Steering guide EB- Chain Wire Steering Systems Planning Installation Maintenance Guide Planning Sizing Pedestal Steering Systems The typical installation may vary in wheel size sheave size chain length and quadrant size depending on the length and displac

EB- Chain Wire Steering Systems Planning Installation Maintenance Guide Planning Sizing Pedestal Steering Systems The typical installation may vary in wheel size sheave size chain length and quadrant size depending on the length and displacement of the boat and the type of sailing being done For cruising and o ?shore work a larger quadrant with more power output and more turns of the wheel hard over to hard over is preferred For racing a smaller quadrant with fewer number of turns and a larger wheel will provide faster action especially useful for downwind sailing For recommended sizes see the table below Edson will also supply upon request Data Sheets and recommendations covering the best system for your boat For boats being able to use more than one system recommendations will be given in order of preference For speci ?c information for converting or planning your boat send us your construction drawings and or sales literature along with the type of steering system you wish to install TYPICAL PEDESTAL STEERER SYSTEM A complete Pedetal Steering system will consist of the following items Pedestal Steering Wheel Chain and Wire Rope Assembly One Pedestal Idler or Conduit Bracket Two Sheaves or Sheave Bracket Quadrant or Drive Wheel using Radial Drive Steering System eliminates Two Wire Take-Up Eyes Four Pedestal Mounting Bolts Four Wire Rope Clamps Stu ?ng Box if required Note For Pull-Pull Systems eliminate item and substitute the appropriate length of Part No conduit The number of sheaves will vary for mid-ship cockpits or particularly complicated aft cockpit arrangements For complete warranty information see inside front cover WHEEL TURNS LOCK TO LOCK OUTPUT FORMULA To determine the number of turns of the steering wheel from hard over to hard over divide the chain travel of the sprocket into the quadrant arc Our experience indicates most boats are set up for ? to ? of rudder travel Taking the standard ? - tooth sprocket with a travel of per turn and divide it into the selected quadrant with ? of travel and the steering system will have turns of the wheel The larger pitch diameter sprockets with a given quadrant will result in fewer turns of the wheel The output ?gures below are based on the following formulae Mechanical advantage Rw x Rq where Rw wheel radius inches and Rq quadrant radius inches for ? ?? Tooth Sprocket for ? ?? Tooth Sprocket for ? ?? Tooth Sprocket for ? ?? l Tooth Sprocket for ? ?? Tooth Sprocket CHAIN SPROCKET DATA Pedestal Chain Sprocket Steerer Pitch No of Pitch Dia - - In Cm Teeth In Cm Standard ? SPECIAL ALSO ? AVAILABLE ? FROM STOCK ? Chain Travel per turn of wheel In Cm STEERER OUTPUT CHART The value of this chart is twofold First to get steerer output second to get a working relationship between steerer output and equivalent tiller length To obtain the equivalent tiller length divide the output ?gure by For example a boat with a wheel and

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