osint guide F BLOG RESOURCES EN OSINT Guide January minutes read osint I have been doing a lot of Open-Source Intelligence OSINT lately so to celebrate I decided to summarize a lot of tips and tricks I have learned in this guide Of course it is not the pe

F BLOG RESOURCES EN OSINT Guide January minutes read osint I have been doing a lot of Open-Source Intelligence OSINT lately so to celebrate I decided to summarize a lot of tips and tricks I have learned in this guide Of course it is not the perfect guide no guide is but I hope it will help beginners to learn and experienced OSINT hackers to discover new tricks Methodology The classic OSINT methodology you will ?nd everywhere is strait-forward De ?ne requirements What are you looking for Retrieve data Analyze the information gathered Pivoting Reporting Either de ?ne new requirements by pivoting on data just gathered or end the investigation and write the report This methodology is pretty intuitive and may not help much but I think it is still important to go back to it regularly and take the time to make an interation of the loop Very o en during Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API PDFCROWD Cinvestigations we get lost into the amount of data gathered and it is hard to have a view of what direction should the investigation take In that case I think it is helpful to take a break and go back to step and analyze and summarize what you have found list what could help you pivoting and de ?ne new or more precise questions that still need answers The other advices I would give are Never give up there will be a time where you have the feeling you have explored all the possibilities to get information Don ? t give-up Take a break an hour or a day doing something else then analyze your data once again and try to see them with a di erent perspective Is there a new piece of information you could pivot on What if you asked the wrong questions at ?rst Justin Seitz recently wrote a blog post about tenacity giving a couple of examples where tenacity paid o Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API PDFCROWD CKeep Evidences Information disappear online very quickly Imagine you do a single opsec mistake like clicking on a like on a tweet or the person you are reseaching start to be suspicious suddently all the social media accounts and websites can disappear from one day to the other So keep evidences screenshots archives web archives more information later or anything else that works for you Timelines are good in forensic timeline and pivoting on events happening in the same time is key It is de ?nitely not as important in OSINT but still a very interesting tool to organize your data When was the website created When was the FB account created When was the last blog post done Having all this in a table o en give me a good view of what I am looking for Then there are two other methods I ?nd useful The ?rst one are owcharts to describe the work

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