Berges fourth 2012 1 Berges ??The Fourth Servant Song ? OTE - The Fourth Servant Song Isaiah ?? Re ections on the Current Debate on the Symbolism of the Cross from the Perspective of the Old Testament ULRICH BERGES UNIVERSITY OF BONN ABSTRACT In the curre
Berges ??The Fourth Servant Song ? OTE - The Fourth Servant Song Isaiah ?? Re ections on the Current Debate on the Symbolism of the Cross from the Perspective of the Old Testament ULRICH BERGES UNIVERSITY OF BONN ABSTRACT In the current debates about the relationship of state and religion the symbol of the cross has not been able to keep out of the headlines On a political legal as well as cultural level there continue to be disputes that cannot be resolved by merely referring to the Christian tradition On the contrary the controversial discussions challenge not only the Christian Churches but also academic theology with its various disciplines From the perspective of OT scholarship and based on Isa an aspect is to be identi ?ed which has hitherto not been taken su ?ciently into account when clarifying the values surrounding the cross Prior to this several examples taken from the social debate will serve to illustrate to what an extent the Christian theology is challenged by it The function of theological scholarship is after all not only or primarily to provide ecclesiastical self-reassurance but also to inject the values of its own religious tradition into the free social discourse and thus in the sense of Habermas to discursively uidise them ?? not to dilute them A THE CROSS IN THE CROSS -FIRE OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE The European Court of Human Rights ECHR agreed on November with an Italian mother who had lodged a complaint against the crosses in the school of her two children and awarded her the sum of ?ve thousand Euros in compensation Ref No Contrary to lower court judgements the court in Strasbourg ruled that the cross was not just the symbol of a cultural This article constitutes the slightly reworked version of my inaugural address at the University of Bonn May See Ulrich Berges ??Das vierte Lied vom Gottesknecht Jesaja ?? Überlegungen zur aktuellen Debatte um die Symbolik des Kreuzes aus alttestamentlicher Perspektive ? ZKTh I would like to thank Mrs Klaudia Ringelmann Pretoria South Africa for the excellent translation of this article and Alphonso Groenewald for the ?nal editing Prof Dr Ulrich Berges is a research associate of A Groenewald Department of Old Testament Studies University of Pretoria South Africa To simplify matters the speci ?cation Isa will hereafter stand for the fourth Servant Song Isa - C Berges ??The Fourth Servant Song ? OTE - identity but rather a speci ?c religious sign that in uences children in their freedom to believe or not to believe This ruling is similar to the so-called Cruci ?x- verdict of the German Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsgericht dated May which declared parts of the Bavarian public school regulations from to be unconstitutional and therefore null and void Back then three pupils together with their parents had lodged a complaint against the Bavarian school regulations according to which a cruci ?x or cross had to hang in all the classrooms of public schools The plainti ?s
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- Publié le Oct 16, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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