Symbaroum advanced guide Advanced Player's Guide Advanced Player's Guide J? rnringen Martin Grip Mattias Johnsson Mattias Lilja Lead Designer Mattias Lilja Contributions Mattias Johnsson Anders Lekberg Illustrations Martin Grip Graphic Design Johan Nohr P

Advanced Player's Guide Advanced Player's Guide J? rnringen Martin Grip Mattias Johnsson Mattias Lilja Lead Designer Mattias Lilja Contributions Mattias Johnsson Anders Lekberg Illustrations Martin Grip Graphic Design Johan Nohr ProofReading Brandon Bowling A very special thanks to Paul Baldowski Jocke Bergstr? m Babak Bobby Brandon Bowling Lars G B? ckstr? m Martin Ekberg Linus Eklund Adolphsson Martin Englund Aline Gladh Ulrika Haake Garry Harper Martin H? gg Dan Kallin Martin Kallin Petra Kallin Martin Larsson Adam Lindersson Andreas Marklund John Marron Magnus Muhr and our friends over at Rollspel nu and r symbaroum Version ISBN - - - - Copyright Nya J? rnringen AB The act of creation In the world of Symbaroum people talk about the three primal forces Wyrhta Wielda and Wratha we were a ?ected by them all as we ?nalized the Swedish Core Rulebook in the summer of Every act of creation is as much about harnessing as about creating in order to complete a design one must destroy that which does not ?t the mold ??kill your darlings ? as the expression goes The great thing about roleplaying games is that the act of creation goes ever on As soon as Symbaroum found its way into the hands of its players we received wishes ideas and suggestions on alternative rules and new areas to develop These together with an array of resurrected darlings constitute the basis of the Advanced Player ? s Guide We hope that you will ?nd having your characters walk the more obscure paths of Davokar as joyful as we found it penning them down Happy Gaming Team J? rnringen THE CHARACTER arChetypes Hunter Warrior Mystic Rogue raCes Elf Abducted Human Dwarf Troll Undead traits boons and burdens Boons Burdens The act of creation Table of content Welcome THE SKILLS THE TOOLS abiLities mystiCaL traditions Symbolism Sta ? Magic Troll Singing poWers and rituaLs Rituals AlLternatiVe ruLes Weapons and armor Weapons Armor Qualities Mystical Qualities equipment Alchemical Elixirs Lesser Artifacts Traps Tools of the Trade Food and Drink Musical Instruments Trade Goods Tobacco Welcome to the Advanced Player ? s Guide The world of Symbaroum provides a lot of options for players and even if the Core Rulebook introduced a long list of occupations races and abilities it only scratched the surface This book reaches deeper o ?ers more contrasts and nuances gives more alternatives for both characters and non-player characters This ?rst chapter presents these new alternatives in broad strokes while the rest of the book is divided into three sections called The Character The Skills and The Tools The ?rst two sections describe the many new options in more detail ?? races traits abilities powers and so on that in di ?erent ways contribute to expanding a player ? s options when creating and developing his or her character The third section starts o ? with a chapter describing alternative rules ?? some directly relevant to the new races occupations and abilities covered in earlier chapters others which are

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