Notes to cicero x27 s quot the nature of the gods quot

Notes to Cicero's ??The Nature of the Gods ? Joannes Richter Abstract Reading Cicero's The Nature of the Gods in a paperback I discovered Cicero's knowledge of the Places of articulation for the human voice I also used a digitized version ??On the Nature of the Gods ? translated by C D Yonge to easily search the relevant quotations In the Sefer Yetzirah the standard description of the phonetic sources are lingual labial guttural palatal and dental Cicero applies other words such as ??tongue ? ??teeth ? ??palate ? ??jaws ? ??the nostrils lungs and sides ? In modern translations the ??jaws ? are replaced by ??throat ? Cicero argues the gods cannot be happy without a virtue According to Velleius virtue cannot exist without reason and reason exists only in a human form Often the virtues are bundled Wisdom is a bundled version of all virtues which is found in Cicero's Tusculan Disputations According to Cicero the most excellent of all virtues is justice Both wisdom and justice seemed to be the most important virtues Wisdom is the bundled all-in virtue and justice is the most excellent of all virtues In the archaic stages of mythology the Hellenic sky-god DzEUS had been married with two deities METIS ?? Wisdom ? in Latin MINERVA and ?? Justice ? EMIS In later mythologies the sky-god DJOUS -PITER had swallowed ?? Wisdom ? and also joined ?? Justice ? in his name ?? JU s ? -piter Therefore the Roman and Greek philosophers may have been aware of the phonetic categories which had been used in the name-giving of the gods At least the Hellenic words for the most important virtues had been selected to compose the representative letters D J E U S Zeus respectively M E T I S ?? Wisdom ? and E M I S ?? Justice ? In the end the Etruscan god MEN i RVA and Roman deity MINERVA not only represented both main virtues wisdom and justice but included also the strategic warfare justice law victory and the sponsor of arts trade and strategy This combination concentrates most virtues in one singular powerful deity which Cicero had interpreted as frugality On the Nature of the Gods Author Marcus Tullius Cicero Translated chie y By C D Yonge Shall the Deity then have a tongue and not speak ??teeth palate and jaws though he will have no use for them We Stoics therefore compare the tongue to the bow of an instrument the teeth to the strings and the nostrils to the sounding-board And they must needs have these appearances speak which is not possible without a tongue and a palate and jaws and without the help of lungs and sides and without some shape or ?gure for they could see nothing by their mind alone ??they referred all to their eyes Book I ? ?? The Nature of the Gods Oxford World's Classics Cicero translated by Walsh PG Fundamentals in the Name-Giving for the Days

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