Benjamin walter the task of the translator

The Task of the Translator Walter Benjamin's Essay in English a Forschungsbericht Susan Ingram Just as the names and locations of the various converging two-way streets that mark English-language Benjamin studies have tended to shift with the academic tides the name of Walter Benjamin itself has become something of a Shakespearian pearl in the quicksands of Anglo-American academia Nothing of him that doth fade But doth su ?er a sea-change Into something rich and strange Arendt chose this snippet from The Tempest to head the ?nal section of her introduction to Illuminations p and it is also an appropriate signpost for the intersection where Benjamin's Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers has crossed and been crossed by the English language The rather sporadic manner in which Benjamin's works began appearing both the original and English The title of Jay Parini's recent biographical novel Benjamin 's Crossing is a fortuitous one with respect to the state of Benjaminiana cf Puttnies and Smith's Benjaminiana Eine Biogra ?sche Recherche and Benjamin's increasingly cult-like status Ctranslation has become the stu ? of anecdote if not legend but of relatively little scholarship in English There have thus far been no book-length studies devoted to the question of English-language Benjamin reception and only two major articles loan Davies' Approaching Walter Benjamin Retrieval Translation and Reconstruction published in in the Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory and Je ?rey Grossman's The Reception of Walter Benjamin in the Anglo-American Literary Institution which appeared in German Quarterly Unlike Grossman's analysis which acknowledges its indebtedness to Foucault in tracing the importation and appropriation of Benjamin's writings into the Anglo-American literary institution p and identi ?es Marxist and deconstructionist discourse as two of the most in uential tendencies in that reception Davies' approach is that of a critical theorist one who realizes that of more concern for the English-speaking reader is the presentation of Benjamin in translated form p Whereas Grossman identi ?es editor Arendt's strategies of selection and containment selecting those essays which highlight Benjamin's importance as a literary critic while containing his Marxist tendencies p - Not only the two volume Schriften in edited by the Adornos and the Illuminationen a selection of essays takenfromthe Schriften and edited by Siegfried Unseld but also the Gesammelte Schriften which have been appearing since under the editorship of Rolf Tiedemann and Hermann Schweppenh? user have been subject to controversy cf Tiedemann s Die Abrechnung Walter Benjamin und Sein Verleger and Markner and Weber's Literatur über Walter Benjamin Kommentierte Bibliographie - pp - for other references For more on the even more dubious forms that the presentation of Benjamin's writings in English hasfrequentlyassumed cf Grossman p For resource purposes a section has been included in the references listing works in German and English on Benjamin reception And which makes no mention of or reference to Davies' earlier article C Davies identi ?es the di ?erences between British and American varieties of Benjamin while New Left Books in Britain has attempted to put Benjamin in

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