Af guide USING THE DICTIONARY kabbalistique kabalistik ADJ ?? cabalistique caldron wkOaldr n N ?? cauldron honor wrn r US ?? honour honour Brit honor US wrn r SYN ICAO xaIsiaeIw U N abbrev of International Civil Aviation Organization OACI f Icarus wIk r s

USING THE DICTIONARY kabbalistique kabalistik ADJ ?? cabalistique caldron wkOaldr n N ?? cauldron honor wrn r US ?? honour honour Brit honor US wrn r SYN ICAO xaIsiaeIw U N abbrev of International Civil Aviation Organization OACI f Icarus wIk r s N Icare m ICBM xaIsiabiawem N abbrev of intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM m raie RE SYN NF h trait line Agr sillon fur- row éra ure mark scratch faire une raie RE SYN NF poisson skate ray Culin skate raie bouclée thornback ray raie manta manta ray raie électrique electric WORD ORDER Alphabetical order is followed throughout If two variant spellings are not alphabetically adjacent each is treated as a separate headword where the information is not duplicated there is a cross-reference to the form treated in depth For the alphabetical order of compounds in French see COMPOUNDS American variations in spelling are treated in the same fashion Proper names as well as abbreviations and acronyms will be found in their alphabetical place in the word list Superior numbers are used to separate words of like spelling raie raie blow blow COMPOUNDS Entries may include sections headed COMP compounds In these will be found English hyphenated words such as body-surf under body and point-to-point under point and unhyphenated combinations of two or more elements such as hazardous waste under hazardous air tra ?c control under air The order of compounds is alphabetical Parts of speech are shown and when there is more than one this is signalled by a lozenge Single words such as blackbird and partygoer which are made up of two elements but are not hyphenated appear as headwords in the main alphabetical list English spelling is variable in this area and there are possible alternatives backhander back-hander paintbrush paint brush paint- brush etc If the single word form is the most common this will be treated as a headword paintbrush therefore does not appear in the entry paint When looking for a word of this type users should bear in mind that it may be found either in a compound section or as a headword On the French side only unhyphenated combinations such as gaz naturel and modèle déposé appear in compound sections Alphabetical order is not a ?ected by linking prepositions thus Casque bleu precedes casque à pointe The part of speech is given where it could be ambiguous or where there is more than one Hyphenated words such as arrière-pensée and lave-glace are treated as headwords If a word can appear both with or without a hyphen both spellings are given CUSING THE DICTIONARY XII PLURALS Irregular plural forms of English words are given in the EnglishFrench side those of French words and compounds in the FrenchEnglish side In French all plurals which do not consist of headword s are shown eg cheval -aux Regular plurals are not shown in English ?? Most English nouns take -s in the plural bed-s site-s ?? Nouns that end in -s - x -z -sh

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