamboo Acacia Kempas and Merbau only come in ? lengths o Custom length width and shape of treads are available to quote ? ? thick tread face is designed with a - ? bull nose o Each tread is complete with a -piece reinforced bull nose o Pre-de ?ned bull nose allows for precise placement on the

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